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    JayBee's Avatar
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    next cycle going with tren

    I am 39 5'11 200# 11-12%bf
    last cycle was test400 600mg/wk and tbol 2 tabs ed
    this will be my 5th cycle

    I have test cyp 200mg/ml, tren e 200mg/ml so gonna pin 1ml each mon and thurs, would it be better to up the test to 500mg or equal is good?

    week 1-10 200mg test cyp mon & thurs = 400mg wk
    week 1-8 200mg tren e mon & thurs =400mg wk
    12.5 liq stane eod
    letro on hand

    week 13-16 nolva 40/20/20/20 and clomid 100/50/50/50

    any thoughts?
    Last edited by JayBee; 07-06-2012 at 11:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Tren is a harsh compound, all those i know that run REAL tren suffer from adverse sides such as insomnia, breathlessness, loss of appetite, constant sweating and anger issues. Those around me say i turn into a grumpy old sod when on tren and im normally a softy....

    So my advice is to run it with extreme caution, your cycle looks good, although i'd run the tren a tad longer...

    Best of luck....
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    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    If you can get Tren a I would suggest going with it. If you can't handle the sides you can stop the ride a lot quicker than with Tren e. I a;lso prefer to run my tren a little higher than my test. Just my experience and preferance.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
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    You got some good advice from both guys.I would suggest you follow it.Tren is a great compound but many cant handle it.Like suggested I would go with the ace.

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    Atomini's Avatar
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    Tren is an incredible compound, my favorite by far. My upcoming cycle will be 100mg test prop per week with 800mg per week of tren acetate. This will be the only time I will ever run tren this high.

    What you have to remember here is that trenbolone is a VERY strong compound (5x as strong as testosterone ). That means to get the effect of 100mg of tren, you would need 500mg of test. To get the same effect of 500mg of tren, you'd need 1,000mg of test, etc. So, with that being said, I think that there is no need to be running tren at very high doses, and the reason why a lot of people say "be careful, a lot of people can't take the sides" is because these people are running tren at unnecessarily high dosages. They're treating it like test, or any other compound. Tren is in a class all on its own! People need to realize this. As far as the type of tren, stick with acetate as others have already mentioned it is easier to stop or lower your dose if you don't like what's going on.

    I believe one should be able to garner some very great gains off of 100mg test prop and 250mg tren per week (remember, you'd need 500mg test to achieve what 250mg tren does). Hell, 300-400mg tren per week produces great results with still minimal undesireable sides. Remember, this beautiful compound is so strong that you don't need huge doses to elicit great gains, and the lower your dose the less undesireable side effects. And the beauty with tren is that it is so strong on a mg for mg basis that if you run it at a low dose, you're not losing out on your gains! You don't need a whole lot. Tren is one of those compounds where a little goes a long way. Remember that.

  6. #6
    JayBee's Avatar
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    thanks for the great replies and advice. I'm definitely going to take all the advice and run this cycle cautiously.

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    doing a total each week of 400mg tren e and 300mg test cyp split into 2 shots mon morning and thurs night, 12.5 liq stane eod (I was unable to get tren a)
    into the 1st week now with the 1st and 2nd shots done, both with no problems and so far no sides what so ever, all is normal as normal can be. I will try and keep updating as I go, not that anyone gives a shit but at least I can follow what I'm doing haha

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
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    ^^^ Its good to keep logging your progress mate, sides gains ect. We are all here to learn from each others experiences...

    Good luck...
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  9. #9
    JayBee's Avatar
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    2nd week, 4th pin and the pain at injection site lasts for days, no sides at all yet, strength is growing a little but haven't bulked any yet but it's still only week 2

  10. #10
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Tren ace kicks in for me towards end if week 2. Since u are running enanthate , expect 4 weeks before noticing anything. I had zero sides from tren until I went to 700mg/week, but not too bad. Then I went to 1000mg. Not unbearable but pretty harsh that high. Got winded going up one flight of stairs

  11. #11
    JayBee's Avatar
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    Thanks, I was thinking it would be a couple weeks with the enanthate . I've been feeling really tired lately, energy level is way down and nips hurt when pressed but no swelling or lumps happening at all. Work outs are getting stronger and feeling really solid afterwards. Cannot wait til it really kicks in!!!

  12. #12
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Tren is a harsh compound, all those i know that run REAL tren suffer from adverse sides such as insomnia, breathlessness, loss of appetite, constant sweating and anger issues. Those around me say i turn into a grumpy old sod when on tren and im normally a softy....

    So my advice is to run it with extreme caution, your cycle looks good, although i'd run the tren a tad longer...

    Best of luck....
    I've used a lot of Tren over the years and never had any of the problems you mentioned and know plenty of guys who would say the same. Most guys can tolerate Tren fine, there are more who can't than compared to most steroids though, that is true but I honestly believe the mental factor plays such a big role when it comes to some of these side effects associated with Tren. I'm not implying that's you're case, I'm talking in a general sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by JayBee View Post
    2nd week, 4th pin and the pain at injection site lasts for days, no sides at all yet, strength is growing a little but haven't bulked any yet but it's still only week 2
    For what its worth, quality products shouldn't hurt....never. Steroid injections aren't supposed to hurt....if I bought something and it was causing me injection pain, I'd find a new brand. For the record, I'm excluding things like test suspension.

  13. #13
    cjr579's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayBee View Post
    Thanks, I was thinking it would be a couple weeks with the enanthate. I've been feeling really tired lately, energy level is way down and nips hurt when pressed but no swelling or lumps happening at all. Work outs are getting stronger and feeling really solid afterwards. Cannot wait til it really kicks in!!!
    I would definantly keep a close watch on the nips and bump the stane up if need be. I'm currently in my 8th week of test e tren h and was taking liq stane 12.5mg eod. My nips started to hurt slightly and before you know it...lumps. I didn't realize stane had a half life of 27 hrs so I prob should have been taking it ED. (I'm gyno prone).
    All I can say is pay attention to your body and don't wait too long to adjust the dosage of your AI.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject

    I've used a lot of Tren over the years and never had any of the problems you mentioned and know plenty of guys who would say the same. Most guys can tolerate Tren fine, there are more who can't than compared to most steroids though, that is true but I honestly believe the mental factor plays such a big role when it comes to some of these side effects associated with Tren. I'm not implying that's you're case, I'm talking in a general sense.

    For what its worth, quality products shouldn't hurt....never. Steroid injections aren't supposed to hurt....if I bought something and it was causing me injection pain, I'd find a new brand. For the record, I'm excluding things like test suspension.
    I'm thinking the same thing, this cycle is the first time I'm using a UGL. All I could get my hands on. My main source had quality lab gear but basically dried up from the summer rush of people juicing. Thanks for your input!

  15. #15
    JayBee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cjr579
    I would definantly keep a close watch on the nips and bump the stane up if need be. I'm currently in my 8th week of test e tren h and was taking liq stane 12.5mg eod. My nips started to hurt slightly and before you know it...lumps. I didn't realize stane had a half life of 27 hrs so I prob should have been taking it ED. (I'm gyno prone).
    All I can say is pay attention to your body and don't wait too long to adjust the dosage of your AI.
    Thanks for your reply! I was thinking the same thing about t f etaking the stane ED. S?sCcxzu

  16. #16
    JayBee's Avatar
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    Thanks for your reply! I was thinking the same thing about taking the stane ED.
    *damn phone ha

  17. #17
    JayBee's Avatar
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    3rd week & pain in injection site is not as painful, no gyno problems or nip lumps or anything of the sort. I haven't had to up the stane at all so I'm still taking it EOD. I have had a bad night with sweats and chills, happening the night of my 6th pin (was thinking maybe I hit a vein but everything with injection was smooth, no blood when aspirated or anything abnormal) I also had a couple nights of insomnia but nothing constant. As far as work outs, I can definitely notice the need to up the weight and the muscles are staying rock hard long after workout has ended and that is a great feeling and a great look. I can see why people love Tren . Hopefully it just keeps getting better.

  18. #18
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    4th week and no pain at all with injections, nips are getting sensitive, no lumps or puffiness but a strange feeling that's hard to explain, almost like they're stinging and there is definite pain when touched. I'm having trouble sleeping and have night sweats even with the ac at full blast. Appetite is almost non-existant and energy level is low. I upped my liquid stane 12.5mgs to every day so hopefully this balances it all out. Workouts are great and I feel solid and pumped all the time. Everything is going good and the gains have started. Hoping everything keeps going good, so far so good.

  19. #19
    BlueWaffle21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayBee View Post
    4th week and no pain at all with injections, nips are getting sensitive, no lumps or puffiness but a strange feeling that's hard to explain, almost like they're stinging and there is definite pain when touched. I'm having trouble sleeping and have night sweats even with the ac at full blast. Appetite is almost non-existant and energy level is low. I upped my liquid stane 12.5mgs to every day so hopefully this balances it all out. Workouts are great and I feel solid and pumped all the time. Everything is going good and the gains have started. Hoping everything keeps going good, so far so good.
    Talk with Atomini, you should be on Caber or Prami with Tren .

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWaffle21 View Post
    Talk with Atomini, you should be on Caber or Prami with Tren.
    thanks, I have letro on hand if needed but will talk and take any advice

  21. #21
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Jay, are your nipples discharging any fluid? Especially when squeezed? If they are, then that is a 100% surefire sign that it is prolactin-induced gyno.

    Either way, you will need to run some sort of prolactin antagonist when running tren (cabergoline, parmiprexole, bromocriptine - take your pick). These will reduce and stop the secretion of prolactin in your brain, which is signalled by the progestogenic activity of the tren. If the gyno feels 'weird' and different than your typical Estrogen-induced gyno, then it likely is prolactin related. Aromatase inhibitors such as aromasin and letro will do nothing to reduce prolactin levels in the body, though they will assist in downregulation of the prolactin receptor on breast tissue (it won't reduce prolactin levels in the body though).

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Jay, are your nipples discharging any fluid? Especially when squeezed? If they are, then that is a 100% surefire sign that it is prolactin-induced gyno.

    Either way, you will need to run some sort of prolactin antagonist when running tren (cabergoline, parmiprexole, bromocriptine - take your pick). These will reduce and stop the secretion of prolactin in your brain, which is signalled by the progestogenic activity of the tren. If the gyno feels 'weird' and different than your typical Estrogen-induced gyno, then it likely is prolactin related. Aromatase inhibitors such as aromasin and letro will do nothing to reduce prolactin levels in the body, though they will assist in downregulation of the prolactin receptor on breast tissue (it won't reduce prolactin levels in the body though).
    Thanks, there's no discharge at all, just a sensitive feeling that just started today, last pin was last night. It's just a weird feeling and when touched the pain is slight. If you think it's the start of prolactin I'll get some caber from ar-r , how should I dose it.

  23. #23
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    I don't think AR-R sells caber. They do have Prami though. See my tren thread for dosing.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    I don't think AR-R sells caber. They do have Prami though. See my tren thread for dosing.
    Awesome thread, very informative and just what everyone should read if thinking of using tren . I'm am so impressed with tren that I feel the same as you that test & tren is it for me from now on. It makes my other cycles feel like a waste of money.
    Definitely going to get the prami and start if ASAP.

  25. #25
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    took the 1st dose of the prami .5ml last nite. knocked me right out but woke up sick as hell, felt like a bad flu. could barely move, was sick all day with sweats, chills, and nausea. all of a sudden my nipples are hard and sore today, I got home from work @ 3 & slept til 9, woke up feeling alot better except some joint and muscle soreness. Pinned my tren & test tonite with no problems at all. Felt really good after injection and I can't wait to get to the gym tomorrow since I couldn't get there today. Everything this week is going good, up a couple of pounds and strength gains and muscle size increasing. Really diggin on the tren!

  26. #26
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    From what i've been seeing on the feedback from a lot of people using Prami, it seems to be making people feel like crap with the nausea and drowsiness side effects and all. I'm not so sure I even want to even try it just once for myself now. I'm sticking with Caber as I always have.

  27. #27
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Hopefully you decided to run that tren longer than 8 weeks...that is a typical Tren A period vs Tren E that would normaly be run for a minimum of 12 weeks IMO. Hell takes nearly 4 just to really get going...then you get 8 more to really take advantage of all tren has to offer!

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    yeah, if I can ever get my hands on caber that's what I would take for sure. I don't even know if I want to take it again tonite that's how bad I felt this morning. The nausea and drowsiness was awful. I don't think I want to go with just the stane tho.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Hopefully you decided to run that tren longer than 8 weeks...that is a typical Tren A period vs Tren E that would normaly be run for a minimum of 12 weeks IMO. Hell takes nearly 4 just to really get going...then you get 8 more to really take advantage of all tren has to offer!
    yes I'm going 12 weeks with the tren e, I didn't really see anything from the tren til about the 4th week so you're right I'll get a good 8 weeks out of the tren, thanks

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    From what i've been seeing on the feedback from a lot of people using Prami, it seems to be making people feel like crap with the nausea and drowsiness side effects and all. I'm not so sure I even want to even try it just once for myself now. I'm sticking with Caber as I always have.
    yeah, if I can ever get my hands on caber that's what I would take for sure. I don't even know if I want to take it again tonite that's how bad I felt this morning. The nausea and drowsiness was awful. I don't think I want to go with just the stane tho.

  31. #31
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    Have you tried starting at a lower dose of Prami, such as 0.25mg? And slowly work your way up?

    Perhaps some people's tolerances are a lot lower than others.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Have you tried starting at a lower dose of Prami, such as 0.25mg? And slowly work your way up?

    Perhaps some people's tolerances are a lot lower than others.
    I'll try that tonite, I'll let you know tomorrow how that works out, thanks

  33. #33
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    cutting it down to .25 was a lot better. It knocked me out cold & I slept straight thru the night. Woke up a little drowsy but without the nausea.

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    Excellent to hear. Now try slowly increasing to 0.5 after doing 0.25 for a few days, see if the body adapts better.

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    Yeah I got a bottle of prami and never had the guts to use it after everything I read on the sides people got.

  36. #36
    NaturalJohnny is offline Junior Member
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    I had the same bad side effects from liquid prami. 0.5mg killed me. Maybe it's overdosed? I adjusted my dosage to 0.25 and slowly added more each day. 0.30mg, 0.35mg etc. I haven't had any bad sides since doing this except for slight nausea that only lasted an hour or less.

    Try taking it before bed and hopefully sleep through the sides. It works well for me that way.

    Mind if I ask what brand your tren e is? I have Pinnacle.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I've used a lot of Tren over the years and never had any of the problems you mentioned and know plenty of guys who would say the same. Most guys can tolerate Tren fine, there are more who can't than compared to most steroids though, that is true but I honestly believe the mental factor plays such a big role when it comes to some of these side effects associated with Tren. I'm not implying that's you're case, I'm talking in a general sense.

    For what its worth, quality products shouldn't hurt....never. Steroid injections aren't supposed to hurt....if I bought something and it was causing me injection pain, I'd find a new brand. For the record, I'm excluding things like test suspension.
    i have to respectfully dissagree with your blanket statement that quality products shouldent hurt...for one everyone reacts differently to any compound weather its pharm grade or ugl...i realize pharm grade hurts the least but its also most times the lowest concentration of gear per ml then the stuff ugl's put out...there are so many reasons that people experiance pip days after injection but that dosent mean there gear is of poor quality...when i inject a ml of test 400 or 500 without cutting it with something it can flippin hurt and ive been doing this shit for years now..just saying...

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalJohnny
    I had the same bad side effects from liquid prami. 0.5mg killed me. Maybe it's overdosed? I adjusted my dosage to 0.25 and slowly added more each day. 0.30mg, 0.35mg etc. I haven't had any bad sides since doing this except for slight nausea that only lasted an hour or less.

    Try taking it before bed and hopefully sleep through the sides. It works well for me that way.

    Mind if I ask what brand your tren e is? I have Pinnacle.
    Yeah, killed me too. My tren e is pinnacle also, 1st time using that brand. Usually I get biotech.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Excellent to hear. Now try slowly increasing to 0.5 after doing 0.25 for a few days, see if the body adapts better.
    Thanks, will do.

  40. #40
    NaturalJohnny is offline Junior Member
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    Now that you're in week 5, how does your tren feel? I'm running 200mg/week tren e and my normal TRT dose. I'm only in week 2 though.

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