Started Dianabol . Did it for 1 week, then started test E on the 7th day of the dianabol. Since then, have been injecting every monday and thursday. Had my 3rd injection on monday, today is thursday, and stopped dianabol today. Since the situation is somewhat weird, I am not sure how to take care of my pct. I have half a bottle of Nolvadex on hand, that I am pretty sure is still ok. I ordered it online and used some approximately a year or a little less ago. I plan on starting this bottle, and another will come in the mail soon. What I am unsure on is what kind of cycle to go with. I've seen some people suggesting 40/20/20 or 20/20/10/10. Any advice or suggestions would be very appreciated.

Also the reason I am stopping is because I am only 22, and all 3 of my injections have resulted in lots of swelling and fluid and what not (most likely due to virgin muscles). Also pretty sure this is required information, i am 5'10 and 155lb. low body fat