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  1. #1
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    high dose of test

    I want to keep this simple. I've done more cycles than I can count and competed in 7 bodybuilding shows and done 1 powerlifting meet. I've taken 1st four times but never at the "big one." I need to move up to the top of my weight class. I'm on hrt. This basically means I cruise at 125-150mg in between cycles. My test dose has been 1g for my last several cycles. Hgh, tren , winny, mast, it all gets thrown in from time to time. I'm not competing this fall. I'm going to have a longer off season and put on the size I need to be 198 for my next show, which will be the "big one" in May 2013. I start the 3rd week in August. I've heard often that anything over 1g nothing really happens except the sides increase. But, I've also heard, "the more you take, the bigger you get." Do any of you have experience with this? I'll also be running ghrp-6 (first time although I've been running hgh for a while), deca at 600mg, and more than likely I'll be running slin for the 1st time after extensive research and my contest prep coach will be helping me. I know he'll tell me to run my test dose higher but I'd rather hear from people who have actually done it.

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Post this under Ronnie Rolands You'll Want To Read This.. His slingshot method is great. The 8 on 2 off works. I am a big believer in it.

  3. #3
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Who ever said nothing but more side effects happen once you exceed 1 gram is well ummm... I will be at 1.75g this next cycle, currently at 1.5g and this particular cycle has been fantastic. I work out with one pro currently, which they rarely tell what they are doing. Someone will just exceed their dosages, so they keep it close to them. Seems the sport has become how much you can take where it doesnt kill you. I know for a fact he is taking 3.5g weekly and up to 30iu's of growth, majority of the time through the year he's at 20iu's. Know he is also on Tren , Anavar and Primo, dont know the dosages. Time to time Winstrol and methylated Tren. I have a buddy who going to be competing in Mr. Florida and he is up at 2.5g of Test. So yah it makes you grow......I agree with Capebuffalo, I have been doing Ronnies slingshot for a year now almost. I put on 38lbs of lean mass in under a year, may go on a limb and say upwards 40lbs. Started at 196 around 21%, currently right at 230 at roughly 11.9%. Goal is in the 10% and I will be thrilled. Im 6'3 and 10% on me should look insane.

  4. #4
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Out of everything mentioned, I think incorporating GHRP-6 is the trick. If you want to put on weight you need to eat more (you know that) and the more AAS running through the veins the tougher it is eat. I personally felt like shit over 1gm, but that's me. I was lethargic and my appetite was suppressed. GHRP-6 is an amazing peptide to combat appetite suppression.

  5. #5
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Juice Authority...MAN im experiencing the appetite thing big time. Im thinking its the Tren though, im at 1200mgs/weekly and my appetite has just gone to sh@@. My lethargy is terrible as well. I honestly think im going to take a break from the Tren, been on it for a year now sling shot cycling and im just over it.

  6. #6
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Since you guys mentioned the sling shot method I should tell you that I read up a little on it some time ago and decided to put my own variation on it. The cycle is subject to change but for now here is what I have in mind:

    weeks 1-6 (1g or more of test)
    weeks 1-16 (600mg deca )
    slin 1-6 & 11-16 (started at 4iu pwo and working up to 8 or 10) I will have more help with this when the time comes, humalin-r
    ghrp-6 1-16 (100mcg 3x per day)
    weeks 11-16 (1g or more test)

    So far this is where I'm at with it. I'm not starting for about 6 more weeks. I appreciate the feedback so far. I know this isn't the real sling shot method but I think it should work possibly better than running the test that high the whole time. As we know, test only works for so many weeks.

  7. #7
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Juice Authority...MAN im experiencing the appetite thing big time. Im thinking its the Tren though, im at 1200mgs/weekly and my appetite has just gone to sh@@. My lethargy is terrible as well. I honestly think im going to take a break from the Tren, been on it for a year now sling shot cycling and im just over it.
    1200 mg of tren a week? 900 mg a week for 8 weeks I wound up in the hospital. 200/160 bp. And a gram of test. Your a beast. Anyone reading this do as I say not as I do. Hard lesson learned.

  8. #8
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Noooo...Tren E..Running longer esters to help a bit with the side effects. Running 1.5g of Test E, 1.2g Tren E and 100mgs of Winstrol daily. Against better judgement I also got on methylated tren for 4 weeks, worked wonders but man, started getting sick to my stomach and not able to hold down food..Liver enzymes were off the chart! I wont be doing anything like that again. Running two hepatoxic drugs at the same time was just stupid. To be honest with you guys, the 1200mgs of Tren finally got to me, my lethargy and mood is just not worth it anymore to me. So this next cycle im going to switch it up, not sure yet what its going to look like.

  9. #9
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    bump for some more responses

  10. #10
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I guess that's it. 1 person has taken more than a gram and no one any insight into the cycle I proposed. I will run it like this and let you all know how it goes.

  11. #11
    miboleron's Avatar
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    1g of test aint that much and you seem quite knowledgeable and experinced so go ahead. I know a lot of people (mainly powerlifters) considering 1g of test a joke, but it all comes to your personal ability to handle sides. IMO better add anything else to that 1g of test, rather increasing too much.
    How about inj dbol .

  12. #12
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    In my prime I was running 2.5 grams of test a week. The bigger you are the more you need to take to grow. The injection volume was the only suck part of it. I felt great running high levels of test mixed with various other anabolics.

  13. #13
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Pm Ronnie Roland. It's what he does for living in S.C. He's an asset.

  14. #14
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miboleron View Post
    1g of test aint that much and you seem quite knowledgeable and experinced so go ahead. I know a lot of people (mainly powerlifters) considering 1g of test a joke, but it all comes to your personal ability to handle sides. IMO better add anything else to that 1g of test, rather increasing too much.
    How about inj dbol.
    You must not have read the cycle I laid out. I'll be running deca , ghrp-6, and slin. I've ran deca before at that dose. I've been on hgh for a long time so ghrp-6 isn't much different from what I've read. It just releases your own. I'm a first timer with the slin and I'll be helped along the way.

    I'm going to up the test to 1.5g a week. You're right. I'm very experienced with the stuff and I do handle sides well. I really want to put on this needed size. It'll be 2g total anabolics which is what I usually run precontest towards the end leading up to the show. I've just never increased the test past 1g. I like to cruise low. Currently running 125mg a week. I'll bump this is a few months and let you guys know how it's going. Thanks for the input.

  15. #15
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    I'm 4 weeks into the cycle. I decided to just keep the test at 1g and let the slin and ghrp-6 do some work. I've made big gains in strength and size and already. I'm up about 8lbs with minimal abdominal fat added. I'm up to 8iu humalin-r pwo 5x per week. I'll be doing the slingshot method. After 6 weeks I'll drop the test for 2 weeks and scale back on training. Then go up to about 1650 test for another 6 weeks. I'm going to run the deca through my 2 week test break and be done shortly after that. That way when I up the test the total amount of anabolics will be about the same. I know this may not be the exact way to do the sling shot cycle but it'll work.

  16. #16
    stpete is offline Banned
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    How do you feel about the addition of slin?

  17. #17
    hankdiesel's Avatar
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    Great. I did my homework on it and haven't had anything but positive results. I'm glad I decided to take the plunge instead of taking crazy amounts of aas in an attempt to add the kind of mass I want.

  18. #18
    stpete is offline Banned
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    OK, i'm considering it but i need to do more homework first. A lot of people are talking about how dangerous it is if the carbs aren't taken at the exact time, and the amount of carbs has to be precise. How do you feel about that?

    Hope i'm not bothering you. If so, just tell me to go do more homework. haha..

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