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  1. #1
    gorilla's Avatar
    gorilla is offline Associate Member
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    When and Why should someone resort to T3

    Let me make it clear....I think most of us (as bad as it sucks) can get our body fat down to anywhere from 8-10%bf using E/C/A, diet, cardio etc.... before our body starts really giving us problems and resistance right? So my question this point wouldnt clen and a bit more persistance get us down to a state of "shreddness" 4-6%bf???? It seems to me as though the T3 seems to be a bit of overkill right or wrong. Do some people's bodies resist weight loss that much that T3 is needed??? Do some people not react to Clen??? Or is T3 usage a bit of and excuss for lazyness and lack of motivation???

    hey nobody take this the wrong way.... Im by no means calling anybody lazy or unmotivated!! Im writing this thread out of personal experience. Infact it is the dilemma im in now!! My body fat is down to 8% i'm not fat by any means but at the same time i do hold some fat in my lower back/hips which I absolutely hate. So do i run clen by itself or go with the T3/clen route (i know anabolics must accompany T3). So i thought of writing this thread to get peoples views.

    I hope i got my message across properly and didnt piss anyone of. Also if anyone has personal experiences with T3 dosages (how much, how little, how long, how shredded etc.....) i would love to hear them.


  2. #2
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    Some people like me have a really slow thyroid's. Do a search there is o good thread in hot topic on T-3 dossage

  3. #3
    john004 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey gorilla u gotta PM.

  4. #4
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    When and Why should someone resort to T3

    Gorilla.. this is funny i was just thinking the same about T-3... I too hold that little fat on the lower back but am also on clen /eca for now and it seems Im stuck! I dont want to continue the stack for too long because of my cycle that'll start in DEC/JAN.

    As Im writting this I started thinking about my Cardio and how much for how long, well I think I need to stop my stack and move my cardiio to 5x's a week50 mins instead of 3 @30 mins. My diet is in line and the cals along with the carbs are low but maybe I need to boost protien up? I think I will!!!
    I need to reconfigure my intake.

    I think I just answered my own question

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  5. #5
    gorilla's Avatar
    gorilla is offline Associate Member
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  6. #6
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Personally, I have so fdar disdained from T3 as I don't like the idea of shutting too much of my natural hormonal pathways down. Ya know? Maybe if I get fat though I'll start to cry a lot and then change my mind. Don't know for certain. Please don't ever let me get fat.

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