Hey everybody. Ive read educational forums and have done some research as well. I have some questions about my cycle I am finishing up as well as the next cycle I am planning on taking.
I am 30yrs old 6ft 3in tall and I wiegh 320 pounds. I work out 3 days a week for approx 3 hours doing a total of approx 36 to 44 sets including drop sets and occasionaly additional super sets.
I am just finishing a 12 week cycle. cycle as follows
weeks 1 through 6
Sustanon 250mg 1ML twice a week for a total of 500mg a week (Tue & Fri)
Equipoise 200mg 1ML twice a week for a total of 400mg a week (Tue & Fri)
Trenbolone Acetate (75mg?) EOD
weeks 7 through 12
Sustanon 250mg 1ML twice a week for a total of 500mg a week (Tue & Fri)
Equipoise 200mg 1ML twice a week for a total of 400mg a week (Tue & Fri)
I am finishing this cycle in about 4 weeks. I have seen concistent and large gains in all of my lifts and I have lost about 50 pounds on this cycle. When i started this cycle i was a little over 370 pounds. I was misinfored when i started my cycle and i started juicing specifically to lose weight and build lean muscle while i shaped the body i wanted.
I stopped taking the Tren because i was getting very rashy and started to get tren cough. Originally i injected into my glutes but had a hard time seeing what i was doing and was very rough with my injections. now i inject into my thighs. I have seen good results (in my opinion) and plan on doing another cycle.
I hve taken no AI or estrogen blockers intra cycle. I have alot of stubborn fat on my lower pecs as well as my stomach and side of my abdomen. (love handles)
I do not do alot of cardio but i plan on starting more to try and burn the stubborn fat. I take other supplements as well for muscle growth and fat burning.
My goal is to burn the fat and build strength for a good base to start getting the mass i want on my third cycle. According to my source what I am doing is the right path from but what I have read the best way would have been to burn all the fat then build a base in the gym before i started to cycle.
Also i have adhd so please forgive me if i jump around alot.I also play semi pro football and have seen great increase in strength as well as athletic ability since i started to take anabolics.
the next cycle i plan on starting is as follows and starts in approx 4 weeks
cycle 2 weeks 1 through 7
Sustanon 250mg 1ML three times a week for a total of 750mg (mon, wed, fri,) lifting days
Equipoise 200mg 1ML three times a week for a total of 600mg (mon, wed, fri,) lifting days
Masteron 100mg 1.5ML EOD total approx 525mg/week
weeks 8 through 13
Sustanon 250mg 1ML three times a week for a total of 750mg (mon, wed, fri,) lifting days
Equipoise 200mg 1ML three times a week for a total of 600mg (mon, wed, fri,) lifting days
What i am looking for is general advice as well as suggestions for intra cycle AI. i did not start any pct for the tren and dont plan on starting any for the masteron. I know the masteron acts as an estrogen blocker and is an AI in itself. any suggestions or experienced info will help. so far my source is my info. I just wanna make sure hes got my best interests in mind and not his wallet.
thanks ahead of time for any info and or help.