I’m in my 6th week of a 10 week D-bol, Sust, Winny cycle. I’ve been running the Sust since day one at 500mg/week, the D-bol at 35mg/day weeks 1-4 and the Winny 50mg/EOD weeks 8-10. The D-bol in the first few weeks of course, only until the Sust kicked in. The results thus far have been great. I put on 10-12 pounds rather quickly in the first 3 weeks or so and the rest seems to be in the form of some good quality muscle (not fluff like what the D-bol was giving me). Strength has increased quite a bit as well as muscle hardness and fullness. My Question is that I plan to use the liquid form of Clen post cycle. Not only for fat burning qualities, but also because of its anabolic properties and their ability to spare muscle post cycle. Now. I know from a fat burning perspective there are a couple of different ways to take it. For convenience purposes I have chosen the 2 weeks on/off method. From a muscle sparing perspective though how should it be taken? Since the Sust takes 3-5 weeks to make it’s way out of the system, should I just run the Clen strait through for that whole period; therefore rendering it less effective after the first couple of weeks as a fat burner? Or should I run it 2 week’s on/off and take my chances with the muscle sparing aspect? Also, I decided against picking up any Clomid for post cycle use because of the relatively low doses that I am taking. Do you think I made a mistake in not doing so, or am I relatively safe with my decision? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.