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  1. #1
    Chi847 is offline New Member
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    Potential first cycle

    Reposting from the new members sub forum on the advice of brazey.

    I'm Matt from the Chicago area, 30 years old, 5'8, and as of a few days ago 181 lbs. I workout 5X a week in a bootcamp class, lot of running, plyometrics. Think of Shaun T's Insanity in a group setting but add in weights and TRX and tire flipping etc. Gone from 210 to my current since last June. I eat pretty clean, no refined anything. All grilled chicken and spinach burgers and unflavored oatmeal and whey and casein etc. I was fine with just doing my thing when a girl invited me to her after wedding party at the end of Sept

    So I asked the trainer if he could recommend something to help "speed" up the process without killing me. He recommended a 90 day cycle of Winstrol and Phentermine.

    Would his advice be correct? Could it help me shed another 15 to 20lbs of body fat by the end of Sept?

    The few responses I received said it wasn't a good idea. Curious to know the reason why.

    The trainer has used I've watched him go off and on cycles, so he does know something about all this, he has an interest in not killing me so I can continue to workout.

    I have no underlying medical conditions, I supplement with fish oil and manganese and zinc and so on.

    I asked him about Winstrols stress on the liver as I did do some reading, he said as long as I wasn't boozing and supplementing with the fish oil and other vitamins I'd be ok.

    I'm just looking for a little extra..."kick" to help speed up my weight loss

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    AAS isnt a diet aid Winny is real bad for your joints.I dont know wat the other compound is.But at 5'8 and 180 if you been lifting and have a base.You shouldnt be fat.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chi847 View Post
    Reposting from the new members sub forum on the advice of brazey.

    I'm Matt from the Chicago area, 30 years old, 5'8, and as of a few days ago 181 lbs. I workout 5X a week in a bootcamp class, lot of running, plyometrics. Think of Shaun T's Insanity in a group setting but add in weights and TRX and tire flipping etc. Gone from 210 to my current since last June. I eat pretty clean, no refined anything. All grilled chicken and spinach burgers and unflavored oatmeal and whey and casein etc. I was fine with just doing my thing when a girl invited me to her after wedding party at the end of Sept

    So I asked the trainer if he could recommend something to help "speed" up the process without killing me. He recommended a 90 day cycle of Winstrol and Phentermine.

    Would his advice be correct? Could it help me shed another 15 to 20lbs of body fat by the end of Sept?

    The few responses I received said it wasn't a good idea. Curious to know the reason why.

    The trainer has used I've watched him go off and on cycles, so he does know something about all this, he has an interest in not killing me so I can continue to workout.

    I have no underlying medical conditions, I supplement with fish oil and manganese and zinc and so on.

    I asked him about Winstrols stress on the liver as I did do some reading, he said as long as I wasn't boozing and supplementing with the fish oil and other vitamins I'd be ok.

    I'm just looking for a little extra..."kick" to help speed up my weight loss
    Good question mate!

    Let's see if I can help you out with some insight why this is not something I personally would be doing.

    First off, taking an oral steroid by itself, like Winnie, will completely shut down your natural testosterone production. Were you aware of that? This is called steroid supression. So the winnie will supress your natty test production, and it could very well supress other things, like libido and possibly give you ED (due to the lack of testosterone in your body). You could compensate for any potential ED by taking a PDE-5 inhibitor, like cialis, and you could compensate for a lack of libido by taking PT-141.

    Additionally, winnie is real rough on the joints, as it has a tendency to dry you out. I had to stop taking, and eventually threw out, my winnie due to the pain in my knees it was causing. This doesn't happen to everyone though.

    As far as the effects on the liver, if you take a mild dose, you should be fine. Whatever your dose, however, I'd advise protecting your liver with something like milk thistle.

    Regarding the above "phen" stimulant you are thinking about. There are still people that take this. In the past, it was mixed with another "phen" appetite suppresent, and the cocktail was called "phen~phen" and killed a few people. Remember? But what you are considering by itself won't. It is addicting, however, just like amphetimines. If you are addiction prone, I'd steer away from it.

    Personally, I don't recommend ANY diet pill, as anything you lose will eventually come back since it wasn't lost through diet and exercise, which you must do if you want to keep it off.

    Anyways, you were asking what people thought, and so this is how i feel abouut it.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Times Roman; 07-05-2012 at 03:26 PM.

  4. #4
    snowblowjoe's Avatar
    snowblowjoe is offline Senior Member
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    If you want an extra fat melter run clenbuterol or albuderal with T3 and keto

  5. #5
    sharmabrah is offline Banned
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    Hi I'm sharmabrah. My first cycle will be strict diet (300G protein, 350G carbs, 75F, no alcohol, only water as a liquid) and weight/cardio training with some abs thrown in at the end. Thoughts?

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    not to mention what winny will do to your cholesterol also

    what is your bf% at now
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    Chi847 is offline New Member
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    I want to say about 25%. I know I'm probably the only one here that doesn't weight lift. My workouts are HITT training, little no rest, pushups, running, burpees etc, not so much weight lifting.

    I know that if your diet and exercise isn't "on" you'll just regain what you've lost. I'm just trying to lose faster because I have an event now, that I have to look nice for.

    Say I did do it, my joints and cholesterol would recover at the end of the cycle correct?

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    at 25% your not going to see much from winny. Winny will remove some water and make you look harder. But you will not see that with 25% bf.
    Also at 25% bf your have a higher chance of side effects from any steroids .
    i would looking to an eca stack and keep doing what your doing
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    Chi847 is offline New Member
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    Well...crap. What's an ECA Stack?

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