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  1. #1
    BostonT is offline New Member
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    Easy first cycle.

    My stats

    28yrs old

    I know there is a million posts like this, but there is so much info on this site, that I am not sure where to start. About 2 months ago I came to this site and got my diet straight. I started at about 15-16%Bf now I am sub 13 (used calipers also learned from this site). My background is I have been lifting since 16 with a lot of breaks through out that time. But for the past 2 years I have been consistent and the last year I have been hitting it really hard with a solid diet. My goal is to be lean cut and defined I am not looking for massive gains in size. My plan would be to continue my routine and diet I am on now until late fall, then work a cycle and pct through the winter. What is a "simple" first cycle? I'm trying to not pump my body full of 10 different chemicals.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    gonebluffn is offline Associate Member
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    You would see great results off 500 mg test a week.

  3. #3
    BostonT is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonebluffn View Post
    You would see great results off 500 mg test a week.
    500mg a week, how often should I dose, just once a week? How many weeks? Do I need to run anything with it for estrogen? Also PCT?

  4. #4
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Hit the educational threads. Come back with a cycle protocol and we'll critique it. No one is going to spoon feed when there are doses and durations plain as day in our sub forums as stickies. Do a little reading, provide what you've read, and we'll go from there.

  5. #5
    ChosenGenetics's Avatar
    ChosenGenetics is offline New Member
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    I'm on a first cycle of test E. pin Friday and Tuesday. 250 each. I'm happy with results so far at week 5. It's all in the diet. If you're eating right the aas will boost you sky high.

  6. #6
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    Make sure you have good PCT ready and get ready to control the acne.

  7. #7
    BostonT is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Make sure you have good PCT ready and get ready to control the acne.
    Okay so I have been doing some reading...
    I am prone to acne so would a lower dose of test be a good idea, stacked with anavar ?
    Something like a 12 week cycles

    1-12 test 250mg/wk
    4-12 anavar 100mg daily

    PCT still unsure...

    copy and paste from pheedno's thread

    PCT for cycles 8-16wks:
    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva

    so this means I take those dosages daily for 30 days, correct?

    Also I am nervous about gyno... I am unsure if I am prone or not, but I already have kinda puffy nips/stubborn fat in my chest. Hopefully by the end of summer on my diet that will be less of an issue but should I take nolva during the cycle? What exactly should I have on hand to reverse the effects of gyno if I do develop it? I have used the search function of the forum with pretty good success except the gyno subject haha. everyone seems to have a lot to say about it and there are 1000's of post that are hard to sift through to find pertinent information on the subject.

  8. #8
    BostonT is offline New Member
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    or should i not consider anavar and just deal with the acne and do 500mg test?

  9. #9
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Just run test your first cycle. See how your body reacts to that. Then on your next cycle you can add anavar . I say this because on your first cycle you dont know how you will react and if you run multiple compounds you have no ideal what did what to you. Like others said go read some stickies and threads. But 100% only run test on your first cycle.

  10. #10
    BostonT is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Just run test your first cycle. See how your body reacts to that. Then on your next cycle you can add anavar. I say this because on your first cycle you dont know how you will react and if you run multiple compounds you have no ideal what did what to you. Like others said go read some stickies and threads. But 100% only run test on your first cycle.
    Ok Ill do more research on test only. Thank you!

  11. #11
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    I am in my first too buddy andI can tell you this much. Of the 5 of myfriends, I am shredded as heck and they are alot bigger. I put on 15 lbs vs. their 25 in 7 weeks. I am solid and very dry and they are bigger, and seem a bit puffier, if that makes sense. They are running Test E, Test C, Test 400, and another is running Sus250. I opted for the Test Prop. The only problemwith that is youhave to stick EOD instead of E5Ds or OPW. I know a beginner isnt accustomed to sticking 3 and 4 times a week, but the gains are rock solid and there is little to no water weight. Every muscle is defined andthe veins are a thing of beauty. I am just giving you an idea, and these guys on here know way more than myself. I just didnt want the extra water weight so thats why I opted for the short ester. Good luckif you decide to run a cycle!

  12. #12
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Just run test your first cycle. See how your body reacts to that. Then on your next cycle you can add anavar. I say this because on your first cycle you dont know how you will react and if you run multiple compounds you have no ideal what did what to you. Like others said go read some stickies and threads. But 100% only run test on your first cycle.
    100% agree! Do this.

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