Hi all,
I remember reading Prisoner22's famous Test Taper thread over at ********* where it was discussed that using a low dose SERM such as 25 mg Clomid actually completely prevented HPTA suppression (Measured by LH and FSH) when using a dose of 100 mg Testosterone Cypionate.
This really intrigued me. Let's say an average man 25 years old has testosterone levels around 600 ng/dl. Now if we extrapolate the increase in testosterone that Clomid causes in and of itself, those levels can be raised to about 1000 ng/dl (1). Now, if you throw in the 100 mg T. Cyp, we can extrapolate that that dose would boost T levels about 500 ng/dl (2), which I draw from all the TRT studies I have seen at that dose.
So now you sit at 1,500-1,600 ng/dl with zero suppression. Now, 300 mg of T. Cyp/wk has been shown to bring T levels up to about 1,345 ng/dl (2). So in fact, you are pretty much running 350-400 mg T. Cyp/wk with ZERO suppression.
Has anyone ever thought of doing this? It seems extremely promising to me in theory, being able to run a pretty good dose for as long as you wanted with no suppression. Now I know that a theory is usually great on paper but not so great in practice (SERM side effects, etc.).
Any thoughts? Opinions? Tips?
1) Clomiphene citrate effects on testosterone/estrogen ratio in male hypogonadism
2) Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men