spot injection i didnt see one for high hip as ive read on here over the past few years as a great place to jab. looking for pictures to look at of teh area![]()
spot injection i didnt see one for high hip as ive read on here over the past few years as a great place to jab. looking for pictures to look at of teh area![]()
google 'ventrogluteal' and be careful haha
Just do quads, then.
Damn thats keen, good luck
What about your delts?
Try Lats, Traps, Delts and Quads.
i do delts, tri's , quads and bi's.
dr suggested i dont do traps or chest. lats would be easy, ill give those a try with a 5/8
OP, I think you are mistaken about the injection site. It is not in the 'hip' as you say, it is the ventrogluteal area (basically, the side of your ass). This isby far my favorite injection site, but you have to know what you are doing and where to exactly inject because it can be tricky. Google 'ventrogluteal injections' and you should find a lot of resources, pictures, videos etc to help you. The ventrogluteal site has been touted to have a high absorbtion rate, a high capacity area (3ml can go there no problem), and it is a very non-invasive spot (meaning post injection pain shouldn't hamper any of your workouts, even for legs). All I ever do these days is dorsogluteal and ventrogluteal. I don't even do delts anymore.
It is not featured on spot injections website because it is not a well known injection site. But it is used frequently in the medical field, especially for bed-ridden patients who cannot stand, walk, or move very well.
Thanks everyone.
looking at the pictures, its a hole in the middle of my hip bone? or is the area actually on top ?
See, this is why you have to be carefull! You absolutely DO NOT want to hit your hip bone. It is lower than your hip bone. I am at work right now, but when I get home I should have a couple of diagrams on my computer I can upload here for you to see, should make things easier for you.
Here are a couple of resources for you:
Finally, a very good .pdf file on it:
Here is another great .pdf that describes injection SOP and every major injection site, including ventrogluteal:
Or you can have someone give you your shots for you.
Wow, i'm the exact opposite. NOBODY gives me my shots, I will never EVER have ANYONE do them for me. Nobody else gets the honors of injecting me. I do it all myself.
I've injected other people because they had needle fear or whatever, but I just don't understand how you can entrust someone else to do such a thing for you.
Personally I don't favor the idea of a hip area injection...if you screw up you will have a hell of a time walking.
^^^^Totally agree with this. No one will inject me other than me.
[QUOTE=Atomini;6085709]I never had a problem, and i've been doing ventrogluteal injections since my very first shot of my very first cycle. That means 5 years now.[/QUOTE
That's good, but personally I don't favor the idea of a hip area injection.
Thanks a lot Atomini
Atomini, does the tip of the middle finger rest on the part of the hip bone you can feel? Its kinda hard on the diagram to tell where the part of your hip you can feel is.
NorCal, sorry for the late reply, I didn't realize you posted.
The diagrams that explain how to locate the injection site are for people giving injections TO people in the ventrogluteal area. They are not for people giving themselves injections. Therefore, here is my method for locating my spot:
- While standing, locate your greater trochanter.
- Move up one inch from there. The spot should feel fleshy when you press your finger into it.
- Now, sit down while keeping the spot marked with your finger. Yes, you are supposed to do this injection site while either seated or lying down on your side with your leg bent (as though a fetal position).
- While seated, you should notice the area becomes a lot meatier. This is your spot.
Other methods people have used to locate it, is to make as though you're doing a karate kick to the side. The side of the body you are standing on, look at the ventrogluteal area. While keeping that karate kick stance, you should see the ventrogluteal muscle bulge out in this stance. There is your spot.
Hope this helps.
do you have any reference material showing where all the lymph nerves are through out your body? im gonna start everyday pinning and really need to know where to poke since i need to start using every where i can,
i keep hitting nerves in my tri's and quads and well it doesn't really bother me im curious if im gonna hurt myself one day and lose the use of my foot or something gay that could only happen to me haha.
I use quads if my wife is away. never any pain. Glutes are better, she does them. Once I tried the calf. was unable to walk a week. Good luck. John
Stay away from the ventrogluteal for now.
Stick to Delts and "Quads" ( what most call Quads, are actually the vastus lateralis muscle) for the time being.
There are reasons why the Glute/Quads/Delts are the go to sites for IM injections, stick with these three till you have done hundreds of injections. If you are just running a cycle or two a year with a long ester the combination of Quads and Delts will provide you with plenty of rotation so missing out on the glutes is no big deal.
However look at the part of the glute you wanna hit (upper outer quadrant) and you will most likely find you can reach it with a little effort.
Its the asperate with glutes that sucks for me, i have shaky hands and trying to do a single handed asperate is hard, and i like to leave a bit of the needle out if i do single hand i end up jamming it all the way in and probably cause a lot of micro trauma from teh sharp moving so much inside me.
where is the nerve that runs through the bum? is the upper outter a sure fire way to miss it completely ?
well i separate my leg into 4 quarters from the knee to the hip i shoot in two location on my quads.Stick to Delts and "Quads" ( what most call Quads, are actually the vastus lateralis muscle) for the time being.
both areas are the two upper quarters closes to my hip. (because gear falling behind the muscle sheath and crashing in the knee sucks!)
One from the outer part on the side of the quad i flex and there is a chunk of muscle there pretty close to the hamstring i assume.
The other the large muscle belly on top of my quad. These are the two locations i use per leg.
The main issue is im doing minimum 2ml oil each shot and sometime soon when i start ED injections its gonna be like 3ml a day , so i really need to learn proper rotation and what muscle groups after more then one belly that can be injected close to each other with out the risk of causing a abscess.
Not sure if delts can hold 2 ml oil, ive never tried more then 1ml.
Hearing alot of horror stories with bi injections, so i havent shot up my bi's since i seen two mates in teh same week have massive infections from shooting their bi's...
As i mentioned before Dr. said not to do traps and chest, something to do with your heart? maybe hes just being a quack.
As my lats grow i think i add this into teh rotation, just again more micro trama from single handed darts. with lats, can i use 5/8?
no viens in your glutes anyways so you absolutely need to aspirate. I do anyways to be on the safe side.
Have you tried laying on your side when doing the glutes, pulling your knee slightly up toward your chest. If you can't do it that way, then you have some seriously bad flexibility problems.
I really don't understand how some of you have such bad flexibility that you can't do regular dorsogluteal shots. I seem to be able to twist around just fine in order to be able to do it. Maybe i'm the freak around here, I dunno.
bad hip structure that has cause extreme tightness in my hammies. my hamms feel like they have a 4 inch diameter metal wire running through them. Massage therapists grimace when they have to rub my legs lol. the joys of accidents and a hard life.
I really need to try yoga.
Im just worried im gonna miss my ass and hit my sciatica nerve lol
pretty sore in the ass, some soreness in my lower back sort of too. been form rolling that shit for a few days to make sure it wasnt gonna absess on me. scared to do my left one tomorrow! i havent been scared of anything in a long time,.. well spiders ahhh fuk spiders
Last week i pinned in my glute. Was sore for a week plus my lower back was sore.Originally Posted by mockery
virgin muscle!! for me, i was just shocked everyone says glutes are like butter. maybe more like coutry crock lol, now quads... thats butter.
next adventure, lat injections... stay tuned!
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