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Thread: Convince Me.........

  1. #1

    Convince Me.........

    For almost 8 months now, I have been digging deep into Masteron, & I have to say, I'm not very impressed, in my opinion, it appears to be another "Eq" compound, in other words, I have read nothing that suggests or verifies Masteron's ability to build muscle above & beyond the realm of what Testosterone alone can do. However............knowing what I do about its chemical composition, there is still a piece of me that believes this can be a very useful drug, so I want to know what you know, tell me you're experiences / results, doses & so on. Talk me into this drug if you can........ Thank you gents.........

  2. #2
    It's exactly like you said, run it alone and you'll be disappointed. Add it into a cycle at the end to harden up and you'll love it. It's all about your expectations.

  3. #3
    OK..........2 things.......(1) the necessity for it to be run along side other compounds in order to see results from it, just further supports my theory that this is a useless compound & the results people see from it are actually from the other compounds. And (2) I never had any intention of running this or any compound without Test. I'm interested in your claim that it hardens you up though...........what in Masteron "hardens you up"?
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 07-10-2012 at 03:10 PM.

  4. #4
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    I ran it with test, tren, clen, and t-3. I don't know if it was mast or the combination of it all. But 2 weeks after starting it I went from not show ready to what you see in my avi. I think it hardened me up. There was a change when it was added. 100mg eod

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    It's exactly like you said, run it alone and you'll be disappointed. Add it into a cycle at the end to harden up and you'll love it. It's all about your expectations.
    So Mast makes muscles look better? I just finished a test var cycle. Last 6 weeks var 80mg/day and while I didn't gain any weight the muscles looked a hell of a lot better. But I've been looking into Mast as a more economical way to get quality muscle than another var cycle. Besides those var back pumps were brutal.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    OK..........2 things.......(1) the necessity for it to be run along side other compounds in order to see results from it, just further supports my theory that this is a useless compound & the results people see from it are actually from the other compounds. And (2) I never had any intention of running this or any compound without Test. What in Masteron "hardens you up"?
    I dont know. I just did as I was told.

  7. #7
    From what I understand it's fairly closely related to DHT just like winstrol. That would help "harden you up."

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I ran it with test, tren, clen, and t-3. I don't know if it was mast or the combination of it all. But 2 weeks after starting it I went from not show ready to what you see in my avi. I think it hardened me up. There was a change when it was added. 100mg eod
    Tell me bit more about your cycle. Doses? How long was the cycle? When did you add the Mast? And what is in Masteron that you believe "hardens you up"?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    From what I understand it's fairly closely related to DHT just like winstrol. That would help "harden you up."
    So you actually noticed a physical hardening of the muscle tissue? You don't think that look / feel was from losing fat or water?

  10. #10
    I've actually never used masteron myself due to MPB concerns, but I've researched steroids for years and know people who have used it and it's always the same result. They look shredded by the time their cycle is over and they're done with it. Granted, these people train right, cycle right, and work hard for their results. Just look into what DHT itself does to the human body, it promotes lean muscle and helps remove excess water by acting as a natural anti estrogen. And yes, masteron can help alleviate estrogen related side effects, so theres another use right there for ya.

  11. #11
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    Masteron on its own isn't that great. I'd say the extent of its use when run on its own would be as an anti-catabolic when cutting. I ran it on its own for that purpose once, and it served me well.

    However, when combined with test (or anything else), it contributes a couple amazing features to the cycle that makes the other compounds you are using more powerful. Masteron is a wonderful anti-estrogen, so you can run it with testosterone and pretty much control estrogen-related sides such as bloat and gyno (this is where the 'hardening' effect of masteron is found to originate). Masteron also has a very high affinity for SHBG, which means it will attract that SHBG and keep it away from any other compounds you are using, such as test, and allow more of the test you are using to be able to be free to do its job.

    I would consider Masteron to be the poor man's Anavar or Primo, only MUCH BETTER!

  12. #12
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    I was running Test e (didn't switch to prop because I knew I was going to take a diuretic)@750 mg per week mast 350 mg per week and 500 mg tren a a week. I have no idea whats in mast.Added the mast the last 6 weeks.Like I said it could have been everything coming together at once. I have no idea whats in mast. All I know is there was a change after i started taking it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I was running Test e (didn't switch to prop because I knew I was going to take a diuretic)@750 mg per week mast 350 mg per week and 500 mg tren a a week. I have no idea whats in mast.Added the mast the last 6 weeks.Like I said it could have been everything coming together at once. I have no idea whats in mast. All I know is there was a change after i started taking it.
    Its due to Masteron's properties of it being a DHT, an aromatase-inhibitor, AND an SHBG blocker.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    I've actually never used masteron myself due to MPB concerns, but I've researched steroids for years and know people who have used it and it's always the same result. They look shredded by the time their cycle is over and they're done with it. Granted, these people train right, cycle right, and work hard for their results. Just look into what DHT itself does to the human body, it promotes lean muscle and helps remove excess water by acting as a natural anti estrogen. And yes, masteron can help alleviate estrogen related side effects, so theres another use right there for ya.
    LOL........ you've never used it, but you're trying to convince someone else to use it, & even suggesting HOW to use it.......LOL. That's fvcking hilarious & infuriating at the the same time............ Would you suggest or try to teach someone to fly a plane just because you read a piloting book & watched other people fly? "I'm not a doctor..........but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night".........

  15. #15
    So just as research has suggested, it appears that Masteron's only attribute is its ability to assist other compounds in doing their job more effectively. It seems as though Masteron itself does not build muscle.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I would consider Masteron to be the poor man's Anavar or Primo, only MUCH BETTER!
    That's what I wanted to hear.

    My next summer cycle is looking to be test, tbol, mast.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    So just as research has suggested, it appears that Masteron's only attribute is its ability to assist other compounds in doing their job more effectively. It seems as though Masteron itself does not build muscle.
    Well, it does build muscle, but you can't expect it to be as anabolic as trenbolone or testosterone. The fact is, Masteron has an anabolic rating of 62-130 (for some reason they haven't found a solid number for it when they were determining its properties in the lab). Testosterone's anabolic rating is 100 (of which is the standard by which all other anabolic steroids are measured against). By comparison, Trenbolone's anabolic rating is 500(!!!). As you can see, Masteron is not that much stronger than test, and in some cases may be weaker. Masteron's beauty, as you mentioned, lies in its ability to assist other compounds. It basically makes everything else you're using REALLY shine.

    Here's some fun facts for you: Masteron's real chemical name is Drostanolone. Superdrol, which is actually methylated Drostanolone (methylated in TWO places to be specific), has a whopping anbolic rating of 400.

  18. #18
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    This is cut and pasted:

    Due to the effects of Masteron on estrogen related side effects, Masteron is a very useful tool (especially in competitive bodybuilding) when cutting. As higher levels of estrogen result in water retention, Masteron inhibits water retention, and many users claim that their muscles feel very full and tight on Masteron, with it giving them amazing 'muscle pumps' in the gym. Use of Masteron (in combination with other appropriate meds) at low body fat levels results in the user seeing fine detail of the muscles being accentuated, such as striations and the fine details of the muscle. Masteron helps draw out the water from between the skin and the muscle giving this very cut look (at low body fat levels). Not many other AS medicines can give such effects on muscle detail as those seen with Masteron.

    Despite these effects of Masteron, it is a rather weak AS in itself. One would hardly benefit at all from use of Masteron on its own, and furthermore use of Masteron alone may result in loss of libido due to shutdown of the body's natural testosterone production. For these reasons, it is always recommended to stack Masteron with other steroids.

  19. #19
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    Well there ya go, more confirmation of what i've been saying.

  20. #20
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    Opps I for got I was running winny to.

  21. #21
    Awesome. You guys have been a big help. I am still of the opinion that it is worthless, but just like Eq. I have to try it to confirm, so what dose do you guys recommend? Keep in mind I intended on not only competing in, but WINNING the strongman comp. in the very near future. And I'm not talking about just some local show in hoboken usa, I intend on competing internationally and becoming THE worlds strongest man by age 35. I am currently on a Test. / Tren. blast & cruise of astronomically high doses which I won't post on the open forum because I don't want to misguide our young members / users. 32 years old, 6'-2" / 270 lbs +/- & 10% bf +/-.

  22. #22
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    Alittle off topic bear, but how is your cardio with tren? Also with the use of gw-501516? I know tren decreases cardio.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Awesome. You guys have been a big help. I am still of the opinion that it is worthless, but just like Eq. I have to try it to confirm, so what dose do you guys recommend? Keep in mind I intended on not only competing in, but WINNING the strongman comp. in the very near future. And I'm not talking about just some local show in hoboken usa, I intend on competing internationally and becoming THE worlds strongest man by age 35. I am currently on a Test. / Tren. blast & cruise of astronomically high doses which I won't post on the open forum because I don't want to misguide our young members / users. 32 years old, 6'-2" / 270 lbs +/- & 10% bf +/-.
    If that's what your going for I wouldn't worry about the mast..You don't want to be the driest looking guy there. And I don't see any strength related info for using it. I think it is worthless for your application. Put the money on tren.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg;6070***
    Alittle off topic bear, but how is your cardio with tren? Also with the use of gw-501516? I know tren decreases cardio.
    Honestly, its been a struggle to say the least, especially at the dose of Tren I'm using, but that's where pure, 100% concentrated commitment & desire step in & force me through. And the GW has indeed helped a great deal.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 07-10-2012 at 04:30 PM.

  25. #25
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    So...why have you been using it for 8 months if you don't know what it does, how it works, or whether it even works??? This is just backwards.
    Btw, your masteron is probably just crap, since you're the first guy I've heard doubt masteron's potency and effectiveness for strength and hardening. The main complaint is usually hairloss.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    So...why have you been using it for 8 months if you don't know what it does, how it works, or whether it even works??? This is just backwards.
    Think he has been researching for 8 months

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    LOL........ you've never used it, but you're trying to convince someone else to use it, & even suggesting HOW to use it.......LOL. That's fvcking hilarious & infuriating at the the same time............ Would you suggest or try to teach someone to fly a plane just because you read a piloting book & watched other people fly? "I'm not a doctor..........but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night".........

    Hmm seems like you're mad? More so then convincing you to use it (because I really care what you use) I was just explaining how it's used and why it "hardens" you. I know a lot about steroids...nothing I said is false. And despite you "researching the shit out of it" you failed to understand what DHT is or how its related. Asking a question like "whats IN masteron to make it harden you" shows your vast knowledge of steroids. Nothing is "in" steroids, they are single individual chemicals. I've been reading this forum and posting since 2004...I think I picked up a few things along the way. Just chill out bro, nobody is here to infuriate you.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    So...why have you been using it for 8 months if you don't know what it does, how it works, or whether it even works??? This is just backwards.
    Btw, your masteron is probably just crap, since you're the first guy I've heard doubt masteron's potency and effectiveness for strength and hardening. The main complaint is usually hairloss.
    Easy killer, I think you may have misunderstood my post, when I said I've "been digging deep into Masteron", I meant I have been researching it, not using it.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    Hmm seems like you're mad? More so then convincing you to use it (because I really care what you use) I was just explaining how it's used and why it "hardens" you. I know a lot about steroids...nothing I said is false. And despite you "researching the shit out of it" you failed to understand what DHT is or how its related. Asking a question like "whats IN masteron to make it harden you" shows your vast knowledge of steroids. Nothing is "in" steroids, they are single individual chemicals. I've been reading this forum and posting since 2004...I think I picked up a few things along the way. Just chill out bro, nobody is here to infuriate you.
    Yap yap yap yap....... If you haven't used it, you know nothing about it, PERIOD. Don't give advice based on what someone else told you, you either have experience with it or you don't.......................I don't care what you picked up" along the way........

  30. #30
    Lol you're great bro. Theres plenty of vets around here that know everything there is to know about steroids and didn't necessarily use them all. Its weird how you're asking about masteron's "muscle building abilities" while on a journey to be "THE strongest man in the world." I wish you the best on your journey, I'll try to be pro football player in the meantime, I'd say our chances are around the same.

  31. #31
    You're gonna eat those words..............

  32. #32
    Maybe so...but then I'd just brag about getting into an argument with the strongest man in the world

  33. #33
    If you're just looking for mass and strength gains I'd look somewhere else. It won't have any noticeable affects on strength when you're already on test and tren. Lots of people like mast for the aggression it gives and being able to lower your AI dose but who needs more aggression on test+tren, and I'd rather just get more aromasin than take something that will just use up space in a syringe.

    But I love the stuff. Mast, when I'm lean, gives me a different look than anything else, including tren. It makes me more vascular and hard 24/7 (my muscles lol). I guess you could say it's an aesthetic steroid.

    I've run it from 350mg to 700mg and would stick on the high end of that range if/when I run it again.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Easy killer, I think you may have misunderstood my post, when I said I've "been digging deep into Masteron", I meant I have been researching it, not using it.
    Ohhh ok. That makes a lot more sense.
    Well, just try it and find out. Like I said, I have yet to hear anyone say that masteron is useless, especially when stacked with a good dose of test (as it has all the benefits of DHT, plus some anabolism, as it is not deactivated in skeletal muscle).

  35. #35
    Thanx Sgt. & Bona. I've always valued both you're guys advices. I think I'll give it a shot (no pun intended) but I'm probably gonna have to run it at an extremely high dose to reap any notable benefit.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Thanx Sgt. & Bona. I've always valued both you're guys advices. I think I'll give it a shot (no pun intended) but I'm probably gonna have to run it at an extremely high dose to reap any notable benefit.
    Go for it. The only real side effects to worry about are androgenic and largely cosmetic, so as long as you don't have prostate issues and don't care about your hair, you should be able to use a bunch of it without issue (since it isn't toxic and can't cause gyno, nor does it increase RBCs much). Also, it is one of the less suppressive AAS out there, since it isn't a 19-nor and does not aromatize.

  37. #37
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    at 400 a week ill be intrested in seeing how my hair holds up, i rather be running 600-800. i will wait thou and see how i respond on the lower dosage. Gf hates the idea my hair might fall out

    on a side note what happend to bear?

  38. #38
    I heard he got hit by a train, & later in the hospital when the train woke up, it tells tale of a bear dusting himself off, spitting on the ground & walking away laughing & chewing on a piece of train rail like a farmer on straw..................

  39. #39
    Sorry for my lack of presence & contribution gents, things are starting to wind down at work & I'll be back into the swing of things soon for lack of better term. And for those who have PM'd me, I'm not ignoring you, nor have I forgotten you, I'll get to you shortly, thanks for your patience.

  40. #40
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    Welcome back, Bear.

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