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  1. #1
    musclecarmayham's Avatar
    musclecarmayham is offline New Member
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    First Cycle Questions

    26 year old male; 5'10" 200 lbs, 16% BF; current caloric intake about 3,500.

    I'm completely new to the game and just wanted to field some questions that I had if I was able to pick up some stuff to help me gain some muscle. I've hit a current plateau with my natural gains, and my overall aesthetic leaves much to be desired. Been rather bummed that I'm not making gains like I was last year. Strength gains are increasing slowly, but overall mass is not. I don't want to sacrifice my strength for an increase in overall size though; I like to stay active and I enjoy being the strongest guy out of my group of friends.

    After lurking around the boards a bit, I know that 26 is a bit early; I understand this but would like some feedback as to what I could expect from running a cycle. I'm a little confused by what exactly I'll need for PCT; but I'll post a thread in that forum to keep things tidy.

    Thinking of a 500mg test-e; or test-a cycle for about 12 weeks. From what I've been reading here most of the veterans would like you to test the waters and see how you react to an all test 1st cycle. However, I would also like the strength gains and cutting of anavar oxandrolone, probably as an oral due to its short half-life. I know anavar is often faked because it's one of the more expensive and most sought after; but the strength boost and cutting properties are really tempting. Should I stick to the test, and leave the var for another cycle? Or is it ok to run both, with good PCT? Would have to bump my diet up to match, I've been keeping it lower because I have a tendency to gain fat in addition to muscle.

    I currently do very little cardio due to asthma holding me back; I'd rather stick to weights and just hope that added intensity would help keep the BF in line.

  2. #2
    SK1Viking's Avatar
    SK1Viking is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclecarmayham View Post
    26 year old male; 5'10" 200 lbs, 16% BF; current caloric intake about 3,500.

    I'm completely new to the game and just wanted to field some questions that I had if I was able to pick up some stuff to help me gain some muscle. I've hit a current plateau with my natural gains, and my overall aesthetic leaves much to be desired. Been rather bummed that I'm not making gains like I was last year. Strength gains are increasing slowly, but overall mass is not. I don't want to sacrifice my strength for an increase in overall size though; I like to stay active and I enjoy being the strongest guy out of my group of friends.

    After lurking around the boards a bit, I know that 26 is a bit early; I understand this but would like some feedback as to what I could expect from running a cycle. I'm a little confused by what exactly I'll need for PCT; but I'll post a thread in that forum to keep things tidy.

    Thinking of a 500mg test-e; or test-a cycle for about 12 weeks. From what I've been reading here most of the veterans would like you to test the waters and see how you react to an all test 1st cycle. However, I would also like the strength gains and cutting of anavar oxandrolone, probably as an oral due to its short half-life. I know anavar is often faked because it's one of the more expensive and most sought after; but the strength boost and cutting properties are really tempting. Should I stick to the test, and leave the var for another cycle? Or is it ok to run both, with good PCT? Would have to bump my diet up to match, I've been keeping it lower because I have a tendency to gain fat in addition to muscle.

    I currently do very little cardio due to asthma holding me back; I'd rather stick to weights and just hope that added intensity would help keep the BF in line.
    First timers are usual ok to run Test-E 500mgs splitting up shots 2x a week. I feel there is no need for an oral on your first cycle--get a good base first it good to

    know what you respond best to. What are your goals?

    Read up on this for your PCT:

    Its a little concering that you can't partake in cardio because of asthma. While cardio is very important on and off cycle.

  3. #3
    musclecarmayham's Avatar
    musclecarmayham is offline New Member
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    Its a little concering that you can't partake in cardio because of asthma. While cardio is very important on and off cycle.[/QUOTE]

    Sorry, I should have clarified that; I can do cardio, it just sucks and saps my endurance. I had actually been doing cardio more than strength training for 2 years, thinking that alone would get me into better shape. It feels like it takes me twice the effort as everyone else. Long-distance endurance runs are the worst; I actually prefer wind-sprints as I used to do those when I played football back in the day. I think that's because the oxygen defecit that happens from endurance runs. I'm on albuterol for it and I've never had an attack in years, I just know my limits by now. Nowadays I don't do it that often because A) This summer has been attrocious for outdoor running, and B) 30 mins of intense cardio means I can't hit the weights with as much intensity. It's been the biggest source of letdown for me.

    Thanks for pointing out how important it is for PCT though.

  4. #4
    SK1Viking's Avatar
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    Ok, that's good.

    What are your goals?

  5. #5
    musclecarmayham's Avatar
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    You mean like competition goals? Because I know for darn sure I'm not anywhere near that yet.

    Personally my endgame goals is to be a good lean & solid 230lb monster; be able to have the strength for some powerlifting but without a gut.

    What I am hoping with the first test cycle is maybe a somewhat leaner 210 from just going a mass-build. I'm pretty good with my diet but not overboard in terms of fat-cutting. I drink a gallon of water a day, if not a little more. What I am hoping from this is that I can increase my intensity, make some gains, and see what the effects are before I ever try "the strong stuff". I'm thinking a 10 lb increase shouldn't be too much to ask for; I gained about 25 of solid muscle in the past year going natty, but I've hit a bit of a wall. I just don't see the gains as I used to. I don't do the high-reps deal because it seems like my system responds better to a 12-8-6-3 range of reps. 3 reps being the "challenge" I add to try and build power, and frankly, to keep things interesting.

    I don't know if I'm articulating well here though. I don't think I'm going to be in an NPC tournies anytime soon. But I would like the strength and the form though; don't want to be all show and no go. This is the hobby I have to keep in shape; as my job is all desk-work, and I don't feel inclined to the palid, obese life-style that my coworkers seem to have embraced.

  6. #6
    musclecarmayham's Avatar
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    Yeah I figured I'd stumble on a rule... definitely won't be doing that again.

    I'm just a little perplexed as to what the guy means by goals. Lifetime/long-term? Just the first cycle? Personal wellness? Competitive goals? Mine are kinda fixed, I can't giveup the dayjob, so my goals are limited to what I can accomplish in my sparetime. I've been pretty dedicated about it, and I've been determined, but currently have my wheels spinning in the mud.

    I wasn't trying to ask for anyting in the forums, I was just trying to highlight that I'm a total novice.
    Last edited by musclecarmayham; 07-28-2012 at 07:42 PM.

  7. #7
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Did he just ask for a source?

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    He did Cape...Edit your post musclecar.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Where did this guy come from? A source? Read the rules bro.

  10. #10
    John Andrew's Avatar
    John Andrew is offline Member
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    Mate, I am a power lifter. Its been my passion for 32 years, I trained naturally for 26 years and was able to win state and national comps. Naturally! If you are not good enough with out using, you are not good enough to use! That's a fact!

    Look at the IPF records, they are all natural, and then look at the world records, most are with steroids . If you cannot total 1,600 lbs at your size you are not ready! Good luck. John

  11. #11
    musclecarmayham's Avatar
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    Don't think I'm going to be doing any competitive powerlifting anytime soon.

    I'm still curious about what I originally posted; would the anavar for strength during the first cycle provide any benefit to the test in terms of response to being able to lift more? Or is it just an unnecessary strain on the liver? I've always heard var for hardness but little gain, people use it for cutting cycles; but I've also seen people using it for overall increases in strength as well. Thoughts?

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