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Thread: First cycle - Plan

  1. #1

    First cycle - Plan

    Hey guys, Posting here because I am looking at starting my first cycle. I am 21, 5'11 and 94kg. Been training martial arts a lot of my life and started lifting a few years ago. Been on and off since then but last few months I have been hitting it hard.

    I am looking at starting my first cycle. I have dbol (oral) and propionate and Enanthate. I have a mate that has a fair bit of experience but does his own thing. He is going to show me how to inject properly. But I don't have any knowledge about any plan I should take for the cycle was hoping to get suggestions from users about how to go about it.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    At your age, you are making a mistake by cycling........

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