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  1. #1
    SuperScout is offline New Member
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    Protocol for various gear

    Here's what I've got:8ml super test 400(blend of 5 test esters), 7ml-deca 250, 1 vial 10IU HGH, 10 pills Clomid 50mg, more than enough winny (60x50mg pills/30x50mg inject).

    Here's what's on the way:liquid clomid(as I know I need more), liquid nolvadex (stacked with Clomid for pct), Liquidstane (aromisin) for AI use while on cycle.

    Here's my goal: bulk up and shred at or near end of cycle. Like way lean. Vascular, hard look.

    Here's my questions: are there any holes in my gear? As in, other products I need to get. Where should I incorporate the small amount of HGH that i have. Lead with it, middle of the cycle, or save it for the end or for pct? How long should I run my pct protocol? Plan so far is nolvadex 40/40/40/40 stacked with Clomid 50/50/50/50. Do I need to go longer? Adjust dosages? On cycle plan is where I need my most help. Where do I start and with which product? I've read that some lead with deca, some with test, and never winny solo.

    Pros, experienced, educated, please advise on how you would use the aforementioned gear to maximize your results. I'm aware that it's a little bit of a lot of stuff so would it benefit more to run 1/2ml units a couple weeks on the deca/test to extend the cycle or jump right into 1ml injections from the start? Or, stagger them in some form? Thanks in advance for the guidance of those who contribute.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    stats including age?

  3. #3
    SuperScout is offline New Member
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    31, 5'9, 190, 13%bf.

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    need cycle experience too bro. but im assuming from your post this will be your first?

  5. #5
    SuperScout is offline New Member
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    Sorry bro-I had everything types up in a previous post and for some reason it didn't stick. So this will be my fifth cycle. First one-23y/o, test-e only, 2nd-24yo, test-e/deca , 3-25yo, test-cypionate /deca, 4-25yo, test-e/deca/winny/1AD. Like an idiot, I never concerned myself with pct protocol. Fortunately, I'm not a D-cup. Yay genetics! Anyhow, I've taken a 6 year break from gear but have always worked out. Currently at 13% body fat, 31yo, 5'9, 190lbs. Still in pretty good shape, just ready to get back in gear shape. I've researched my ass off on protocols, pct's, and have become a lot more knowledgeable abot gear and it's effects on the human body in general. I've just piecemealed a make shift kit and am curious about how to get starte with it. Thanks for helping

  6. #6
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
    RoadToHuge is offline Associate Member
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    Scout, you dont have enought of any of the injectables for a cycle amirite?

    Sounds like you need another vial or 2 of test 400 and another bottle or two of deca .

    ...and wtf is the 1 vial of 10IU hgh for???

  7. #7
    btern's Avatar
    btern is offline Associate Member
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    bro your all over the place !! massive fail

  8. #8
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToHuge View Post
    Scout, you dont have enought of any of the injectables for a cycle amirite?

    Sounds like you need another vial or 2 of test 400 and another bottle or two of deca .

    ...and wtf is the 1 vial of 10IU hgh for???
    I use 8 i.u.'s a day!! Lol!!

  9. #9
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    7ml of deca 250............sounds like some one gave you the remainder of an old stash.....and your trying to find out if you have enough for a cycle.....5 cycles under your belt? it does not sound like it to me.

  10. #10
    SuperScout is offline New Member
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    Everything I've got was leftover from previous years. The deca was new, but I pulled three ml's out an gave it to a coworker in trade for one bottle (10IU) of HGH just to try it. My understanding is that I mix it with 5ml of sterilized water which will yield just over three injections. The deca was brand new, therefore I only have 7ml left. I got the hgh only to try it and see how my body responded to it. The super test is mine from years ago. I took 2ml of it over two weeks while starting a cycle, then wrecked a motorcycle and seriously injuring my shoulder. That's why there's only 8ml left. Everything else(the winny, Clomid, etc) I've gotten over the last few months, in preparation to finish up my cycle I tried to start. That's why my piecemeal gear seems so scatter brained. My source is permanantly unavailable as of two weeks ago so test aquisition is nolonger avail. Therefore I'm stuck with what I've got until another source presents itself. So, back to the original question. Where should I start w what's available to me presently bro?

  11. #11
    sgt2jay's Avatar
    sgt2jay is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i wont speak for the AAS side, but i will say if all you have is 10iu of HGH to just try. well you we not notice anything. there is no such thing as just try when it comes to GH it is a commitment of a minimum of 6 months, or to put it into a quantity about 500iu - 800iu would be your just going to try it amount.

  12. #12
    SuperScout is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the heads up on GH. never knew it was a long term commitment like you stated. All the more reason to research before I speak. The AAS and GH phenomena is so vast, every sec I learn something new. Well, back to studying I go. I presh all the feedback tho!

  13. #13
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I know where you can get rid Hgh. LOL. Do some more research and be sure to have PCT ready. Don't shut yourself down doing a substandard cyle. Spend the time getting back in shape first al well.

  14. #14
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperScout View Post
    Here's what I've got:8ml super test 400(blend of 5 test esters), 7ml-deca 250, 1 vial 10IU HGH, 10 pills Clomid 50mg, more than enough winny (60x50mg pills/30x50mg inject).

    Here's what's on the way:liquid clomid(as I know I need more), liquid nolvadex (stacked with Clomid for pct), Liquidstane (aromisin) for AI use while on cycle.

    Here's my goal: bulk up and shred at or near end of cycle. Like way lean. Vascular, hard look.

    Here's my questions: are there any holes in my gear? As in, other products I need to get. Where should I incorporate the small amount of HGH that i have. Lead with it, middle of the cycle, or save it for the end or for pct? How long should I run my pct protocol? Plan so far is nolvadex 40/40/40/40 stacked with Clomid 50/50/50/50. Do I need to go longer? Adjust dosages? On cycle plan is where I need my most help. Where do I start and with which product? I've read that some lead with deca, some with test, and never winny solo.

    Pros, experienced, educated, please advise on how you would use the aforementioned gear to maximize your results. I'm aware that it's a little bit of a lot of stuff so would it benefit more to run 1/2ml units a couple weeks on the deca/test to extend the cycle or jump right into 1ml injections from the start? Or, stagger them in some form? Thanks in advance for the guidance of those who contribute.
    Dude, just for the fact that you want to use 1 vial (10iu's) of HGH....Don't take anything. Real GH won't even kick in for like 3 months. So even if you had 10 vials it would still be a waste

  15. #15
    SuperScout is offline New Member
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    Bottom line, what I've got is all I'm gonna get. My source is jammed up and won't be avail for some time. So, I'm gonna take what I've got. That said, how would you administer the the gear I have?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperScout View Post
    Bottom line, what I've got is all I'm gonna get. My source is jammed up and won't be avail for some time. So, I'm gonna take what I've got. That said, how would you administer the the gear I have?
    the point everyone is makeing is that they wouldent because its not enough of anything to do anything bro...all you are going to do is suppress/shut yourself down for nothing...why be so stubborn to run it anyway?...

  17. #17
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    your going to have to do a little figuring out to see how many weeks it will last. Im being to lazy to
    test 400= 300mg a week till you run out probably 10 weeks or so
    deca 250= 200mg a week probably last you 8-9 weeks
    winny = 50mg ed for 5 weeks. Making it go 2 weeks longer then the test. so you will run it up to pct.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  18. #18
    SuperScout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    the point everyone is makeing is that they wouldent because its not enough of anything to do anything bro...all you are going to do is suppress/shut yourself down for nothing...why be so stubborn to run it anyway?...
    Righ on bro-I get that. Every cycle I've ever done was for 8 weeks. That's 1ml shot every six days. May not have been the smartest way to research my rat, especially since I was ignorant about pct's and such. That said, from what I gather, 8-10 weeks is a light cycle for test/deca etc. is that right? And winny should be run NLT 6 weeks due to the joint weakening. Not trying to be stubborn here, just ready to jump back into it here and for my body/goals, I think I've got enough gear to stretch a low dose 10wk cycle. Was just curious as in the order I should start. As in lead with test, introduce deca week three, then, as mentioned above, rock the winny week 7-12. Followed by four weeks of nolvadex /Clomid pct for four weeks. No clue where to put the hgh. As I've now learned its such a minute amount that marginal effects would be seen. Still, some hgh would have to be better than no hgh right? Or again, am I heehaw'n like a jackass and showin more ignorance? Atleast the winny portion is settled. 5wks of .50mg ED for five weeks. The last to of which would be winny solo w no deca/test. Then immediately following the second week of straight winny, start the Clomid(50/50/50/50) stacked with nolvadex(40/40/40/40). Oh yeah, .25mg Arimidex for as long as I'm on the deca/test. Thanks for the input here fellas.

  19. #19
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    no some gh would not be better then none. It will do absolutely nothing.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  20. #20
    SuperScout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    no some gh would not be better then none. It will do absolutely nothing.
    Damn...lesson learned I guess. I'd have more than likely benefited more from the 3cc's of deca that I traded for it. How about the planned protocol mentioned above? On track?

  21. #21
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Im the one that posted the protocol
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  22. #22
    SuperScout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Im the one that posted the protocol
    My mistake homie. Minor oversight.

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