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    Anyone have experience with Anavar?

    About to get gear and a buddy recommended Anavar over Winnie. Any experience with it?

  2. #2
    sharmabrah is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocRock View Post
    About to get gear and a buddy recommended Anavar over Winnie. Any experience with it?
    I have personally not had experience with it, but I'm assuming you are wanting to drop body fat as well as increase your strength? Your age is fine (twenty eight according to your page) but it says you are twenty percent body fat? If I'm not mistaken, most people on here say that the ideal and safest range you should be in is anything below fifteen percent at a very minimum. My advice (very novice advice but I still try) would be to work on your diet and your training to get your body fat down to fifteen perfect at the least, then you can consider cycling.

  3. #3
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    I'm actually cutting bf to 15% before I start. I just wanted to get some reviews about it. I'm currently on an EC stack with diet that's rocking but I wanted some insight on it.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharmabrah

    I have personally not had experience with it, but I'm assuming you are wanting to drop body fat as well as increase your strength? Your age is fine (twenty eight according to your page) but it says you are twenty percent body fat? If I'm not mistaken, most people on here say that the ideal and safest range you should be in is anything below fifteen percent at a very minimum. My advice (very novice advice but I still try) would be to work on your diet and your training to get your body fat down to fifteen perfect at the least, then you can consider cycling.
    Excellent advice. Spot on. Your diet and training need to be dialed in before you get into gear or you'll only be disappointed by the lack of sustainable results. I speak first hand of this!

    Anavar is easier to tolerate but, read, read, read! Safe cycles are usually less than 12 weeks. After 6 weeks hepatotoxicity can become a concern without proper liver maintenance.

    I've run both. Winni is great for cutting but very harsh. I dumped it because the risks did not outweigh the benefits for me.

    Both will have side effects. It just depends what and how well you can tolerate them.

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    just do a search on anavar . there are tons of threads on it
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    DocRock's Avatar
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    Thanks brother

  7. #7
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    Im on my 3rd Anavar cycle...and I personally Love it. But my diet was serious through out... Almost 85% protein - but I definitely saw amazing strength gains. I was at 40mgs the first 2 cycles...which were both 12 weeks long, and this cycle Im doing is 6 weeks, and Im upping to 60mgs ED... Some guys go higher, some split doses. Ive seen great gains so far so why fix it ....

  8. #8
    DocRock's Avatar
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    Did you take it to bridge or during your cycle?

  9. #9
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    This is my first cycle. 60mg's at 6wks. Im one week in and im losing fat in my mid section and strength is also up.

  10. #10
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    Im on my 3rd Anavar cycle...and I personally Love it. But my diet was serious through out... Almost 85% protein - but I definitely saw amazing strength gains. I was at 40mgs the first 2 cycles...which were both 12 weeks long, and this cycle Im doing is 6 weeks, and Im upping to 60mgs ED... Some guys go higher, some split doses. Ive seen great gains so far so why fix it ....
    Is that the dialysis diet? Yikes.

  11. #11
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    The first two cycle were by them selves....this one is with TEST E ...

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    This is my first cycle. 60mg's at 6wks. Im one week in and im losing fat in my mid section and strength is also up.
    I'd consider this a minimum cycle (for me), so it's good you are already seeing some benefits.

    but.... keep in mind that at that dose, i'd imagine you are at least partially shut down on your natty test production. keep an eye on the libido and if it begins to wane then you probably should consider pct when through. some will say not necessary, but the waning libido is pretty much confirmation of at least partial shut down, and if so, better safe than sorry.

    my .02

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    I'd consider this a minimum cycle (for me), so it's good you are already seeing some benefits.

    but.... keep in mind that at that dose, i'd imagine you are at least partially shut down on your natty test production. keep an eye on the libido and if it begins to wane then you probably should consider pct when through. some will say not necessary, but the waning libido is pretty much confirmation of at least partial shut down, and if so, better safe than sorry.

    my .02

    I know. Im also running 500mg's of sust250. I wont run a oral without test. Actually no cycle without the use of test.

    Thank you tho for the advise.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Is that the dialysis diet? Yikes.
    Well......from age 19 to age 30 - I was obese. Like 351lbs obese! So i figure i got my time in with junk food this is my exact diet Mon - Fri ---

    Breakfast (1pm) Subway 6 inch, Turkey, Avacado, vinager, hot sauce, spinach or Terriyaki Chicken, both on 9 grain honey oat
    3pm - oatmeal
    7pm - Chicken Cutlet, pounded down, vinagar dressing. Side of spinach, and cucumbers.
    11pm - Chicken Cutlet, pounded down, vinagar dressing. Broccoli
    1am - 3 Egg Whites, and a granola bar.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    I know. Im also running 500mg's of sust250. I wont run a oral without test. Actually no cycle without the use of test.

    Thank you tho for the advise.
    there you go. it's how i wouuld do it as well....

    ...carry on then mate!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    there you go. it's how i wouuld do it as well....

    ...carry on then mate!
    Thanks. Hoping the results keep getting better.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    Well......from age 19 to age 30 - I was obese. Like 351lbs obese! So i figure i got my time in with junk food this is my exact diet Mon - Fri ---

    Breakfast (1pm) Subway 6 inch, Turkey, Avacado, vinager, hot sauce, spinach or Terriyaki Chicken, both on 9 grain honey oat
    3pm - oatmeal
    7pm - Chicken Cutlet, pounded down, vinagar dressing. Side of spinach, and cucumbers.
    11pm - Chicken Cutlet, pounded down, vinagar dressing. Broccoli
    1am - 3 Egg Whites, and a granola bar.
    Oh, I was envisioning a lot more protein shakes. That doesn't look too drastic, actually (nor does it look like 85% of your cals are from protein).

  18. #18
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocRock View Post
    About to get gear and a buddy recommended Anavar over Winnie. Any experience with it?
    They both are good anabolics IMO. The ANAVAR is the only one I would run solo without additional testosterone though.

  19. #19
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    I eat 4 meals. 2 of which are chicken. 1 is sometimes chicken and 1 is egg whites. thats all protein. And I eat it all at work - and I work in NYC -- our calories and proteins are listed on our menu. So --- give or take its about 75% now --- or better. I was at 85% on cycle. At that time i was eating alot of steak and chicken by itself....but my stomach cant really handle red meat anymore.

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    and i drink nuthing but water. No soda no coffee no juice ....water and water with water added.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    Well......from age 19 to age 30 - I was obese. Like 351lbs obese! So i figure i got my time in with junk food this is my exact diet Mon - Fri ---

    Breakfast (1pm) Subway 6 inch, Turkey, Avacado, vinager, hot sauce, spinach or Terriyaki Chicken, both on 9 grain honey oat
    3pm - oatmeal
    7pm - Chicken Cutlet, pounded down, vinagar dressing. Side of spinach, and cucumbers.
    11pm - Chicken Cutlet, pounded down, vinagar dressing. Broccoli
    1am - 3 Egg Whites, and a granola bar.
    why do you eat a granola bar right before bed? You climb mountains before you sleep?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    They both are good anabolics IMO. The ANAVAR is the only one I would run solo without additional testosterone though.
    yep. I'm running it right now 50mg ED and running HCG with it 600iu E3D.

  23. #23
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Stacking it with tren , cyp, prop, primo now.

  24. #24
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    Well I work until 5am. Then depending on the day I either go to the gym or go home but either way I don't sleep until 7am. For my schedule gym before bed works best for me for strength and I also do 45 min of cardio or more everyday at the gym when I wake up. I admit tho if I ever do **** up. It's at 6am. That's when I
    Most likely to drink milk or eat something no shouldn't. Never junk food but with me pasta is just as bad as candy cause in Italian so I was born addicted to it lol
    Last edited by DigitalGorilla; 07-13-2012 at 05:53 PM.

  25. #25
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    Try some casein protein and take 2 scoops before bed or an hour before. It will fill you up and help w/ cravings.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim
    Try some casein protein and take 2 scoops before bed or an hour before. It will fill you up and help w/ cravings.
    I haven't seen it yet but apparently there was a link posted here somewhere about the evils of casein protein.

    DG - 5AM in the gym!?! That's balls-out hard core!!! I'm still deep in REM sleep at that time!!!!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I haven't seen it yet but apparently there was a link posted here somewhere about the evils of casein protein.

    DG - 5AM in the gym!?! That's balls-out hard core!!! I'm still deep in REM sleep at that time!!!!
    I don't know anything about it's evil nature, but casein tastes shitty, is expensive, and less anabolic than other proteins (tied for last place with soy).

  28. #28
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    Yea - I get up at 1 am, straight to gym for cardio. Then i leave for work at 5, and I get off work at 4am, usually leave by 5am, and go to gym for Strength training. Then I go straight to bed. I definitely feel like I get more when I work out before bed, because I can push as far and as hard as I want, cause I know I'm going right to bed. And I do this 4 days a week... then 2 days just cardio. And one day totally off. When I started I was 351lbs....3 years ago. Now - Im 233 as of 1 minute ago. lol Its been a long hard road but its been worth it....

  29. #29
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    Yea - I get up at 1 am, straight to gym for cardio. Then i leave for work at 5, and I get off work at 4am, usually leave by 5am, and go to gym for Strength training. Then I go straight to bed. I definitely feel like I get more when I work out before bed, because I can push as far and as hard as I want, cause I know I'm going right to bed. And I do this 4 days a week... then 2 days just cardio. And one day totally off. When I started I was 351lbs....3 years ago. Now - Im 233 as of 1 minute ago. lol Its been a long hard road but its been worth it....
    dang. What time do you sleep? I thought I was an early bird getting up at 4am.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    I don't know anything about it's evil nature, but casein tastes shitty, is expensive, and less anabolic than other proteins (tied for last place with soy).
    I seriously lol'd. I pictured a tub of protien that was evil, like a cartoon tub of protein.. Funny shit..

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToHuge View Post
    I seriously lol'd. I pictured a tub of protien that was evil, like a cartoon tub of protein.. Funny shit..
    You mean like that 5-star shit they sell at Walmart? lol

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    dang. What time do you sleep? I thought I was an early bird getting up at 4am.

    I sleep 7am to 1pm everyday - Thankfully I fall asleep usually right away and I wake up pretty easy....Funny tho - when I was fat - I needed to sleep 10 hours a day and still it wasn't enough!!! Now (and maybe because of the HGH) I sleep 5 hours and I feel like a new man. Being healthy is amazing .... lol

  33. #33
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla
    Yea - I get up at 1 am, straight to gym for cardio. Then i leave for work at 5, and I get off work at 4am, usually leave by 5am, and go to gym for Strength training. Then I go straight to bed. I definitely feel like I get more when I work out before bed, because I can push as far and as hard as I want, cause I know I'm going right to bed. And I do this 4 days a week... then 2 days just cardio. And one day totally off. When I started I was 351lbs....3 years ago. Now - Im 233 as of 1 minute ago. lol Its been a long hard road but its been worth it....
    351-233, bro that is straight up beastly! That is so awesome. Congrats on that achievement man that is definitely something to be proud of! Props to you my man!!!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToHuge

    I seriously lol'd. I pictured a tub of protien that was evil, like a cartoon tub of protein.. Funny shit..
    Yes, it's the evil casein, devils blood. Very scary!

    I haven't seen the link but it's on a thread here so I'm sure you can resource. Apparently there are two You Tube links, one espousing benefits, the other discussing the pot falls of casein. I'm curious about the links and will have to look for them.

  35. #35
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    Question also for anavar users. I get pretty crazy pumps when im running now in my calfs, anything I can do or take for that?

  36. #36
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    Ok I might now sound like a moron but will somebody tell me what PUMPS means?? lol I see this said a lot but not sure what it means?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    351-233, bro that is straight up beastly! That is so awesome. Congrats on that achievement man that is definitely something to be proud of! Props to you my man!!!
    Thanks bro. Now I figure I am at where most people start tho. So I still have a long way to go to be ripped up ..and that is my goal!

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla
    Ok I might now sound like a moron but will somebody tell me what PUMPS means?? lol I see this said a lot but not sure what it means?
    They are the feeling you get in you muscle where even when unflexed they look hard solid and tight. Think back to a very intense chest, shoulder, and arm work out day where afterwards you got in the shower and you felt so huge you could not get your arms high enough to wash your hair. That my friend is a PUMP.

  39. #39
    ripped_k1d is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    Ok I might now sound like a moron but will somebody tell me what PUMPS means?? lol I see this said a lot but not sure what it means?
    The feeling when you work out and your muscles gets full with blood and become hard. When on cycle people can get painful lower back pumps from dead lifts and calf pumps from running. Those are the 2 most common situations when a pump can be painful and a bad thing. Otherwise pumps are great, you know your body is shuttling nutrient rich blood to your muscles.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ripped_k1d

    The feeling when you work out and your muscles gets full with blood and become hard. When on cycle people can get painful lower back pumps from dead lifts and calf pumps from running. Those are the 2 most common situations when a pump can be painful and a bad thing. Otherwise pumps are great, you know your body is shuttling nutrient rich blood to your muscles.
    Yes it is also very common to get the PUMP in your lower back from deads or squats or just jogging. I hate those. It's like your back is tied in a knot.

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