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  1. #1
    musclecarmayham's Avatar
    musclecarmayham is offline New Member
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    Clenbuterol & Cardiovascular Health

    So a bit of an oddball question for an FNG.

    I am a mild asthmatic; which has been the main reason why I've struggled with higher than normal BF my whole life. I was around 260lbs in HS; that was years ago, I got down to 175lbs last year but was "skinny fat" from attempting to do an all cardio regime to get rid of the stomach fat; I'm now 26 and 196lbs with a BF level aroudn 16%. I eat as healthy as I can for someone who is a deskjockey 5 days a week; I pack most of my meals every day and I'm pretty devoted to eating cleanly and drink plenty of water so my diet isn't all bad. I try to get cardio in now and again but I've seen a huge drop in endurance levels since I gained muscle.

    At some point down the road, I'd like to cycle clenbuterol , which is basically like the albuterol that I currently take for a perscription emergency enhaler. I normally have to take that each time I run, and I keep it with me if I hit that wall. In fact I've seen threads on here that say the albuterol is pretty effective too.

    I'd really like the leaner look as Barrel-body McBigArms doesn't fit too well with the rather fat-less legs I currently sport. I'm I crusin' for a brusin'/death even with a mild cycle of clen ? I know it has an effect on the resperatory system and in high doses it causes thickening of the heart. Am I better sticking with winstrol or the more expensive and mild anavar ? I'd essentially like the keep my size but lose the junk.
    Last edited by musclecarmayham; 06-23-2012 at 04:14 PM.

  2. #2
    castiron's Avatar
    castiron is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    Papiriqui's Avatar
    Papiriqui is offline Productive Member
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    Have you looked at your diet??? You can achieve your goal with a cutting diet alone is just a bit harder and takes a bit longer thats all. I would head over to the Nutrition Section and check it out before you jump on Clen . Just my advice!!

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