is 250mg test E per week not enough? this will be my first cycle. i was going to pin 250mg once per week. but now im thinking maybe i should do 250mg twice per week. monday and thursday?
age 25
weight 193lbs
height 6"1'
training exp 5yrs
is 250mg test E per week not enough? this will be my first cycle. i was going to pin 250mg once per week. but now im thinking maybe i should do 250mg twice per week. monday and thursday?
age 25
weight 193lbs
height 6"1'
training exp 5yrs
i wont be stacking with anything and i will be running the cycle for 12 weeks either at 250mg or 500mg.
i wasnt going to worry about AI but now that im considering 500mg i will bring it in. when should i start AI. will be using nolvadex for PCT.
You may still not need a AI, everyone is different but it's good to at least have on on hand.
250mg a week is a bit low, 300 - 400 would get you better gains. Yes a lot of people like to start at 500 but personally I think it's a little high for 1st cycle and it's good to see how your body will deal with it and gives you more room to move up later if you start lower, 300 - 400. It's one of those cases especially for the 1st or 2nd cycle more is not better.
cool thanks for the advice. im happy to start lower. could i do say 300 per week in one pin? as its my first cycle i would prefer to pin once per week but i read something about blood levels falling short rapidly after 4th, 5th day therefore should i do twice a week?? say 200mg each time?
If you have any concerns about E2 which you should even at 300 then splitting it up 2x a week, 150mg or 200mg each shot is better because it keeps the levels closer, no big spikes so not as much chance of raising the E2.
i see makes perfect sense. how does this sound for first cycle
ok i think i will do 300mg per week across 2 injections. (monday and thursday) for 12 weeks. wait 2 weeks for test to clear out than nolvadex 1st week 40mg per day. 2nd week 20mg per day
Looks good except forget the nolvadex. You should add Clomid to your PCT.
cool alright will do. 50mg per week for the 2 weeks?
you dont live in australia by any chance do you lovbyts? i use the gym at my work which only has old people in it so i havent had a conversation in person with someone like minded. i have done all my research online. would love to have a face to face chat before i start.
Ha, no AU for me, in the States, US. I ALMOST got to come visit a few weeks ago via work related but another co worker got to go. Maybe next time. We have a lot of Au members on the board though. Stick around, they will likely pop in.
You should run pct for 4 weeks not 2... nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/50 or clomid 100/100/50/50... and yea you should start lower... I think 400mg will do for first cycle 200mg mon and 200mg thursOriginally Posted by bmarshall
Everybody gave you great advise above. I would take luvbytes cycle advice and freddys pct advice. Only thing I didn't see was HcG? I recommended that. Helps with recovery
I agree with the HCG, a lot of people really like to use it now not just for cosmetic reasons (ball shrinkage) but as said it helps with recovery and keeping the balls functioning. It can be a little tricky to find sometimes but worth the effort
thanks guys appreciate the advice!
i will try track down HCG as well before i start.
yes you need to run a better pct. Where did this theory come from that because its a first cycle you dont need pct or just a small one. Your body is shut down weather first cycle or 5th. and you have no idea how you recover and respond since its a first cycle
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Didn't I read swift say only one pct is needed ? Nolva or clomid but he recommends nolva because it's stronger in smaller doses?
With just a simple cycle of Test E for 12 weeks you will be fine with Nolva or clomid, dont over exert yourself trying to track down HcG it has some benefits but its pct effectiveness is controversial because it shuts down the bodies natural production of LH which essentially leaves you in the same place you started trying to restart your bodies natural production.Best of Luck.
uh oh busted![]()
Not gonna lie, I have read on this site that only one or the other will work t fine to recover. HOWEVER. If you take the time to read further you'll see that just because something COULD work doesn't mean you should do it that way. After tons of reading on this site for many years I fully understand the benefits of running both clomid and nolva as well as an on cycle AI. Please take the advise VETs give. It's worth it's weight in gold. I am far from a vet but trust these dudes alot. They have nothing to gain by giving advise. But other members can gain very useful and trust knowledge.
My 2ยข
Stop giving advice? I was a divison I athlete for 5 years, played professional hockey for 4 years and have done 15+ cycles. This wasn't something i did casually i did this for a living and worked with the best trainers in the world. I have a degree in neurobiolgy as well as organic chemistry so please do not be ignorant enough to assume that because i do not have as many posts as you i know nothing.This is a forum for many people to post their experience and opinions,not one to criticize others advice. I have used Hcg on more than one cycle and have not noticed a shorter recovery time. This is my personal experience, as with most advice not a rule set in stone. If you have different thoughts on Hcg i respect your opinion even though mine differs.
Don't tell an OP he will be fine based on your experience. My personal experience is hcG made recovery easier than with not with both novla and clomid for pct.Like you say in your last post everyone is different. Let me rephrase don't speak in absolutes to noobs. They will take it as fact."Well so and so said BLANK so it must be true. Half these guys don't do any research and ask til they hear what they want. Just out of curosity how old are you to have run that many cycles? Opinions are meant to differ sometimes.
This opinion was based on personal experience as well as scientific data. I agree with you completely that inxperienced users will fish until they get the answer they are looking for, to be clear i should have advised him to try it out and see if Hcg enhanced his recovery time. However, as you said opinions are meant to differ and my experience is that it did not provide noticable results based on markers in blood work. I do also enjoy this banter because in the medical field i often cannot have such conversations as steroids are still considered very "taboo",ironic in a discipline committed to human health. I encourage anyone interested in using enhancement to thouroughly research before posting and i suppose i may have overestimated the average users knowledge of gear in general. I am 30 years old now and started taking steroids at admittadely too young of an age, although in a highly competitive atmosphere involving my livelihood and that of my family the rationale of potential health risks is often overlooked.
Understood completely. Majority come on here having already injected, to be told what to do. then want Then don't want to spend time learning and reading. Will ask a question not get the answer that they want, and will get mad. Or start a new thread asking the same question. If they see a 1% chance they will be fine they hold on to that and go.
The reason you use HCG is because it is an artifical LH and your balls recognize this. It will jumpstart your nuts and they will get bigger. The largest problem using steriods is your balls shutdown. They are the main factor during recovery. To get your body producing LH again you stimulate the pituitary using clomid. That is the easy part. Getting your nuts back online should be your #1 concern after a cycle. That is why ppl (and doctors) recommend blasting HCG at the end of a cycle and using it during.
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