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  1. #1
    AdrenalineJunkie's Avatar
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    Anyone ever ran a marathon during a cycle?

    Hey everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone here has experience running Marathons? I'm not looking to get bashed for asking about long distance running and anabolics, just looking for advice and anyones experience. I know there are certain anabolics that runners stay far away away from (aka tren ) but curious what you guys have had greatly increased your long distance endurance with and which else have really brought you down. This is out of curiosity and expanding my knowledge. I'm not looking to start a bunch of random cycles and run a marathon, just sometimes when im running and get around that 12 mile mark I think to myself, "This sucks...I wonder what kind of impact different cycles have on these already horrible runs".

  2. #2
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Alot of guys run a simple Test and winny cycle for that. Research winny and see if that fits into what you want. But if you run it, make sure test is with it as it will shut you down.

  3. #3
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Alot of guys run a simple Test and winny cycle for that. Research winny and see if that fits into what you want. But if you run it, make sure test is with it as it will shut you down.
    I think for most people winny helps with sprints. Long runs could cause major calf pumps. I cardio for an hour a day, started winny 3 weeks ago. I think Times Roman said something about calf pumps and I said it wasn't an issue. Now in week 3... I can tell you it certainly is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I think for most people winny helps with sprints. Long runs could cause major calf pumps. I cardio for an hour a day, started winny 3 weeks ago. I think Times Roman said something about calf pumps and I said it wasn't an issue. Now in week 3... I can tell you it certainly is.

    Ive been interested in it for a bit now. As I compete in grappling events along with other stuff. I know it makes your tendons bigger and stronger but I also saw it makes them britol which isnt good for what I do.

    Your thoughts on winny so far?

  5. #5
    AdrenalineJunkie's Avatar
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    I'll definitely read up on that! What are your thoughts on the effects would be from running simply test? Like many of us, I'm subject to what I'm able to get my hands on. Combining cycles just might not be an option at times.

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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post

    Your thoughts on winny so far?
    More effective than var so far. Var gave me better pumps, winny makes me a powerhouse.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie View Post
    I'll definitely read up on that! What are your thoughts on the effects would be from running simply test? Like many of us, I'm subject to what I'm able to get my hands on. Combining cycles just might not be an option at times.

    Nothing wrong with running test only. I did ALOT of running on my 1st cycle. Helped alot. I was running 10miles each day on the week ends. Alot of rowing throught out the week. Also used a weighted vest and parachaut. Helped alot.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    More effective than var so far. Var gave me better pumps, winny makes me a powerhouse.

    I may just run that with sust on my next cycle. Var is giving me great results tho, but its not cheap.

  9. #9
    austinite's Avatar
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    OP. sorry for getting off topic.

    My business partner is a marathon runner. He runs test only. But don't run anything at your age. Keep on running.

    Welcome to the forum.

  10. #10
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie View Post
    Hey everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone here has experience running Marathons? I'm not looking to get bashed for asking about long distance running and anabolics, just looking for advice and anyones experience. I know there are certain anabolics that runners stay far away away from (aka tren) but curious what you guys have had greatly increased your long distance endurance with and which else have really brought you down. This is out of curiosity and expanding my knowledge. I'm not looking to start a bunch of random cycles and run a marathon, just sometimes when im running and get around that 12 mile mark I think to myself, "This sucks...I wonder what kind of impact different cycles have on these already horrible runs".
    Ive ran on test and was fine, good luck running a decent distance on any orals though, the pumps will most likely cripple you,

    If your looking for something to give you a boost though then ephedrine will prob help alot you more then test

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    OP. sorry for getting off topic.

    My business partner is a marathon runner. He runs test only. But don't run anything at your age. Keep on running.

    Welcome to the forum.
    No worries, side discussion usually has helpful information in it as well. Thanks for the insight guys

  12. #12
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    People run? That's what hovarounds are for. I hate cardio. Except for racquet ball. I salute anyone who can run distance. That's a different mental toughness

  13. #13
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    Whoops. Phone reposted for who knows what reason. Sorry guys
    Last edited by AdrenalineJunkie; 07-19-2012 at 09:01 AM.

  14. #14
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    Former distance runner here, and I've ran a few marathons in my youth.
    TBH, I can't imagine anyone wanting to be on steroids for 26.2 miles. When on cycle, I seem to be hyper thirsty for one. and then this makes me piss almost every hour, but if you are going to be running for multiple hours, where are you going to piss, your pants?. Additionally, for me, pretty much anything i take on cycle seems to cut my endurance. Even test gives me larger pumps than when off, and when you are running distance, you DO NOT want blood bound up in muscle. This could lead to painful pumps, even cramps, a deal killer. Every cycle I've ever been on, my heart rate has went up. This is another deal killer, as the goal is to try and keep your heart rate as low as possible. Additionally, on cycle, respiration rate and blood pressure are also up, oppposite of what you want if you want to run the big miles.
    Distance running requires a light frame. I was about 160 then, and always struggling to slim down. Steroids typically increases lbm (aka "more weight"), also not good. There is this thing I call the lung to weight ratio. You want the biggest lung capacity with the absolute lightest weight. Think of a greyhound dog and you get my point.
    This has been my experience, and if I could go back in time to do it all over again, I wouldn't touch steroids. Period.

    Now, there are some peptides that are supposed to improve endurance. Haven't tried them yet, so can't recommend.

    And I would NOT recommend any thermogenic for 26.2 miles! You don't want to have any false feelings of hydration when in fact you are dehydrated. During a marathon, and by reading some of the above responses, it is very clear many here have not ran a marathon, so i'm not sure why they feel they are qualified to give you any advice, you are pushing yourself beyond normal limits. You will be very dehydrated. If on thermos or others, you may not feel as dehydrated, and if you push it, you could collapse, passout, or worse.

    Mates, remember, there is a HUGE difference between running 5 or 10 miles on your own, and competing at 26.2 miles. When competing, you are pushing it the whole time, and then, at the end, that last quarter mile, you push it even harder to get ahead of the bloke in front of you. When you cross the line, you literally see black, so you bend over, huffing huge chest fulls of air, and trying not to pass out. And then, after 10 seconds, you begin to walk it off, drinking cups of water. In my day, I ran internationally, against boys that were pre-olympic, and I've seen blokes pass out, puke, and even a few that would take an IV after. This is an extreme sport, not to be taken lightly.

    Hope this helps!
    Last edited by Times Roman; 07-19-2012 at 10:30 AM.

  15. #15
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    Thanks roman great advice. Let me bring up a couple points. The marathon im running does have water about every 2.5 miles and porta-a-jons to piss in so im not worried about that really. Also, this Marathon I am just doing to run along with a friend for his first one and keep him motivated, I'm just trying to get him to finish, I'm not setting out to break any records. I'm actually in the middle of my eq cycle but ive been taking a mild dose and so far and I haven't seemed to feel it holding me back at all. My whole thing is eq really requires a 10 week cycle for its max potential. If I run it for all ten weeks that will only give me about 2 weeks off before the Marathon, should I waste the cycle and end it earlier??? So far it doesn't seem to be holding me back but I haven't actually attempted 26.2 miles on it yet. I'm not using it to bulk, more so to lean out and harden which its doing a good job at, and results are not drastic because of the amount im taking. Any one have an opinion on low dose equipoise and long distance impact?

  16. #16
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    Romen, you dont feel that running test will help at all for long distance running? Even if you maintain the same weight? Not being a smart ass when asking.

    Im just curious. I do alot of conditioning but not at 26miles. Just at what i've already posted.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Romen, you dont feel that running test will help at all for long distance running? Even if you maintain the same weight? Not being a smart ass when asking.

    Im just curious. I do alot of conditioning but not at 26miles. Just at what i've already posted.
    26.2 miles competitively will seperate the runners from the wannabes. I would say absolutely NO AAS when competing, regardless if tested or not. Now, let's back up a bit and look at things a little more casually. I'm going to spin this around and ask you a couple of questions to see if test is right for you.

    when you are on cycle, does your resting pulse rate go up?

    when you are on cycle, does your blood pressure go up?

    when you are on cycle, does your respiration rate go up?

    if the answer to any of these is "yes" then steroids is probably not right for you when thinking about running a marathon.

    additionally, running a marathon requires the use of highly dedicated type 2 (slow twitch) muscle fiber. Typically, test is used to improve Type 1 (fast twitch) muscle fiber. So what benefit does test provide that you feel will improve your respitory/circulatory/type 2 muscle fiber systems?

    Quote Originally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie View Post
    Thanks roman great advice. Let me bring up a couple points. The marathon im running does have water about every 2.5 miles and porta-a-jons to piss in so im not worried about that really. Also, this Marathon I am just doing to run along with a friend for his first one and keep him motivated, I'm just trying to get him to finish, I'm not setting out to break any records. I'm actually in the middle of my eq cycle but ive been taking a mild dose and so far and I haven't seemed to feel it holding me back at all. My whole thing is eq really requires a 10 week cycle for its max potential. If I run it for all ten weeks that will only give me about 2 weeks off before the Marathon, should I waste the cycle and end it earlier??? So far it doesn't seem to be holding me back but I haven't actually attempted 26.2 miles on it yet. I'm not using it to bulk, more so to lean out and harden which its doing a good job at, and results are not drastic because of the amount im taking. Any one have an opinion on low dose equipoise and long distance impact?
    first off, see my questions above.

    but, if you are willing to stop and rest if need be, and no need to push it beyond simply running the 26.2, or if you are not too worried abouut finishing, then go for it.

    I was a pretty fierce competitor, and can't imagine not giving my all.

    again, there is a pep out there that is supposed to improve endurance, so you could explore that if you like.
    Last edited by Times Roman; 07-19-2012 at 12:50 PM.

  18. #18
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    Yea I hear you...I'm definitely a competitor, I would be majorly disappointed if I didn't finish because of it, but I'm not overly concerned about the time it takes us to do it. One last thing, which pep are you talking about? I don't have enough posts to PM but I think you can PM me if you prefer to tell me in private.

  19. #19
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie View Post
    Yea I hear you...I'm definitely a competitor, I would be majorly disappointed if I didn't finish because of it, but I'm not overly concerned about the time it takes us to do it. One last thing, which pep are you talking about? I don't have enough posts to PM but I think you can PM me if you prefer to tell me in private.
    What is your experience in that game? even half decent level of fitness should finish sub 4hr, low 3hr if you put some training in
    Last edited by DanB; 07-19-2012 at 01:28 PM.

  20. #20
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    look into gw1516 peptide. i think it is fairly new and i heard some cyclists were using it. it supposedly turns fast twitch into slow twitch muscles and ups your endurance.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdrenalineJunkie View Post
    Yea I hear you...I'm definitely a competitor, I would be majorly disappointed if I didn't finish because of it, but I'm not overly concerned about the time it takes us to do it. One last thing, which pep are you talking about? I don't have enough posts to PM but I think you can PM me if you prefer to tell me in private.
    Again, with a marathon, it isn't about strength or speed. it is about being able to breathe and to be able to maintain a certain pace for hours on end, and hopefully kick the last 1/4 mile. Testosterone does not improve any of these as far as my experience is concerned.

    The peptide i am referring to is Tb4 (aka TB-500) and can be purchased here, and elsewhere. It is becoming more commonly found, although few still have much experience with it.

    To research it, you can start here:

    but this should just be a start. continue researching, and after you've checked it out, you may wish to give it a try.

    Good luck!~

  22. #22
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    Interesting points roman. I personally have no use for marathons. But considering what i do, its great. When i run my heart rate the same without test. I do feel i have more endurance tho on my longer runs and i can do more sprints. I base this off of my heart rate monitor which isnt a exact science.

    P.s i not saying you are wrong by any means because ive never even tried 26miles lol.

    Doesnt test increase red blood cell count? Which in return supplies more blood/oxygen?

    And yes gw-501516 is great for runners. Its now banned from sports/olympics. Does not increase heart rate, blood pressure. But it does increase endurance. I speak first hand with this.
    Last edited by t-dogg; 07-19-2012 at 02:47 PM.

  23. #23
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    I started in Germany. when i first got there, everyone was tdy in graf, and so, for no particular reason, after evening chow, i suited up and began running laps around the track. I was at a nice easy pace and ran 100 laps in 4 hours or so. No idea really, since no watch and didn't check. but when i was finished, i was still feeling pretty good. nice evening breeze, temp was cool, back and knees were sore, but my lungs were doing ok. It would have been absolutely no issue to run a few more miles if I had wanted to, but 100 laps seemed like a nice round number, so i stopped.

    Some bloke named Little was watching, we talked, and asked me to join the battalion track team. my first marathon, i was exhausted! lungs feel like i was breathing fire, so thirsty felt like my tongue was made of sandpaper, and every joint in my body seemed to be aching. i crossed the line, and somehow beat another bloke i had been bird dogging almost the entire race. when i crossed, my vision faded to black, and i thought i was going to collapse. my kidneys and liver hurt so bad i thought i was going to piss blood. the funny thing is this, although my legs felt real wobbly, they were not the constraint that would prevent me from running anymore. The biggest constraint were my lungs. I had absolutely nothing left, and even a few more steps and i believe i would have either passed out or collapsed, maybe both.

    my point is this. casual running is a little different than competing. and the things that constrain you competitively, like lungpower, I'm sorrry, but testosterone has NOTHING to do with this. So unless you ARE competing in the first place, why would you be looking for something to enhance your performance in this area, unless you were running against a clock, or someone else? And if you ARE looking for enhancement, testosterone aint it.

    And btw, why are so many women really competitive with men when running a marathon? since they have minimal testosterone, and men have so much more, if testosterone had something to do with it, then the men should leave the women in the dust like they do with strength sports, right? So why is it they don't, at least not to the same degree?

    Last edited by Times Roman; 07-19-2012 at 03:09 PM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Interesting points roman. I personally have no use for marathons. But considering what i do, its great. When i run my heart rate the same without test. I do feel i have more endurance tho on my longer runs and i can do more sprints. I base this off of my heart rate monitor which isnt a exact science.

    P.s i not saying you are wrong by any means because ive never even tried 26miles lol.

    Doesnt test increase red blood cell count? Which in return supplies more blood/oxygen?

    And yes gw-501516 is great for runners. Its now banned from sports/olympics. Does not increase heart rate, blood pressure. But it does increase endurance. I speak first hand with this.

    what was your cycle like with this?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00

    what was your cycle like with this?

    Right now im running sust at 500mgs and anavar at 60mgs. Ive been running gw-501516 anywhere from 10mgs to 20mgs a day depending on what im working on.

    You dont have to cycle gw-501516. You just stop whenever you want.
    Last edited by t-dogg; 07-19-2012 at 03:26 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Right now im running sust at 500mgs and anavar at 60mgs. Ive been running gw-501516 anywhere from 10mgs to 20mgs a day depending on what im working on.

    You dont have to cycle gw-501516. You just stop whenever you want.
    have you ran it by itself so you can see the effects without other compounds interfering?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    have you ran it by itself so you can see the effects without other compounds interfering?

    Yes sir. I was running it before i started my aas cycle. Within 3days into using it i had fat loss in my mid section. My endurance increased for cardio and lifting.

    Now for some people also it can lower bad cholesterol which is good but some say it lowered there good cholesterol as well. I know this by two other people getting blood work done.

    You can buy this in liquid or powder form. I used liquid form. Ill be buying powder next because its cheaper to buy in baulk. I ran liquid so i could do a test run.

    Its a fairly new compound. Not alot of research on it yet, but it is considered a PED.

    If you still run roman i would look into it for yourself.
    Last edited by t-dogg; 07-19-2012 at 03:40 PM.

  28. #28
    adamjames is offline Member
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    On my test only cycle i noticed a lot more endurance when i was surfing all of a sudden i was out paddling everyone to the best waves : )

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Yes sir. I was running it before i started my aas cycle. Within 3days into using it i had fat loss in my mid section. My endurance increased for cardio and lifting.

    Now for some people also it can lower bad cholesterol which is good but some say it lowered there good cholesterol as well. I know this by two other people getting blood work done.

    You can buy this in liquid or powder form. I used liquid form. Ill be buying powder next because its cheaper to buy in baulk. I ran liquid so i could do a test run.

    Its a fairly new compound. Not alot of research on it yet, but it is considered a PED.

    If you still run roman i would look into it for yourself.

    the fat loss aspect sounds interesting...

    I may check into the powders. the liquid is something like $50/mo at 5mg/day, right?

    unfortunately mate, i was guilty of overtraining due to not knowing what i was doing, so instead of a cycle approach to training, i just thought that if i were to run a marathon, then if a run a marathon eod, and then 10k on the "off" days, i'd be fine. the result is that i wore out the cartilege in my knees (it's probably not a good idea to run 100miles a week on a regular basis), and haven't been really able to run since.

    I'm going to pm you.....

  30. #30
    Wolv256 is offline Associate Member
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    No. That's too far. That's dumb.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    What is your experience in that game? even half decent level of fitness should finish sub 4hr, low 3hr if you put some training in
    Well I like to think I have a good level of fitness just finishing a marathon. But no, I cannot run a low 3 Marathon, that's flying for a guy my size. Like I said, I don't do marathons to compete, I do it cause I find them a really good personal challenge and mental test.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    look into gw1516 peptide. i think it is fairly new and i heard some cyclists were using it. it supposedly turns fast twitch into slow twitch muscles and ups your endurance.
    I didn't see ar-r listing this peptide, do they sell it under a different name?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    What is your experience in that game? even half decent level of fitness should finish sub 4hr, low 3hr if you put some training in
    Well I like to think I have a good level of fitness just finishing a marathon. But no, I cannot run a low 3 Marathon, that's flying for a guy my size. Like I said, I don't do marathons to compete, I do it cause I find them a really good personal challenge and mental test.

  34. #34
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    when i competed, hard as i try, i was a middle of the pack kind of guy. I was at three hours every time. I always wanted to break three hours, but never did before I was injured. but these boys i was competing against were pre olympic, and the blokes in the front of the pack were beasts, and no way in hell I was in their class. these boys would finish in the mid two hours, maybe a tad higher. I raced against the french, italians and the germans. these were the boys that were pre olympic. from their group, selections were made, and those selected actually went to the olympics. this was a very good time in my life, and it felt like i could almost run forever.

    we had battallion 2 mile runs. barely enough for me to work up a sweat. 800 or so blokes all running, i would come in first at under 10 minutes easy, and then a whole minute would pass before you'd see #2 come running in. by that time, i'd been bullshitting with the time keeper, kicking back.

    I have so many stories about running in europe. I'll save it for when we get together arouund a camp fire and someone passes the cheap jug of wine

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