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Thread: CLEN T3 cycle problem help!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    CLEN T3 cycle problem help!!

    Age 22
    weight 180lbs or 82kgs
    height 6feet

    just bought a clen and t3 the person from whom i bought this suggested me a cycle...which is very light as compared to cycle o this forum...have a look and tell me...what to do...

    clen 2week ON,1 week off : 40mg for 5 weeks
    T3 regularly for 5weeks : 12.5mg

    clen after my breakfast and t3 before my workout and hes like... T3 is very very strong 12.5 is enough to lose body fat and will not burn muscle... now tell me what to do....suggest me a cycle...i am a beginner never took anything steroids.... help!!
    Last edited by honeyking; 07-20-2012 at 04:59 AM.

  2. #2
    I was thinking of doing Clen/t3 stack. It was suggested to me to run the Clen by it's self first to see how your body reacts to it before adding a second compound. I suggest you do the same. 1 week off isn't enough time for your receptors to recover. 2 weeks on/2 weeks off. You need to increase your dose throughout the 2 weeks. Stay under 120mcg.

    How do you plan on sleeping while your on this stack?
    Last edited by Judah; 07-20-2012 at 05:04 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    sleep arnd 2-3am...sleeping is not an issue....what i want suggest me a cycle for a beginner like me......and make some correction in the cycle suggested to me...if something is wrng with it...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    I guess T3 dose that low is ok if you're not on cycle. It won't just target bodyfat though, T3 burns pretty much whatever it wants, that's why it is recommended to take while on cycle.

    I wouldn't take either before working out, Clen makes me weak and have terrible workouts and T3 just makes me sluggish and tired, both feelings I don't like when I'm in the gym.

    Ramp your clen up by 20mcg a day till you get to 120mcg and run it for 2 weeks then 2 weeks off. You can get some keto and run it longer.

    Make sure you're getting all your protein in and keep it high since you're not on cycle and running T3, I still think T3 should only be used while on cycle though. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze View Post
    I guess T3 dose that low is ok if you're not on cycle. It won't just target bodyfat though, T3 burns pretty much whatever it wants, that's why it is recommended to take while on cycle.

    I wouldn't take either before working out, Clen makes me weak and have terrible workouts and T3 just makes me sluggish and tired, both feelings I don't like when I'm in the gym.

    Ramp your clen up by 20mcg a day till you get to 120mcg and run it for 2 weeks then 2 weeks off. You can get some keto and run it longer.

    Make sure you're getting all your protein in and keep it high since you're not on cycle and running T3, I still think T3 should only be used while on cycle though. Good luck!
    the person is not allowing me to use t3 more then 12.5mg which is half the tab of 25mg....hes like...12.5 will only burn its good to stay on 12.5only.....and clen not more them 40mgs.... because i am new to it...and at ur first level small doses give good results... so ignoring his words......plz write down me a safe cycle..... thanks!! and 1 more thing.... also tell me when to eat... at what time...
    Last edited by honeyking; 07-20-2012 at 11:27 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Killa Cali
    Saying that 12.5 T3 will ONLY burn fat is a lump of crap.

    I gave you all my input, did you read anything I wrote above?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    yeah i read that but i wana know how should i cycle my t3 suggest me....and should i take clen in the morning and t3 before my workout in the evening .??

  8. #8
    Why not just add Keto and run the clen for the full 4-5 weeks?

  9. #9
    T3's about 4X the strength (harsh) of T4. The normal dose for T3's about 25mcg/ed and T4's 100mcg/ed. Saying 12.5mcg of T3 will only burn fat is like saying only do sit ups to get rid of belly fat. It just isn't true. Start with 40mcg of clean and ramp 20mcg/ed until you're at about 120mcg/ed. Wait, I think I read this somewhere before. Yep, johnnnyblazzze got to it before me. LOL

  10. #10
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    Last edited by honeyking; 07-21-2012 at 05:48 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    T3's about 4X the strength (harsh) of T4. The normal dose for T3's about 25mcg/ed and T4's 100mcg/ed. Saying 12.5mcg of T3 will only burn fat is like saying only do sit ups to get rid of belly fat. It just isn't true. Start with 40mcg of clean and ramp 20mcg/ed until you're at about 120mcg/ed. Wait, I think I read this somewhere before. Yep, johnnnyblazzze got to it before me. LOL
    ok have a look....this cycle what i am thinking to go for....check it and tell me if something is wrong...
    Day1: 20mcg
    Day2: 40mcg
    Day3: 60mcg
    Day4: 80mcg
    Day5: 80mcg
    Day6-Day12: 100mcg
    Day13: 80 mcg
    Day14: 60 mcgs
    Day15: off
    Day16: off
    Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack

    t3 cycle i got on net......
    day1-day5 12.5mg
    day6-day10 25mg
    day11-day20 50mg
    day21-25 25mg
    day26-30 12.5mg

    howzz it???? is it fine...or strong??? and will have t3 before my workout in evening and moreover clen in morning after breakfast....thoughts???

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by johnnnyblazzze View Post
    Saying that 12.5 T3 will ONLY burn fat is a lump of crap.

    I gave you all my input, did you read anything I wrote above?
    ok have a look....this cycle what i am thinking to go for....check it and tell me if something is wrong...
    Day1: 20mcg
    Day2: 40mcg
    Day3: 60mcg
    Day4: 80mcg
    Day5: 80mcg
    Day6-Day12: 100mcg
    Day13: 80 mcg
    Day14: 60 mcgs
    Day15: off
    Day16: off
    Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack

    t3 cycle i got on net......
    day1-day5 12.5mg
    day6-day10 25mg
    day11-day20 50mg
    day21-25 25mg
    day26-30 12.5mg

    howzz it???? is it fine...or strong??? and will have t3 before my workout in evening and moreover clen in morning after breakfast....thoughts???

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Utah County, Utah
    you should do a lot more research before attemting anything. if you don't even know about a diet plan then your already starting off bad. people shouldn't have to tell you when to eat and everyhing bro. research here is so much good info out there. take the time, its worth it. just my opinion though.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by 1tuffmudder View Post
    you should do a lot more research before attemting anything. if you don't even know about a diet plan then your already starting off bad. people shouldn't have to tell you when to eat and everyhing bro. research here is so much good info out there. take the time, its worth it. just my opinion though.
    i have a good 2000cal high protein and low carb diet and good workout routine....just need a safe cycle.....i dont want to ****ed up my thyroid

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