Started my New cycle last night and just have a couple basic questions .
I somewhat know the answer to some of these just double checking to make sure its right.

1 my test is 150mg e 150mg cyp 100mg prop. Cyp is the longest ester how long after last pin do i start pct is it 18 days?
2 longer ester cause more water retention with this mix is it likely that i will put on a lot of water weight and will bloat ? How is that kept to a minimum i mean it is summer lol?
3 in your opinion when should i see the most results with this mix?
4 when should it start to kick being that it has so much prop in it?
Im running between 560mg and 600mg a week closer to 560 though. i am pinning 0.4ml eod as exact as i can be but with such a high mg/ml gear it may be a lil over or under when i draw but i am being very careful trying to be exact.
im taking liquidex at 0.3mg eod and will start hcg 4 weeks into my twelve week cycle because i only have two boxes and they stay good for 30days.