alright finally got all my stuff just have a few questions...

im 26, 5'11" 215 .. about 15% bf.. no cycle experience.. training about 5 years with an 10 month break a few years ago due to a severe shoulder injury.. did one natty bb show last summer and placed well 3 out of 8 in my class..

cycle as planned:

12 weeks test e 250/250

adex .25mg eod

clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20

my question besides if this is all good, is should i start the adex when i take my first pin?? and i wanted to run hcg but my source doesn't have it.. is it ok without hcg?? also if there are any supps i should take along with the cycle?? i tried researching supps to help with cycle but got mixed reviews about supps like milk thistle and liv 52 ect.. any and all opinions appreciated.. thanks