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Thread: What happens next ( i am really stuck right now at my weight)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Thumbs up What happens next ( i am really stuck right now at my weight)

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    Back in October 2011 i was put on testosterone Enhantate by my idiot medical doctor at 200mg per week, no AI. I have attached 3 pictures of myself one before i was put on testosterone, the other was taken in Mexico last month and another one taken this morning.

    Back in October when first starting testosterone my medical doctor told me that at 200mg i did not need an AI, and that in 6 months i would be full of muscles, i did not need to diet. This was given to me without even having received the results of my testosterone level and based on my symptoms. (This medical doctor is under investigation i have filled a complain to the board of medicine).

    The picture on the beach i was 217 pounds and the weight i was before being put on testosterone. The first 3 weeks where amazing, i felt great, my sex life was like i was when i was 18, i just turned 40 years old, i was 39 at that time i was put on testosterone. But after the 3 weeks had passed i started to aromotize like crazy gaining tones of fat and water retention. Make a long story short i got the results and my testosterone levels where at 640 which is very normal for a man my age.

    During that time i also met a personal trainer that put me on deca durabolin and masteron so i did 20 week cycle at 200mg of each per week. I have back pain so he told me that it would work wonders with my prolotherapy treatments.

    I reached an all time high at 261 pounds of bodyweight, after that i took armidex, HCG, duritex (OTC water pill) and my bodyweight came back to 240 pounds.

    On the picture in Mexico i am clearly bloated but my weight was around 242 hey cannot go to Mexico and diet. In the picture taken this morning i am at 234 pounds.

    I am 40 years old now and still injured with back pain i can train a bit put will never be able to push it like i used to. The problem is that since doing that steroid cycle i can no longer seem to get under 230 pounds.

    I just started going a bit of intermittent fasting combined with low carbing during the day and normal eating at around 6PM then don't eat until noon next day. I am also on 1IU of GH per day this is to repair my body and 2IU of GH with 150mg of suspension when i get my prolotherapy treatment every 2 weeks. I inject myself with HCG the night before i get my prolo treatment with 250IU.

    My question is simple could i be stuck at that awful weight due to the 20 week cycle that i did, because steroid at some point will build muscles, and after losing lots of water and fat, i am still fat i know that but not obese.

    What can i do to get to a normal weight, i am not even sure i will be able to get back to 200 pounds? i know i have to be patient too, and i am not one to eat 6 small meals per day.

    My other problem is that my body reacts to fat burners like crazy, before i could pop them pills down and stay lean now i feel terrible if i take a lipo 6 or anything else. I still drink green tea.

    I also get the weight fluctuation like crazy, i can weight myself morning and be like 234 and at night i will be 241 then the next morning 238, but i have not eaten that much.

    I also got some T3 on the way i ordered from ar lion that might help but my body temp is good at around 97.5.

    I know that reaching 40 makes it harder to lose weight but this is silly. And i cannot go low carb all the way either because i cannot stick with ketosis effect. I will lose weight an all low carb diet but will gain everything back after i start eating normal again.

    Help, thanks guy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    so now your just on
    150mg of suspension once a week
    and 25oiu of hcg once a week?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    so now your just on
    150mg of suspension once a week
    and 25oiu of hcg once a week?
    Confusing right, suspension is in the prolotherapy cocktail so its more like 150mg every 2 weeks, i take 250IU of HCG the night before my treatment. I use 1IU of GH per day, but put 2IU in the prolotherapy treatment.

    Prolo cocktail is has followed (dextrose-xylocaine 1 for 1, 1cc for 1cc, 400IU vitamine B1 and B12, 150mg of suspension and 2IU of GH) the injections are given in the right hip, lower back and upper back and ribs to stabilize ligament laxity and is working wonders, we are to had sodium morruhate next treatment.

    A part from the treatment the only drug if you will is GH at 1IU per day. That is it.

    Supplement i take 5 creatine 5 BCAA, 15 Glutamine, cod liver oil, whey protein, cissus, green tea tabs, green plus. To help the body repair itself. At night i take arginine before bed, GABA about 1g and melatonin 1g too if i take too much i have a very hard time walking up the next morning or walk up and feel tired all day.

    I eat whole eggs and red meat, egg yolk have too much nutrient to throw away.

    But i feel that this 20 week cycle might have screw up my body and now it will be close to impossible to get back to a normal bodyweight of 200 pounds

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    So are you saying.... Your overweight and want to loose bodyfat?

    Your weight means nothing, just focus on your Bodyfat % and bring that down to where you LOOK how you want to look...

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Confusing right, suspension is in the prolotherapy cocktail so its more like 150mg every 2 weeks, i take 250IU of HCG the night before my treatment. I use 1IU of GH per day, but put 2IU in the prolotherapy treatment.

    Prolo cocktail is has followed (dextrose-xylocaine 1 for 1, 1cc for 1cc, 400IU vitamine B1 and B12, 150mg of suspension and 2IU of GH) the injections are given in the right hip, lower back and upper back and ribs to stabilize ligament laxity and is working wonders, we are to had sodium morruhate next treatment.

    A part from the treatment the only drug if you will is GH at 1IU per day. That is it.

    Supplement i take 5 creatine 5 BCAA, 15 Glutamine, cod liver oil, whey protein, cissus, green tea tabs, green plus. To help the body repair itself. At night i take arginine before bed, GABA about 1g and melatonin 1g too if i take too much i have a very hard time walking up the next morning or walk up and feel tired all day.

    I eat whole eggs and red meat, egg yolk have too much nutrient to throw away.

    But i feel that this 20 week cycle might have screw up my body and now it will be close to impossible to get back to a normal bodyweight of 200 pounds
    I take it your meds are on script?

    I dont get why they would script you test susp for a bad back....

    And the dosing protocol is even more odd
    Last edited by baseline_9; 07-09-2012 at 11:15 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I take it your meds are on script?

    I dont get why they would script you test susp for a bad back....

    And the dosing protocol is even more odd
    Prolotherapy treatments, theses are not prescribed. I can get a scrip for GH easy but insurance will never cover it, you need an excellent reason to be on GH like HIV or something. I get mine from a source, and its a lot cheaper too.

    In prolo you got the basic cocktail wish is dextrose (sugar water) and xylocaine. That will cause inflammation but you also need to add growth factor like GH and testosterone to produce IGF1 and collagen.

    I had prolotherapy before using basic cocktail and the results where terrible.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i would bet that 150mg of suspension is reaking havoc on your system
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i would bet that 150mg of suspension is reaking havoc on your system
    Even at 150mg per 2 weeks its water base suppose to go out of the body in 3 days? but you might be right my face is a bit bloated. I have no choice to keep this in the prolotherapy treatment its part of the cocktail and to be honest it did a lot of good, the clicking and snapping are almost all gone, there has to be a growth factor suspension combined with GH.

    I guess i will eat clean for now and really give it my all when i can train again and get off the suspenion for good. I don't plan to go back on steroids after my treatment, unless i really have low T which right now is fine. I do plan to try and stay on GH at 1IU per day, seeing that my hair is growing back makes me very happy.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	QC2010.jpg 
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ID:	124406Click image for larger version. 

Name:	quebec2010.jpg 
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ID:	124407

    Theses are picture of me in 2010 in Quebec city you can clearly see the hairloss, and in the now picture the hair has grown back with 1IU or GH per day fantastique slow working low dosage but fantasique

  9. #9
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    yes it clears your system fast but still can spike your estrogen levels. And possibly cause a suppression to shut down of your own test.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    yes it clears your system fast but still can spike your estrogen levels. And possibly cause a suppression to shut down of your own test.
    thanks a million gixx you know a lot more about all this then me because before Oct 17th of 2011 i used steroids once and had no clue what i was doing. I tough the HCG would help not get shut down, i also have liquidex on hand. But i did not get the puffy nipples, or huge bloating like i did with delatestryl and depo testo last year, but i was taking a lot more 200mg per week and oil based.

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