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Thread: Newbie cycling questions.

  1. #1

    Newbie cycling questions.

    Hey everybody. Ive read educational forums and have done some research as well. I have some questions about my cycle I am finishing up as well as the next cycle I am planning on taking.

    I am 30yrs old 6ft 3in tall and I wiegh 320 pounds. I work out 3 days a week for approx 3 hours doing a total of approx 36 to 44 sets including drop sets and occasionaly additional super sets.

    I am just finishing a 12 week cycle. cycle as follows

    weeks 1 through 6

    Sustanon 250mg 1ML twice a week for a total of 500mg a week (Tue & Fri)
    Equipoise 200mg 1ML twice a week for a total of 400mg a week (Tue & Fri)
    Trenbolone Acetate (75mg?) EOD

    weeks 7 through 12

    Sustanon 250mg 1ML twice a week for a total of 500mg a week (Tue & Fri)
    Equipoise 200mg 1ML twice a week for a total of 400mg a week (Tue & Fri)

    I am finishing this cycle in about 4 weeks. I have seen concistent and large gains in all of my lifts and I have lost about 50 pounds on this cycle. When i started this cycle i was a little over 370 pounds. I was misinfored when i started my cycle and i started juicing specifically to lose weight and build lean muscle while i shaped the body i wanted.

    I stopped taking the Tren because i was getting very rashy and started to get tren cough. Originally i injected into my glutes but had a hard time seeing what i was doing and was very rough with my injections. now i inject into my thighs. I have seen good results (in my opinion) and plan on doing another cycle.

    I hve taken no AI or estrogen blockers intra cycle. I have alot of stubborn fat on my lower pecs as well as my stomach and side of my abdomen. (love handles)

    I do not do alot of cardio but i plan on starting more to try and burn the stubborn fat. I take other supplements as well for muscle growth and fat burning.

    My goal is to burn the fat and build strength for a good base to start getting the mass i want on my third cycle. According to my source what I am doing is the right path from but what I have read the best way would have been to burn all the fat then build a base in the gym before i started to cycle.

    Also i have adhd so please forgive me if i jump around alot.I also play semi pro football and have seen great increase in strength as well as athletic ability since i started to take anabolics.

    the next cycle i plan on starting is as follows and starts in approx 4 weeks

    cycle 2 weeks 1 through 7

    Sustanon 250mg 1ML three times a week for a total of 750mg (mon, wed, fri,) lifting days
    Equipoise 200mg 1ML three times a week for a total of 600mg (mon, wed, fri,) lifting days
    Masteron 100mg 1.5ML EOD total approx 525mg/week

    weeks 8 through 13

    Sustanon 250mg 1ML three times a week for a total of 750mg (mon, wed, fri,) lifting days
    Equipoise 200mg 1ML three times a week for a total of 600mg (mon, wed, fri,) lifting days

    What i am looking for is general advice as well as suggestions for intra cycle AI. i did not start any pct for the tren and dont plan on starting any for the masteron. I know the masteron acts as an estrogen blocker and is an AI in itself. any suggestions or experienced info will help. so far my source is my info. I just wanna make sure hes got my best interests in mind and not his wallet.

    thanks ahead of time for any info and or help.
    Last edited by endemic; 07-09-2012 at 10:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    cycle 1 was a mistake. Why repeat the same mistake. Only thing you should be concentrating on is diet, cardio and training. You dont use aas to cut weight. When you get down to a good weight you may find you have gyno leftover from your cycle? Either way it's a waste of money.

    You need to forget whatever you think you have learned in regards to education if you think aas is a key to weight loss.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    what do you do for cardio? how often?

    hows your diet like?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    cycle 1 was a mistake. Why repeat the same mistake. Only thing you should be concentrating on is diet, cardio and training. You dont use aas to cut weight. When you get down to a good weight you may find you have gyno leftover from your cycle? Either way it's a waste of money.

    You need to forget whatever you think you have learned in regards to education if you think aas is a key to weight loss.

    out of everything i posted i am sorry that what you got out of it was i was using AAS to cut weight. I am using it to build muscle and strength. both ofw hich i have seen huge gains in. much higher and consistent gains than lifting naked. yes i am trying to lose weight as well which is why i chose the products i did since both equipoise and tren induce high fat loss and lean muscle. with little to no cardio i lost about 40 pounds of fat and about 4 inches off of my watse in a little over 2 weeks. the fat loss is a priority but not the main reason i am taking aas.

    example: 5 weeks ago i struggled to do double arm trap shrugs at 225. last friday i finished my set at 515 for 8 clen reps.
    my bench has almost doubled .all my lifts have almost doubled and some tripled and quadrupled since i started my aas. these gains started to become more apparent about 4 weeks into the cycle.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    what do you do for cardio? how often?

    hows your diet like?
    I eat primal. or as close to primal as i can. alot of high protien meats and dark greens. litle to no carbs and low sugar intake. Alot of vegetables that are low in sugar. (brussel sprouts, squashes, zuccini) i do eat sweet potatoes alot as well though. i have replaced most of my mashed potato options with mashed cauliflower however.

    i play semi pro football and get most of my cardio from practice twice a week. sprints running etc. i also try to do 3 sets of situps till failure every morning and i try to hit the bike if i have enough time at the gym. i completely cut out juices and sodas. i primarily drink whole milk and water. (exceptions are pre workout and protien shakes which i mix with whole milk as well.)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    You lost me at not running an ai. and you were on tren for 4 weeks. I do not know what to know what your estro levels are nor your prolac.
    I suggest your get yourself educated and stop using as of now. You need to get your body in proper shape to cycle so you can cycle properly and longevity of your lifting career. we are here to see that others do safe and approprieate cycles.

  7. #7
    Another question I have is this:

    I seem to notice alot more intensity on fridays lifts after i pin. I have missed a day here and there and pinned on a diferent day to catch up. for instance i pinned last monday instead of tuesday. Last monday I went up by ten pounds on every set for dumbell flat press and my reps were all the same or higher than the previous week. Last night I did not pin and i tried to continue the increase in wieghts as I have done every week and in my 3rd rep at higher wieght i just kinda "stopped" couldn't push the wieght i was the week beforeand finished my last set at lower wieght for more reps to finish my pump and work my chest to failure.

    my question is do i get more out of the AAS the night i pin or is it in my head. from my understanding once its in your sytem its always there till i stop cycling and it leaves my system. This leads me to believe that when i do pin and feel amped or fired up it may be in my head and my failure last night was just from muscle fatigue and possibly trying to push too much wieght.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    You lost me at not running an ai. and you were on tren for 4 weeks. I do not know what to know what your estro levels are nor your prolac.
    I suggest your get yourself educated and stop using as of now. You need to get your body in proper shape to cycle so you can cycle properly and longevity of your lifting career. we are here to see that others do safe and approprieate cycles.
    I was on tren for 6 weeks and discontinued due to sides. as far as the AI i agree from what my source told me i didn;t need it but from what i read untill i found out my succeptabiity to gyno or not i should have been taking one regardless.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by endemic

    I was on tren for 6 weeks and discontinued due to sides. as far as the AI i agree from what my source told me i didn;t need it but from what i read untill i found out my succeptabiity to gyno or not i should have been taking one regardless.
    Some sources don't know anything! You should always run an Ai to prevent estrogen build up. There's a sticky on the importance of an Ai. Read up on it

  11. #11
    i have nolvadex on hand for pct but i a trying to get letrozole now for an intra cycle ai. i have not had any immediate issues from estrogen that i can tell but i am getting a new blood panel done next week. that should tell me alot more.

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