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  1. #1
    cruyff is offline Junior Member
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    May 2012

    500mg test+500mg mast vs 800mast + 200mg test

    Current cutting cycle is 500mg test e and 500mg mast e with adex .5mg eod. Manage to drop a few pounds (went from 9% to about 6.5%) and my definition has improved, but I still lack "hardness" I'd say. I currently have tbol on hand I could add in for the last 4 weeks of my cycle, but I'm thinking about the future too. I'm planning a bulk next, but for my next cutting cycle would using more mast and either lowering my test dosage or keeping the test the same and upping the mast quite a bit make a significant difference? I am trying to avoid tren at the moment.

  2. #2
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Jul 2012
    i would deff rec 500/500 it would be nice for mass and leaning out.
    i will ALWAYS either use proviron or maste when ever i use test.
    It is awesome together. (hrt i might not but do from time to time at a low dose for SHBG effects)
    im sure 200mgtest 800mg mast woudl be nice too. why not go 300mg teste ew/ 700mg maste ew?
    something in middle?
    either way I dont think you can go wrong.
    Good luck!

    I love trenE myself, but at about wk8-10 i start to feel crappy and stop around there.

    Primo I was falling in love with and still have a bunch but its just too much oil needed for effects man!
    even at 200mg/ml like i have, i ran it at 800mg ew and 500mg teste ew and ended with a steril absess (it went away after i left the spot for a while) and i was using 6 injection spots so it was not be being a newb using the same spot to often. (sure I could have used more spots but if i need more than 6 then its not worth it)

    If I use it again it will have to be 600mg ew and i hope maybe to grab some test at 400mg/ml + or have some of my left over blend and run it with it (250mg teste/200mg maste per ml)

    but when 2ml trenE gives you alot of the same its hard to shy away.
    but thats only because I dont get much sides at all with tren (always use under 400mg ew + test) some go through hell so I can see why you want to stay away, I always warn people before they start it or are thinking of it.

    Anyway GOOD LUCK!
    Last edited by Juced_porkchop; 07-19-2012 at 08:16 AM.

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