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  1. #1
    spyzer is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    first cycle advice ????

    got myself 10ml`s of testobolin and 10ml`s of mastebolin off a firend of a friend lol,
    im not gonna jump right into it and start injecting i just want to get a few answers , he said you inject 1 ml each, once for a week for 10 weeks straight , i know 10 weeks is a average cycle but is it ok to mix both of these is my question or was he just trying to sell me the both to make money ? also if you are injecting 1ml of each would it be in the same needle u draw the 2mls into or do them seperate with two different syringes?

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Mar 2012
    Cialis, Texas
    Hi. Spyzer,

    It's quite dangerous to cycle at 18 years old. I know you say you're not jumping on it right now, but you are very far from an age where you can cycle safely. You could cause serious harm to your system. It's highly recommended that you wait until your mid 20's so that you can cycle safely. One of the biggest issues with growth is diet. Almost 100% of inexperienced users who want to jump on gear don't know how to eat.

    Take advantage of your natural ability and use the next 6 or 7 years to educate yourself, train and learn to eat. You can start in our nutrition forums and get some great advice on a diet that will help you grow. AAS will do nothing if you're not eating right.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    and i quote...

    "Until age 24-25 your HPTA and Endocrine system are still developing. These systems control your hormones. By cycling at such an early age you have a very high chance of doing irreversible damage to these still developing systems. If living a life of depression, ED(not being able to get it up), Loss of Libido (not want to EVER have sex), and a multitude of other horrible sides effects while having to be on TRT (testosterone repla***ent therapy) for the rest of your life sounds fun to you...then go ahead and do steroids now and be like all the other kids that come to the forum pleading for help because they didn't listen and fvcked up their lives!!!! If you don't want to be one of these guys then don't do aas until your finished developing!

    As of right now you have a choice....don't be another dumb shit that fvcks his life up because he's to stupid to listen to reason. Do the smart thing!"

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