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  1. #1
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    HELP! crazy cycle

    Ok I just began a 6 week cut cycle and i took a deep plunge. My goal is to increase my strength and loose body fat. So Im doing the following:

    Week 1-6: test p 300 mgs ew, plus tren ace 225 mgs ew
    Also alongside week 1-4: ECA plus 20 mgs of beastdrol

    Here is the problem, according to past experience I know I need 1700-1800 cals to start loosing fat.

    I added beastdrol for extra strength, and im taking eca 2 times daily for appetite suppression. So far im on day 5 of week 1. And my appetite is through the roof. Im keeping a food log and its lunch time and im already at 1690 cals. Im not sure how ill be able to keep my cals low. I still have evening snack and dinner to go. ECA is not helping much with appetite suppression. What should I do, Im an athlete looking to drop bf and increase strength. Should I be worried about cals as im suppose to be in a deficit

    Age 28
    Ht 5.8
    Wt 170 lbs
    Bf apprx 15% goal 10% with INCREASED strength and new lbm.

    Workout: m, w, f (fast tempo explosive weight training plus 30 mins interval cardio)

    This entire week so far: felt lethargic, insomnia, revenous hunger, also I experienced extreme abdominal bloat due to not eating enuff, and no energy outside the gym. Mostly my own fault for trying to eat as little as possible. Today I finally ate enough and im already up to 1690 cals. If I eat any less ill be revenously hungry, is beastdrol and test causing the spike in appetite??? Should I worry about eating over my caloric limit. Am I doing ok as long as the cals are clean???
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 07-20-2012 at 05:08 PM.

  2. #2
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    I dunno man, I never seen someone run a EC stack on cycle.

    Also are you drinking enough water? When I hit a EC stack I feel thirsty 24x7 and drink almost 2 gals a day.

  3. #3
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    Yes atleast 8 cups ed. Eca with test p, and tren a would make great cut. Like I said I just added beast for getting the strongest possible. Why not? I say. I just dont know why im having to eat like a horse even though im runnin low doses of eveything. I dont wanna add to the waist. Strength and fatloss is the goal here and im havin a hard time stayin at deficit

    Help a brotha out fellas...
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 07-20-2012 at 05:30 PM.

  4. #4
    AcquireMass is offline New Member
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    I am far from an expert but I would imagine running test and ECA at same time could cause serious blood pressure issues.

  5. #5
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    I do not have any bp issues that I know of...but thats good to know ill see what others say. C'mon fellas a lil help....not gettin much responses. Btw update I ate regularly and clean and feel much better. Should I change anything?

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    What is your cycle experience? Drop everything but the test. Add an ai and hcg . Figure your diet out. And drink at least a gallon of water a day

  7. #7
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    Last cycle was test p, tren ace, 10 weeks bulk gained 15 lbs, kept all but 5 lbs, I was suppose to run tp, ta, var. But source never came thru. Thx for the input, this was pretty useless. I ran a search quiry on google and found better responses. Test only would b a shyt cycle. As im looking to add alot of strength.
    Test at my dose is at best trt. Anyway everyone has their opinions. As im looking to get stronger not decrease my strength. i respecfully disagree. As for diet, I keep a detailed log of clean cals. Drink at least 8 to 12 cups at the min. This isnt my first cycle.
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 07-20-2012 at 07:31 PM.

  8. #8
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Quote Originally Posted by brnxbomers View Post
    Last cycle was test p, tren ace, 10 weeks bulk gained 15 lbs, kept all but 5 lbs, I was suppose to run tp, ta, var. But source never came thru. Thx for the input, this was pretty useless. I ran a search quiry on google and found better responses. Test only would b a shyt cycle. As im looking to add alot of strength.
    Test at my dose is at best trt. Anyway everyone has their opinions. As im looking to get stronger not decrease my strength. i respecfully disagree. As for diet, I keep a detailed log of clean cals. Drink at least 8 to 12 cups at the min. This isnt my first cycle.
    What did google tell you?

  9. #9
    jasc's Avatar
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    When was the last time you calculated your TDEE? I ask this because at your height n weight you should be eating around 2500 cals for maintenance n cut around 2000.. n these #'s are for a male who is only midly active and off-cycle.

    At 1700-1800 cals that is awfully low IMO, especially on a cycle of that nature. If you know that's what you need then run with it, but re-calculating may be a good idea.

    Also if you're starving n can't afford calories load up on broccoli n other dark green veggies.. Many are filling but have very few calories
    Last edited by jasc; 07-20-2012 at 07:44 PM.

  10. #10
    NoGearHear is offline New Member
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    Perhaps you might be interested in trying intermittent fasting. I'm not sure how well it works on cycle with insulin spikes but I use it any love it. Easiest way to cut.

    Basically what I do is:

    -Eat between 2-10pm.
    -Workout around 4-5 after my first meal (25% of daily cals)
    -Eat 40-50% of daily cals post workout
    -Eat remaining cals before bed, slowing digesting proteins and carbs.
    -Don't eat until 2
    -coffee and tea is ok with 0 cal sweeteners and a "splash" of milk

  11. #11
    btern's Avatar
    btern is offline Associate Member
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    bro all you need is the test p and tren if you cant loose weight off that somethings seriously wrong, forget about all the other shit, you should be runnin the test a little lower than your tren why run test higher? and remember you can eat like a horse all day long as long as its the right stuff !! run your complex carbs earlier in the day(before workout and after) then cut them out in the arvo/night !! gettin your diet spot on will strip the weight more than any compound....... good luck mate....btern

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