although i only started posting recently ive been around for years, and am sick of seeing people answer the same questions so heed this advice if you are a new guy to this forum and are going to ask questions.
1. you should be 25 before you consider using steroids.
2. your bodyfat should be below 15% before AAS. If you arent losing weight it is because you are putting in more calories than you burn.
3. you should have several years of training under your belt and have maxed out your natural growth potential before you use AAS.
4. you need to know what your total daily energy expenditure is.
5. you need to know how many grams of carbs, proteins, fats, and calories are going into your body, as well as how to adjust those numbers with caloric intake in mind to alter the way your body gains or loses weight. BEFORE you ask about steroids.
6. CC means nothing. steroids are measured in mg/ml.
7. your first cycle should be testosterone only. an average cycle length is 10 weeks.
8. Steroids are not magic. They are dangerous, illegal drugs. If used improperly they will hurt you. If you dont diet and train properly while on them, they will not work right.
9. This stuff is hard work. single digit bodyfat numbers, and 200+pound guys are incredibly ripped. I highly doubt you are 200lbs and 9% bf.
10. You need to know what AI and PCT mean, and take them properly. look at the homepage at PCT, and steroid cycles.
11. Don't inject things that are meant to be consumed orally. Know what you have and how it should go into your body, and at what dose.
12. People wont tell you where to get steroids.
13. You wont get a source check until people know who you are, and you have at least 100 productive posts. This means one word posts dont count. It takes awhile to build rapport around here.
14. Tren shouldnt be used until you have done at least three cycles of AAS.
15. This forum contains a huge amount of professional bodybuilders, trainers, doctors, AAS users, and average Joes. They know more than the average guy. Don't come here with an attitude or you wont get advice from any of them. Give respect to be respected.
16. AAS is usually oil based, a good size needle is 23 or 25 gauge.
17. You should always "aspirate" when injecting. This means you need to pull back on the plunger once the needle is in to make sure you arent injecting into a vein. If you see blood in the syringe you hit a vein and need to redo it, if not you should be good to go. push in on the plunger slowly to inject the oil into the muscle.
18. Good spots to inject AAS in general, given that the substance is intended for intramuscular use, are deltoids, quads, and glutes. Wherever your fat layer is thinnest. Try to hit a spot that is solid muscle, generally somewhere around the "bulk" of those muscle groups.