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Thread: Clen/tricana cycle

  1. #1

    Clen/tricana cycle

    Hi does anyone have any insight on how i should be taking clen with tricana as of now im doing 2 days/2off with clen with taking both twice a day for 3 months is that to long . Theres no dose increments or breaks with this cycle but i dont remember taking it this way years ago. Anyone know.. Thanks??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Common dosages of this product range from 10-14 tablets per day. Generally, two 0.35 mg tablets are taken on the first day of intake and with two tablets added each successive day until 10-14 tablets/day are taken. The half-life time of tiratricol is 5-7 hours, so Triacana should be taken 3-4 times daily (7)(8). Doing so will allow a constant amount of the substance in the blood, so the effects are continual. There are also many athletes who prefer to combine Triacana with Clenbuterol, or another type of thermogenic. Popular choices include a stack of Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin/Yohimbine. Many feel that the addition of one of these choices substantially increases the effects of Triacana, and provide better fat loss results when combined. Additionally, by adding a stimulant, it is easier to sustain hunger pains which can occur with the use of Triacana. Something of additional note, is the common inclusion of Triacana while exogenous Growth Hormone is being administered. This is performed in order to meet the bodys increased requirement for thyroid hormone. Additionally, Triacana is superior to T3 the treatment of thyroid hormone resistance (9), and is often favoured for treating Hyperthyroidism (10).

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