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  1. #1
    lil-SLIM is offline Member
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    Tren? fat loss while gaining muscle???

    ok so I know this concept of loosing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is always considered impossible on this site, and that you should bulk then cut. But why is it that people report losing fat while gaining muscle on tren ? are they full of it or does this actually happen? does this mean you dont neccesarilly cut or bulk on tren but sorta a combo of both?

  2. #2
    TexSavant's Avatar
    TexSavant is offline Associate Member
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    With Tren , all things possible Seriously, its not IMPOSSIBLE to gain muscle while losing fat, but the more advanced you are the more difficult it is, AND more importantly, its just more efficient to focus on one or other at a time. With gear its easier to accomplish but you should still get better results by phasing your cutting and bulking.

  3. #3
    ricker35910's Avatar
    ricker35910 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil-SLIM
    ok so I know this concept of loosing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is always considered impossible on this site, and that you should bulk then cut. But why is it that people report losing fat while gaining muscle on tren? are they full of it or does this actually happen? does this mean you dont neccesarilly cut or bulk on tren but sorta a combo of both?
    it's not impossible to lose fat and gain muscle.

  4. #4
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil-SLIM
    ok so I know this concept of loosing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is always considered impossible on this site, and that you should bulk then cut. But why is it that people report losing fat while gaining muscle on tren? are they full of it or does this actually happen? does this mean you dont neccesarilly cut or bulk on tren but sorta a combo of both?
    It is mainly do to Trens powerful effect on nutrient partitioning. Can read about it a bit more in the profile Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Trenbolone Acetate 5th paragraph. And yes it is definitely doing something amazing, I've done cutting cycles with Tren and I was able to bring my cals down to 1500-2000 a day while doing 2 hours of cardio every day burning a total of 1,000 calories from that cardio and still doing workouts and I would still be gaining strength/muscle every week. But I strongly advise that if you want to use Tren and do a extremely low cal diet and loads of cardio to lose fat fast T3 should be implemented at about 50mcg/ED, as with very low cal diets your body will slow your metabolism a lot over a period of time and also Tren will decrease your own T3 production through a negative feedback loop. I ran 2 cutting cycles just like that except I wasn't using T3, cycles were about 2-3months and fat loss would stop after first month and I was PISSED! And then of course I found out the main reason why fat loss stopped was because my metabolism slowed way the hell down.

  5. #5
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Also like to add that you can lose fat while bulking with Tren as long as your total fat grams a day are low, total calories are not too high, and that you keep your estrogen relatively low as estrogen competes for androgen receptors in fat cells so the less estrogen you have the more Tren will get into your fat cells and starve them, this is of course the optimal way I see of doing it.
    Last edited by dece870717; 10-26-2007 at 06:45 PM.

  6. #6
    Elite1287 is offline New Member
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    what an amazing drug...

  7. #7
    senseicarr is offline Junior Member
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    700mg suston wk
    600mg deca
    300mg tren ac
    am on week 6 and went from 173lbs @14%bf
    to 184@ 9%bf. lite cardio and not as much food as i should be eatting.
    stuff is great

  8. #8
    johnmacdan's Avatar
    johnmacdan is offline Associate Member
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    Well, I was considering Tren in my next one, but now I am sold.

  9. #9
    claytonb11 is offline New Member
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    Ya I firmly beleive that you willl lose fat almost no matter what you do If you are taking anywhere near the avg. dosages of tren , unless you are eating a ridiculous amount of food (That im not sure if many p
    pl could possibly eat enough, never had the need to check lol). In my experience with tren, which is quite a bit, I have lost fat literally since the first week on. I was eating around 3000 calories which is quite alot for me on both cycles which were meant to be moderately lean bulks. During these I noticed fat loss the whole time, and I was not doing much cardio, if I remember correctky basically 0 cardio because the tren made me exhausted doing any activity. On the second cycle I really didnt follow much of a diet plan and still fat just meltss off....I hate when people say "You cant just take a steroid to lose fat, its all diet, that wont help you" to people that want to use tren, not because I advocate doing it to lose weight if you are not dedicated and serious but because it is a straight up lie!...Tren has made me lose more fat than I could ever manage while gaining 10-15 pounds and loads of strength...It wont work that good for everyone, but It will 100% have similiar results and effects although maybe not as drastic.

  10. #10
    dep30's Avatar
    dep30 is offline Associate Member
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    how many calories under tdee are recommended for a good cut while on a tren cycle?

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by claytonb11 View Post
    Ya I firmly beleive that you willl lose fat almost no matter what you do If you are taking anywhere near the avg. dosages of tren , unless you are eating a ridiculous amount of food (That im not sure if many p
    pl could possibly eat enough, never had the need to check lol). In my experience with tren, which is quite a bit, I have lost fat literally since the first week on. I was eating around 3000 calories which is quite alot for me on both cycles which were meant to be moderately lean bulks. During these I noticed fat loss the whole time, and I was not doing much cardio, if I remember correctky basically 0 cardio because the tren made me exhausted doing any activity. On the second cycle I really didnt follow much of a diet plan and still fat just meltss off....I hate when people say "You cant just take a steroid to lose fat, its all diet, that wont help you" to people that want to use tren, not because I advocate doing it to lose weight if you are not dedicated and serious but because it is a straight up lie!...Tren has made me lose more fat than I could ever manage while gaining 10-15 pounds and loads of strength...It wont work that good for everyone, but It will 100% have similiar results and effects although maybe not as drastic.
    I disagree with that.

  12. #12
    GorillaNuts's Avatar
    GorillaNuts is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Loosing fat and gaining muscle is definitely not impossible....

  13. #13
    Muscletech is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    I disagree with that.
    I think he was talking on a tren cycle, with tren you will lose fat in wither way.. I think he meant this

  14. #14
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscletech View Post
    I think he was talking on a tren cycle, with tren you will lose fat in wither way.. I think he meant this
    I disagree with that, too.

  15. #15
    Muscletech is offline Associate Member
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    So that's my Q: Tren (acetate/enanthate ) are both good for a cutting/bulking cycle?

  16. #16
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscletech View Post
    So that's my Q: Tren (acetate/enanthate) are both good for a cutting/bulking cycle?

    My point is, clayton said you will lose fat no matter what you do. That doesn't make any sense what so ever. You can cut on anything. What determines gains/cuts is primarily your diet. Tren is popular for cutting due to nutrient partitioning. it does a much better job that other compounds. The problem is, most new AAS users revert to Tren because they are overweight and "all my buddies say its magic and melts the fat off!" Frankly, Tren will do nothing over layers and layers of fat.

    It's true, you can do a better job cutting with Tren than you could with test only, but only if you work for it. Most of the legit reviews and rants you hear about Tren are generated by users of very low BF. You can get fat on Tren if you're not eating right. Unless you run a marathon twice a week. I don't believe anyone who says they eat junk @ 4500 cals a day and cut on Tren.

  17. #17
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    I gain muscle and loose fat on every cycle

  18. #18
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183 View Post
    I gain muscle and loose fat on every cycle
    That means you know how to eat

  19. #19
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^^^^^^ with proper nutrition, training and cardio losing fat and gaining muscle can be achieved regardless of Tren use.

  20. #20
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Who the hell ever said a recomp is not a doable thing? More and more pro's are going to a low fat year round approach as opposed to the old full house approach.

    While Tren will certainly help with a recomp diet is still the number one thing that is the key.

  21. #21
    Judah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil-SLIM
    ok so I know this concept of loosing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is always considered impossible on this site, and that you should bulk then cut. But why is it that people report losing fat while gaining muscle on tren? are they full of it or does this actually happen? does this mean you dont neccesarilly cut or bulk on tren but sorta a combo of both?
    It's all relative to your current state and your specific goal. If your at 6% BF and your want put on 20+ pounds of lean muscle that you can keep once your off a cycle, chances are your going to increase some BF levels. If your at 20% BF and you want to put on 20+ pounds of muscle, sure, your going to reduce BF and increase muscle composition.

    Exception? Sure. There are lots of variables and factors to consider, but they are usually the exception.

    Most of us on here that are not competing don't have to make the big swings pros do. Learn what the pros do but don't make the mistake that you will be doing what they do. The average person can stay relatively lean as they put muscle on because you don't have a competition deadline or require such massive changes.

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