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Thread: Tren messing with my Carrot- Cialis?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    oly wa

    Tren messing with my Carrot- Cialis?

    Well tren & test 200mg tren EOD ,300mg test Cyp EW ok its starting to mess with my sexual function (im sure thats enuff details ) & of course the lady thinks its her im not attracted, getting it elseware ect ect im almost done with this cycle i have nolvadex (But i doubt ill use it) and Clomid this ill use i, also ive ordered S4 and Cialis the Cialis is my question ive never takin this B4 & im curious while im comming off this cycle taking my clomid & bridging off with S4 yadda yadda will the Cialis help me preform with all this going on or am i religated to preforming lip service until im backonline

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    No, you need Cabergoline or Pramiprexole. Even if you were able to get it up from cialis or anything else, high prolactin levels due to tren will cause you anorgasmia (inability to orgasm). Usually the libido and ED problems with tren and deca are due to prolactin levels rising. Using Cialis or Viagra will only cover up the problem, not solve it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    oly wa
    but itll allow me to keep her happy yes ? thats my concern i dont like seeing her feeling unattractive cuz im a dusch who wasnt prepaired n this product you mentioned can i buy it on AR-R

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    It will make your woman TOO HAPPY!!!! Just ask anyone who is experienced with prolactin antagonizers such as Cabergoline and Prami, etc. Due to the nature of these compounds blocking prolactin secretion in the brain, you will be walking around with erections all the time, and when you do have sex, it will reduce the refractory period so that you will be able to go again sooner after having an orgasm. I (and many others who have used caber) have had multiple orgasms from it (again, this is from prolactin antagonizing effects). It's also commonly used in the porn industry for this purpose.

    You can buy Prami on AR-R, but not Caber. Carber IMO is the better of the two, but if Prami is all you can get, it does the job. The difference is prami has a couple side effects that Caber doesn't have. These include nausea/vomiting if the dose is increased too fast, and this stuff knocks you the hell out. Best to take it before bed, you will get great sleep on it.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2012
    Cialis will help you last longer you might get a headache while using it though. Cabergoline can be used to lower prolactin levels that and Cialis will make you get hard as a rock.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    oly wa
    Damn always gotta be a side effect lol if im asleep id find it hard to "Take care of her" & you know girls if im nodding out on top of her that could be worse than not getting it up at all So im guessing it builds up in my system & works on a conscistant basis yes?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    oly wa
    nice !! i just wanna keep the lady feeling good

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by rampaige77 View Post
    Damn always gotta be a side effect lol if im asleep id find it hard to "Take care of her" & you know girls if im nodding out on top of her that could be worse than not getting it up at all So im guessing it builds up in my system & works on a conscistant basis yes?
    Don't worry about the drowsiness effect of Prami, you need to look at the big picture instead of looking at this through a magnifying glass. Prami and Caber, just like things like nolvadex and arimidex, have an overall effect over long term. It will take a day or two (sometimes more, depending on how bad your prolactin issue is) to bring those prolactin levels down. But man, when they come down... you're a sexual animal. Also, the drowsiness effect of Prami is on and off and dose dependant. Some people report getting that side, and others don't get it at all. And I don't think it would be so bad that you're falling asleep on top of the wife during sex.

    Caber is incredible stuff, you don't need ANYTHING ELSE to be hard as a rock. Many people use prolactin antagonizers just for the sexual enhancement side effect alone, whether they're off cycle or on. Trust me, get on it ASAP, because rising prolactin levels is not fun at all regardless of the libido reducing effects.

    Just ask Razor about it, i've been guiding him through his prolactin related gyno issues. After the first day or 2 of using Prami, he told me he was walking around getting erections every 10 minutes and was asking me "is this normal?", he was freaking out about it. I told him it's perfectly normal lol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    oly wa
    i think i read that thread i just ordered the prami , thanks for you help

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Don't worry about the drowsiness effect of Prami, you need to look at the big picture instead of looking at this through a magnifying glass. Prami and Caber, just like things like nolvadex and arimidex, have an overall effect over long term. It will take a day or two (sometimes more, depending on how bad your prolactin issue is) to bring those prolactin levels down. But man, when they come down... you're a sexual animal. Also, the drowsiness effect of Prami is on and off and dose dependant. Some people report getting that side, and others don't get it at all. And I don't think it would be so bad that you're falling asleep on top of the wife during sex.

    Caber is incredible stuff, you don't need ANYTHING ELSE to be hard as a rock. Many people use prolactin antagonizers just for the sexual enhancement side effect alone, whether they're off cycle or on. Trust me, get on it ASAP, because rising prolactin levels is not fun at all regardless of the libido reducing effects.

    Just ask Razor about it, i've been guiding him through his prolactin related gyno issues. After the first day or 2 of using Prami, he told me he was walking around getting erections every 10 minutes and was asking me "is this normal?", he was freaking out about it. I told him it's perfectly normal lol.
    I have to say you are really great to have on this board. You add so much to this forum. Seriously

  11. #11
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    Keep us updated here on how it goes. Go back to that thread where I was guiding him to see my dosing reccomendations. Start at .5mg per day and slowly work your way up. Most people start reporting nausea at 1mg per day, but I don't know how common this is. Prami is a fairly new drug, so the observations on people's reactions and sides is still developing.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    oly wa
    absolutely ill post how it goes n ill keep a record of dose n my reactions to it , im having no gyno type issues n never have so should i need nolvadex? i dont wanna use anything i dont need to so i was gonna just use Clomid , recomended??

  13. #13
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    If gyno symptoms are popping up, take Nolvadex immediately. Otherwise, just keep it on hand. Its always important to have a SERM and an AI on hand during all cycles. Rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it right?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    oly wa
    yeah i have both on hand n the rest i ordered today after talking to you , thanks again for your help & not beating me down for not being 100% prepaired i see that being a common reaction to alot of questions asked by people not that i cant take it but it makes it harder to recieve the proper info while wading through 50 comments pretaining to how stupid i may or may not be for not having a degree in pharmacoligy or running how someone else feels i shoulda , you were very helpful & in the future i will probly ask you some questions if this is ok. thanks again

  15. #15
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    Mr. Carrot had been using AAS since he was a sprout, and started developing a limp stem. So he goes to the Carrot Dr. and complains of his lack of virility and what he can do about it. The Carrot Doctor gives him some special juice and tells him this will definately firm up his limp stem.

    Weeks go by.

    No word from Mr. Carrot.

    Carrot Dr. calls up Mr. Carrot as a follow up, concerned.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    oly wa
    wtf lol!!!

  17. #17
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Don't worry about the drowsiness effect of Prami, you need to look at the big picture instead of looking at this through a magnifying glass. Prami and Caber, just like things like nolvadex and arimidex, have an overall effect over long term. It will take a day or two (sometimes more, depending on how bad your prolactin issue is) to bring those prolactin levels down. But man, when they come down... you're a sexual animal. Also, the drowsiness effect of Prami is on and off and dose dependant. Some people report getting that side, and others don't get it at all. And I don't think it would be so bad that you're falling asleep on top of the wife during sex.

    Caber is incredible stuff, you don't need ANYTHING ELSE to be hard as a rock. Many people use prolactin antagonizers just for the sexual enhancement side effect alone, whether they're off cycle or on. Trust me, get on it ASAP, because rising prolactin levels is not fun at all regardless of the libido reducing effects.

    Just ask Razor about it, i've been guiding him through his prolactin related gyno issues. After the first day or 2 of using Prami, he told me he was walking around getting erections every 10 minutes and was asking me "is this normal?", he was freaking out about it. I told him it's perfectly normal lol.

    This is such great info; I had no idea about Cabergoline or Pramiprexole. So .5 is good to start for Cabergoline, what is a good dose for Pramiprexole?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I would also rec getting something for the prog, I rec grabbing Prami and CIA.

    Start low with CIA, I took some PDe5 from them (i have it on hand but wanted to test it) and at 1/4th of 1 ml holy crap!

    But I didnt need it so I guess it just added to the boner. lol

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scabtree View Post
    This is such great info; I had no idea about Cabergoline or Pramiprexole. So .5 is good to start for Cabergoline, what is a good dose for Pramiprexole?
    I rec 0.25mg-0.5mg ed-eod pre-bed time for Prami.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    oly wa
    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post
    I rec 0.25mg-0.5mg ed-eod pre-bed time for Prami.
    off topic but your avatar is awsome

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by rampaige77 View Post
    Well tren & test 200mg tren EOD ,300mg test Cyp EW ok its starting to mess with my sexual function (im sure thats enuff details ) & of course the lady thinks its her im not attracted, getting it elseware ect ect im almost done with this cycle i have nolvadex (But i doubt ill use it) and Clomid this ill use i, also ive ordered S4 and Cialis the Cialis is my question ive never takin this B4 & im curious while im comming off this cycle taking my clomid & bridging off with S4 yadda yadda will the Cialis help me preform with all this going on or am i religated to preforming lip service until im backonline

    Its not going to cure you but ED drugs like CIALIS,,LEVITRA,,VIAGRA are all helpful to get and maintain an erection.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2012
    United States
    Wow, I feel so much better after reading about these products. The only thing scaring me about using the more intense aas in the future( 4 or 5 cycles under my belt) was the fear of the sexual side effects. You guys are a knowledge tree that just keeps on giving!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Great thread, thanks all!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    oly wa
    4 days on prami n cialis holy sh*t!! feel like i get headaches not bad just a lil pressure n upsets my stomach some it seems & aches n pains but im atributing that mostly to comming off the gear but as for prami n cialis helping with any sexual side effects id say more than effective to be honest this shit is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you will wear her ass out

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by rampaige77 View Post
    4 days on prami n cialis holy sh*t!! feel like i get headaches not bad just a lil pressure n upsets my stomach some it seems & aches n pains but im atributing that mostly to comming off the gear but as for prami n cialis helping with any sexual side effects id say more than effective to be honest this shit is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you will wear her ass out
    MUAHAHAHH what did I tell you brother? Was I right or was I right?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    oly wa
    omg you were beyond right !! thank you it was very helpful n the lady feels like she should & this stuff is no joke the 1st day i was almost hungover like from the prami weird feeling like i wanted to nod out but now im good no prob i feel seriously beatup though achey joints hurt ect ect but im not sure how much is comming off gear but i know this stuff is helping n im starting clomid today its been a week since last cyp shot i was still banging 100lb DBs on shoulder press but man i was shaky n burnt out pretty fast & i felt weak hitting the bag & im hurting from it today but i gotta stay on it ive just never taking that much Tren b4 n i doubt i will again , but again this was a big help n it was a learning experience and your input made this transition alot easier , your awsome thanks again

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    oly wa
    today was a beatdown i feel just beat up head hurts back hurts all my joints hurt but my dick works fine .Ive come off gear several times b4 tren included but never more than 100mg EOD & i never used pct b4 n all seemed fine maybe a lil tired n shakey but never like this! Could this be the PCT or the amount of tren or both ? any personal experiance out there similar to this or am i falling apart?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    oly wa
    bump anyone know what this can be atributed to???

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