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  1. #1
    hotpepper is offline New Member
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    First cycle Attempt.

    hello all! im 37 5'10 , 250. lost 50lbs in the past 6mo. have more loose skin than i want so i figured i'd try a cycle to tighten up and speed up the weight loss. So 6wks ago i started with 500mg Test E a week. not loosing any weight, but i do see much more definition all over I muscle that i have never had even when i was 200. ...a week and a half ago i ran out of the test. went on a search took me a while but finally got my hands on some 2 days ago. I pinned it as soon as i got my hands on it, but i wondering if it's the real deal. My muscles are extremely sore. almost as if i had just started working out. so my question is do you guys think it's because of the pause i had to take or because the gear i scored is placebo? thanx for your help!

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    What's you bf%.

  3. #3
    hotpepper is offline New Member
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    Don't know. I only know that i'm at 250lbs

  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotpepper View Post
    Don't know. I only know that i'm at 250lbs
    You realize being over 15 % puts you at a higher risk of developing gyno. are you running an ai? What's your tdee?

  5. #5
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Really need more info, sounds like your throwing down some test instead of being consistent with diet and exercise. How long did it take to put the weight on, it will take twice as long to get it off.

    Muscles are probably sore because since you were on the the test you've been working out harder. I still get sore from a good workout.

    Do you have an AI or PCT in place or are you just winging it?

  6. #6
    hotpepper is offline New Member
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    Im taking arimidex eod. tdee is according to a calculator i just used online. My caloric intake is no more than 2k a day. I only eat one solid meal a day, which is after my workout. all others i replace with eggwhites.

  7. #7
    hotpepper is offline New Member
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    tdee 3800**

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome, and congrats on losing 50lbs. Cape and fit2bOld both offer great info and present important questions. It's quite important to get your BF measured. AAS will do little to nothing over layers of fat. at 15% or less, you will see faster, visible results. The 1st wave of fat loss is the easiest (not that it's easy), and it gets harder and takes longer to lose more after losing alot. So at this stage your current diet may not suffice to rid you of the remaining excess. Take a trip over to the nutrition forum and let the pro's critique your diet so that you can maximize your fat loss.

    I hit a brick wall myself a few months ago until I rid myself from lactose, then it was on again with the fat loss. Sometimes changing simple things can make the biggest difference.

    Best of luck.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    At 5'10 you are 1 big mofo or you have a lot of excess on you.AAS isnt a diet aid bro.Good luck.

  10. #10
    hotpepper is offline New Member
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    Changin my diet is my ne/xt step. I don't feel i'm trowing down T to replace working out. I do feel that if i work on building muscle along with the weight loss my body will be better. But back to my question Do you guys think that i'm my muscles are sore now because of the break i took between pins? is a week and a half enough time for the t that was in my system to be depleted

  11. #11
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Honestly your muscles probably hurt because you haven't worked out enoug to build a base. Now with the test you can lift more putting a strain on your ligaments and tendons. They may be getting to a point of tearing or popping. One week is not enough time to make a difference with ethanates ester. I would rethink the rest of this cycle.

  12. #12
    hotpepper is offline New Member
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    thank you very much!

  13. #13
    John Andrew's Avatar
    John Andrew is offline Member
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    I agree with Capebuffalo, I trained for 20 or more years before I used. I also trained hard and heavy and did a lot of competition power lifting. The pain after comps is almost overwhelming, you put it all on the line! I seldom see people train the way I did. [ now i am 57 I slow down a bit ] We often used to just do squats for 3 hours. Of course we did assistance exercises also. The guys I trained with were national and international winners. I am just State and national but pain is part of the process.

    Steroids help recovery and growth. Help. You must do the work, the dieting, and learn! This is the right place, read a lot, Good luck and congratulations on changing your weight so much. John

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