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  1. #1
    Supertotal is offline Junior Member
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    Quad injection pain, how long does it last?

    Apparently I can handle more pain than the average bear, though after reading about all the pain involved with injecting, actually doing it was very anticlimactic. Injected 100mg of Test Prop 2 days ago into my quad with a 25ga needle, first time ever, and it was completely painless. It didn't even bleed. The day after however it was pretty annoying, the 'Charley-horse' others have described. Nothing I can't live with, but it made squats a bit of a chore. Today, 2 days after, the pain is worse yet. Nothing wrong that I can tell, just a vague pain near the site, not enough to make me limp or anything. I injected the other quad tonight. I'm sure with some stretching and focus squats will be fine to do, but I've got to know...... does this go away?

    Is it a 'first time' sort of pain? or will the other quad hurt as much tomorrow?
    If it goes away in a few days, will it come back every time I pin the quad?
    Do they get painless or do the quads get used to this over time? I squat pretty much every day, and heavy 4 times a week currently.
    Would the delts hurt the same?

    I can't do the glutes without cramping a lat, and I'm avoiding the delts for the time being (for other reasons).

    I'm also assuming that this is just some kind of chemical reaction pain that I can work through safely, and that nothing is damaged. I can't see a 25ga needle damaging anything anyways.

    I'm pinning every second day, 100mg. I'm planning two different sites per quad, as there is more than enough meat down there. Cycling between the four.
    Last edited by Supertotal; 06-24-2012 at 07:07 AM. Reason: Can't spell. And maybe 3500mg test per week was a bit much for a newb LOL

  2. #2
    dooie's Avatar
    dooie is offline Senior Member
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    Keep injecting 100ml and you'll have more problems than just a sore muscle lol

  3. #3
    Supertotal is offline Junior Member
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    Fixed. LOL

  4. #4
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    How much pain can a "average bear" handle?

  5. #5
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    virgin muscle? Warm your gear up before injecting, I run hot water from the tap over the vial, friend of mine wraps it up in the heating pad.
    Wil take edge off. Like pinning the rear delt.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

    42, that's the answer.

  7. #7
    denverpride's Avatar
    denverpride is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    How much pain can a "average bear" handle?
    I read that and was wondering the same thing

  8. #8
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    How much pain can a "average bear" handle?
    You my friend are far from the average BEAR. And I don't think you have a pickanic basket.

  9. #9
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    ...Hey booboo

  10. #10
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

    42, that's the answer.
    Correct. That's what iphone SIRI says. "42 cords of wood to be exact. Everyone knows that." Siri has an attitude.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Correct. That's what iphone SIRI says. "42 cords of wood to be exact. Everyone knows that." Siri has an attitude.
    But SIRI had to look it up in the guide book first. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

  12. #12
    Supertotal is offline Junior Member
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    LOL, You guys are helpful.......

    Quote Originally Posted by Supertotal View Post
    Injected 100mg of Test Prop 2 days ago into my quad with a 25ga needle, first time ever, and it was completely painless. It didn't even bleed. The day after however it was pretty annoying, the 'Charley-horse' others have described. Nothing I can't live with, but it made squats a bit of a chore. Today, 2 days after, the pain is worse yet. Nothing wrong that I can tell, just a vague pain near the site, not enough to make me limp or anything. I injected the other quad tonight. I'm sure with some stretching and focus squats will be fine to do, but I've got to know...... does this go away?

    Is it a 'first time' sort of pain? or will the other quad hurt as much tomorrow?
    If it goes away in a few days, will it come back every time I pin the quad?
    Do they get painless or do the quads get used to this over time? I squat pretty much every day, and heavy 4 times a week currently.
    Would the delts hurt the same?

    I can't do the glutes without cramping a lat, and I'm avoiding the delts for the time being (for other reasons).

    I'm also assuming that this is just some kind of chemical reaction pain that I can work through safely, and that nothing is damaged. I can't see a 25ga needle damaging anything anyways.

    I'm pinning every second day, 100mg. I'm planning two different sites per quad, as there is more than enough meat down there. Cycling between the four.

  13. #13
    Supertotal is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    virgin muscle? Warm your gear up before injecting, I run hot water from the tap over the vial, friend of mine wraps it up in the heating pad.
    Wil take edge off. Like pinning the rear delt.
    Yes, virgin muscle. Done both quads now. The pain in the 2nd showed up today about 12 hours later, though not as bad. First still hurts though.

    Will that decrease the POST-injection pain (next day pain)? or just the actual pinning pain. Like I said, the pinning itself was painless.

  14. #14
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    1st, DONT clean the needle off if you are doing that. It's a common newbie mistake. The syringes are sterile and coated to help it go in easier.
    2nd, try using a 27g its a little nicer than 25g.
    3rd, Inject SLOWLY. Take your time because otherwise you are blasting the gear into the muscle causing a bruise. I take at least 1 min per cc. Do the math. Inject FAST 30 seconds or less for 1cc and 2 or 3 days of pain vs 1+ minute per cc and no pain. Which one saves more time?

    Yes there is also some virgin muscle consideration but typically if you take your time and also dont do the harpoon or spear insertion and just slip it in slowly it will go like a hot knife into butter with no pain.

  15. #15
    Supertotal is offline Junior Member
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    I can't say I've actually timed my injections yet, but I'd guess they were probably a tad on the fast side, admittedly. Though it really only goes in so fast, and takes a minimum of 30-45 seconds per cc. I guess I'm just a victim of pop culture and movies and such where you see injections taking a second or two and done. I've also watched a friend inject, and he was done in 10 seconds tops. Even one of the You Tube 'how-to's I watched before pinning were pretty quick, though one guy was just injecting saline. Taking a minute or longer just seemed so counter-intuitive. I'll try it though.

    This is day five now, having done my first injection on day one, and the next on day three. Now the second leg hurts when I contract it, but the first leg has calmed down a bit. Today they made squats annoying, but didn't seem to affect anything. I've been doing the injections late at night, about 2 hours before bed, mainly because that is a very convenient time for me. Next shot will be done in the morning though. That should make for better work outs.

  16. #16
    ttufan111's Avatar
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    Slow and steady is the best way in my opinion.

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