07-15-2012, 11:51 AM #1Junior Member
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Thoughts on adding Masteron to Test Cyp/ Winni cycle
Hi all,
New here. I just was wondering some of your thoughts on my cycle.
I'm running 500mg ew of test cyp. In 5th week. Going to add 400mg ew of Masteron for the rest of my cycle, 12-13 weeks. Also Im going to bring in Winstrol at 50mg ed for the last 4-5 weeks.
I'm on krill oil, and a multivit right now, n2guard, for my support supps. Also on Formastanzol to keep estrogen at bay and for its mild anabolic effects. Also .25mg of arimidex eod.
What do you think i can expect from adding these? So far I have increased in weight 12lbs. and can tell I'm picking up some fat in my abdominal area which I read is near impossible to avoid on test? I wanted this to be more of a lean bulk but it seems to be turning into just eat eat eat and bulk and get as big as I can type deal. Hate losing my abs! Hence why I wanted to add mast and winni to kinda kill off the water weight and added fat in the end of my cycle.
24 yr old.
189lbs. 11% bf
Training for a long while. Years.
Goal is a lean 200lb. by end of summer hopefully.
Thanks for the help
07-15-2012, 12:09 PM #2
What is your cycle experience?
07-15-2012, 12:10 PM #3
07-15-2012, 01:03 PM #4Junior Member
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Ran a var 50mg ed only cycle 2 years back. Turned out to be something completely different. Dbol is my guess. I gained 20+ lbs and strength went though the roof. Also didnt know what pct was back then and was listening to a pal. DUMB move. I was very messed up for 6 mths after that and then learned about PCT.
Ran a var 50mg/ Winni 25mg ed cycle.
Ran a transaderm, nothing special (DHEA pretty much) cycle.
Ran a Helladrol (ph to turinabol I believe) cycle a few months back and really liked it. (Will use this to kick start on my next Test cycle I think.. )Also through in Mk-2866 and did a separate run with Gw-501516.
Wanted to add I have been on 5 caps of Hcgenerate Ed since I started this cycle and it has my boys still at normal size. Good shit. My buddy and I are on the same cycle and his are the size of marbles. lol sooo stuff def works.
My pct on my current cycle is:
2 weeks after last injection of Test Cyp: (wondering if I can still run the mast up until the day of pct or if I should drop it the same time as the Test Cyp., And for the winni, can I run it up to the day I start pct?)
Torem- 90/60/60/30 (less sides then nolva or clomid)
fish oil
Mk-2866 low dosed at 12.5mg to keep me as anabolic as possible in pct.
07-15-2012, 01:44 PM #5
I would stick to 1 compound on your first injectable cycle man. You don't know how your body is going to react to the compounds, so if you start to see sides, how do you know which compound it's from?
07-15-2012, 01:54 PM #6
Agreed just keep it simple this time do a good PCT get blood work done a couple of months after PCT and assuming all is well then run a Test/Mast cycle to burn off whatever bodyfat you have at that time.
07-15-2012, 02:05 PM #7Junior Member
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You dont think that test cyp would show its sides by end of week 5? I know it just kicked in about 2 weeks ago.. Um um. I may just stick to the winni for the last 4 weeks since I kno how iteffects me.already
If u insist on adding compound id add one or the other. My choice would be masteron . I personally dont like the combo of the 3 you are proposing.
07-15-2012, 03:30 PM #9Junior Member
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Ok, fair enough. Reasoning?
I don't mean to be like a Newbie and ask a ton of questions, even though this is my first cycle with injections. But I feel like I already messed up with not using a kick starter like my source told me was a good idea. I initially started this cycle with the same mind set, keep it simple and see how the Test cyp alone will effect me... But now that I have watched my buddies do test E, C only cycles and came back fine with letro only pcts/arimidex only pcts and various others and had no real bad sides (not that Im after sides lol and I realize that AAS effects us all different.), it has me thinking.
That said, I really don't think that I'm going to encounter anything horrible from the Test alone at this point at this dose (500mg ew). The only sides I have had so far are Higher Blood pressure (took care of that by starting Adex .25mg eod and upping n2guard to 9 tabs ed. Made a HUGE diff), bloat/ water retention and a small gain in fat in my abdominal area. O and crazy random boners which I like and so does the gf ha. Maybe a little more sleepy/lethargy. I just know that I don't want to come off cycle with increased fat. Seems to negate the reason I'm on in the first place.
The test is deff. some fun stuff to run. Strong in the gym! unlike anything else I have ever run.
07-15-2012, 03:48 PM #10
If you eat clean ( not more than 300 cals above your TDEE and a 40/40/20 protein/ carb/ Fats split) and keep taking your AI ( too keep estro from aromatization in check) any apparent fat that you gain is going to be mostly water and will dissapate quickly at the end of the cycle during PCT.
07-15-2012, 04:14 PM #11Junior Member
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My TDEE is 3100 cals a day. I eat the diet off of Biohazardmass . com... the Get Big, Get Lean Diet for people that are 190-250lbs. I don't want to post exact amounts because I feel like I did pay for it. Posting it online would not be too cool to that guy who wrote the plans haha.
Regardless it has me eating several meals a day. Coconut oil, olive oil, broccoli, cauliflower, tons of chicken, a few cups of white rice, a weight gainer shake 2 times ed. and a sirloin steak for dinner ed. Everything is weighed.
Now ill admit I don't really follow it to a tee because of work and weighing your food just gets old really fast. And I do like my beer from time to time. I need to clean this area up a bit and add some more cardio and I think I can take care of this abdominal fat issue I seem to have. Running another compound that could potentially make this an easier process would be much more ideal of course.
Thanks for the quick replies guys
07-15-2012, 06:07 PM #12
It's for people who are 190-250? What a range. The daily macros on those should vary greatly for someone who weighs 190 and someone that weighs 250... What do your pro/carbs/fats break down to?
07-15-2012, 08:18 PM #13
While I aplaud your decision not to freely share what someone else sells, I really doubt this site has any secrets to diet sucess not freely available on the nutritional forum. The trouble with selling a specific diet is that most everyone responds differently to foods. That is while there are general rules that work for everyone, there are also variables. IE, some who will do very well with almost all fish or chicken and others who do very well with a lot of red meat ( myself ) if there was one diet that worked best every IFBB pro would be able to finance his career through selling his/her nutritional secrets. There has been a ton of research and various theories on who to indentify who will respond to various approaches, none seem to have worked very well so far. Maybe one day a genetic test will yield the answer, till then its up to us try different approaches and see what happens.
07-16-2012, 10:43 AM #14Junior Member
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Tech X Mass- 1240 100/192/8
Coconut Oil- 928 0/0/56
Olive oil- 500 0/0/56
Chicken- 1055 160.65/0/41.15
Steak sirloin- 553 85.9/0/18.6
Green beans - 69 3.4/0/13.4
Broccoli- 24 2/4.7/.3
Pineapple- 84 .9/22/.2
Tortilla wrap- 130 4/26/1.5
Rice- 175 3.7/39.5/0
Total: 4758 359.9/284.2/195.15
Diet is def not my thing so i could use a ton of help here. So after doing the math.. Wtf am I doing? If my TDEE is 3100ish and I'm eating 4758 cals Ed then well there my abdominal fat issue
right there. Now for the real brain buster, to me at least, the protein/carbs/fats don't add up. Where did I go wrong. I went to calorie king . Com (can post links yet) and searched for everything that was in my diet. Those are the numbers that I came up with after. Can someone shed a little light on all this and whatnit means as far as what ratios I am consuming...
Undoubtably, the mass gainer and coconut oil are my main culprits. That are jacking my calories way up.
07-16-2012, 11:10 AM #15
07-16-2012, 09:45 PM #16Junior Member
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07-21-2012, 09:05 AM #17Junior Member
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Did 2 shots of mast already. Don't feel much different lol but like all things it takes time.
07-21-2012, 09:20 AM #18Originally Posted by PaynESTER;60***85
Wait. So Winny sucks because it hurts and Tren is what gets you to your goals.
07-21-2012, 09:25 AM #19
This guy is not listening....he is gonna do what he wants.
Who said you have to gain BF on test? I never do and I eat bacon once a week.
07-21-2012, 09:53 AM #22Junior Member
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I'm listen to you all... I just havnt seen anything to back up a lot of thinspgs that have been said. I came for some advice. I read a lot into anything that I put into my body and then ask ask ask, hear, other forums, and the gym.
If anyone can say that what I have proposed is a bad idea and then show me why.. Then do and I'll listen.
Test cyp at 500mg ew and Mast at 400mg stacked.... Is a decent cycle. I'm on all the support supps I need to be on. And have my full pct laid out. And in my possession. I would say that I'm pretty prepared for this. And at now 6 weeks into my test cyp cycle and no horrible sides to speak of, how can you say I'll start to have them?
Not trying to start a rant but come on, I read a thousand logs of guys here and on other forums stacking these 2 and tons more. Not only that, I personally know several guys in the gym that have ran this just like this.
I'll keep you guys posted on my progress. Thanks for any help you can offer.
07-21-2012, 10:02 AM #23
We dont know whether or not your prone to sides. Why not be conservative for your first cycle?
That's the reason we recommend a single compound for some and no compounds for others.
07-21-2012, 10:06 AM #24Junior Member
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And I dont think you have to gain bf on test. If you eat like a bird, but with me.. I eat and eat a lot. I try to keep it clean but I also don't want to kill any potential gains I could be making because I'm starving myself lol. And you gain bf on cycle because test aromatizes . Your estrogen goes up and ( yes you can control it with an ai which I do) you will gain a bit of fat. It's almost unavoidable and in every description of test that I can think of. Now on the other hand, you will gain a lot more in lbm so yes you bf% will/ can, should go down. But when I personally tend to carry my weight in my mid section ( be it really not a lot) I really don't like it. So thats why I post about it. That and the fact that those last few abs have been hellnfor me to get.
07-21-2012, 10:27 AM #25
If you have problems with weight in your mid section then you're already at a higher risk for sides.
07-21-2012, 11:04 AM #26Junior Member
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I dont really have "problems" there. Its literally just the last few lbs of bf that I want to get rid of. I have a defined 6 pack abdominal area. I just am looking to really lose tht last few lbs in that specific are to get the lower 2. It will come eventually. Diet.
07-21-2012, 12:00 PM #27
Rage run a single compound do a good PCT, you will burn fat and have great gains its that simple. Adding winstrol or masteron at this stage is like giving a dog your
New York strip. When your familiar with Test then you'll understand how you respond to it, so in turn you'll have a better base for different stacks.
07-21-2012, 12:39 PM #28Originally Posted by rage223;60***61
07-21-2012, 01:23 PM #29
07-27-2012, 10:24 AM #30Junior Member
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Mid Cycle blood test.
Here is my mid cycle blood test. From what I can see... gear is legit, but maybe underdosed as Im only at 956... Im on 500mg of test cyp and 400mg of masteron ew... Any input?
Def shut down. lh and fsh are pretty much nill.
Questions. Libido took a bit of a dive this past week and dick is harder to keep erect. Can still make it happen but its for sure not like I was. I was 4-5 times a day. You could quite literally hang a towel on it. I looked around, asked source. All say that they usually get drop in libido mid cycle. True? can it be fixed? I want that rabbit hump feeling back!
I thought it was due to estrogen being too low because I was on formastanzol, masterone and the adex at .25 eod. but my estrogen is 32... thats why we do blood test :-) whats the best course of action here?
07-27-2012, 02:05 PM #31Junior Member
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