Hey everyone, I have my cycle made up and was wondering if anyone could take a look at it and tell me if it looks good or what's wrong with it? This is my first cycle and i'm planning on running test E with D-bol for a first cycle kick start. * I don't plan on starting any time soon as I feel I need to build a bigger base, but would like to do research and educate myself as best I can up until the point I do start.*
1st Month (Dbol kick start)
Week 1: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 2: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 3: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex EOD / 500 iu HCG (250 iu every 4 days)
Week 4: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex EOD / 500 iu HCG (250 iu every 4 days)
2nd Month
Week 5: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / 500 iu HCG (250 iu every 4 days) /.5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 6: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / 500 iu HCG (250 iu every 4 days) /.5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 7: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / 500 iu HCG (250 iu every 4 days) /.5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 8: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / 500 iu HCG (250 iu every 4 days) /.5mg Arimidex EOD
3rd Month
Week 9: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / 500 iu HCG (250 iu every 4 days) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 10: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs)/ 500 iu HCG (250 iu every 4 days) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 11: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs)/ 500 iu HCG (250 iu every 4 days) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 12: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs)/ 500 iu HCG (250 iu every 4 days) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 13: Wait 2 weeks after last injection to start PCT
Week 14:
4th Month (PCT, to keep gains)
Week 15: Nolvadex 40mg ED / Clomid 50g ED / Creatine
Week 16: Nolvadex 40mg ED / Clomid 50g ED / Creatine
Week 17: Nolvadex 20mg ED / Clomid 50g ED / Creatine
Week 18: Nolvadex 20mg ED / Clomid 50g ED / Creatine
I have a few questions aswell;
1.Should I run the HCG into the 2 week break period at week 13 or 14? Or am I right to not take anything at all for those 2 weeks to completely flush out my system for PCT?
2. Is there ANY chance I could get an estrogen rebound after PCT (gyno ) with this cycle considering i'm using Adex .5mg EOD throughout cycle, then using nolva and clomid during PCT? Or does the AI make sure that's impossible to happen since estrogen levels will remain low?
Thanks in advance!