First off this-
Stats -
Age 24
height 5'11 ft
weight 182 lbs
bf% 12
years training 5
Cycle history-
400 mg test cypionate Ew for 10 weeks.
.25mg arimidex eod until PCT
PCT starting 18 days after last injection consisting of
nolva 40/20/20/20
clomid 70/35/35/35
proposed 2nd cycle
test Prop; 100mg eod week 1-8
liquidex .5 eod from beggining until last injection.
PCT 3 days from last injection
Nolva 40/20/20/20
clomid 50/50/25/25
My question is if I cant get my hands on any hcg should I just drop the cycle all together if I dont ever want to go on trt? I know HCG increases recovery and such, so just wondering if it would prevent the possibility of damaging HPTA and thus reduce the odds of going on trt in the future? What do you guys think?