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  1. #1
    licentiousness is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Include Proviron or not? And help on PCT.


    This is a simple cycle I am constructing with the aims of creating a low-risk first time beginner cycle for strength and small mass mains - maybe 6lbs.

    It was going to be VAR only cycle, but I am now pondering the addition of Proviron in weeks 4-7 to try and counter any libido loss.
    However, am I adding unnecessary possible side-effects by including the Proviron?

    Also do you think that the PCT is enough or too much?

    I'm not looking for any suggestions of adding Test to the cycle. I know that a lot of people swear by it for a first cycle or indeed any cycle, but I am aiming for lowest risk. I do understand that also means lowest gains in terms of mass.


    Weeks Anavar Proviron
    1 40/0
    2 40/0
    3 40/0
    4 40/40
    5 40/40
    6 40/40
    7 40/40
    8 40/0
    * Note: Anavar to be taken half at breakfast, half at lunch


    Weeks Days Clomid Nolva
    1 1 100/0
    1 2-7 50/20
    2 8-14 0/20
    3 15-21 0/20
    4 22-28 0/10

    Supplements throughout cycle
    Milk Thistle & NCA - for liver (wks 1-14)
    Flax Oil - for lipid protection (wks 1-12)
    Nizoral Shampoo (wks 3-8) - for hair

  2. #2
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    stats? age,weight,height, lifing xp, diet etc??

  3. #3
    licentiousness is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Age 35
    5ft 10
    Trained for 5 years.
    Starting weight 130lbs - incredibly skinny, tiny wrists,fingers etc
    Current weight 147lbs, 9% bodyfat - been this weight for over a year, even with calorie intake - just increases bodyfat.
    I mix up my training program, get lots of sleep etc.
    I am just genetically a small guy.

    This will be my first cycle, and as detailed above, only looking for gains of 6lbs, 10 would be fantastic. And most important is minimising sides.

  4. #4
    licentiousness is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    No-one has any advice on Proviron or PCT?
    Would be much appreciated...

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