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  1. #1
    hillbill78 is offline Associate Member
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    400mg tren enanthate vs 600mg deca durabolin

    next cycle will be 600mg test enanthate with either 400mg tren or 600mg deca which would you go for ? i have never used tren before but have used deca but only at 300mg a week. goal to add alot of mass and big increase on strength

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i like tren better then dace, but if your going for alot of mass i would probably use the deca
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    hillbill78 is offline Associate Member
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    does tren also cause erectile disfunction like deca yea or is it not so bad ? also as far as being shutdown are they both as harsh as eachother in that sence ?

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    yes, they are both 19nor's
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    hillbill78 is offline Associate Member
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    so they are both equal in the way of shutting down and libido issues yea ?

  6. #6
    ironbeck's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Get hench Die Trying is offline Associate Member
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    You want to use something like caber or prami to keep u from getting deca dick or fina dick

  8. #8
    hillbill78 is offline Associate Member
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    so why then is deca a good choise for s second cycle but tren is a no no till you have alot of expirience under your belt if there both as harsh as eachother ???

  9. #9
    BBeagle's Avatar
    BBeagle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    so they are both equal in the way of shutting down and libido issues yea ?

    I'd go with Test-Tren that's a premiere stack. Once you try it and nothing will ever be the same
    and with T on the stack don't worry about your libido....well in fact yes you must worry about'll need a comprehensive girlfriend for your endless sex appetite. we're talking about Test-Tren. with Test-Deca I've done it a couple of times and libido was ok
    good luck!

  10. #10
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    For starters please post your stats. Thank you.

    I don't know what your cycle history is but that much tren of any ester on your first run with it could be bad. The sides are sometimes to much for most at any dose and I'd hate for you to jump in at 400mg of tren E each week and have a hard time with sides. My advice is a Deca /Test cycle.

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13
    For starters please post your stats. Thank you.

    I don't know what your cycle history is but that much tren of any ester on your first run with it could be bad. The sides are sometimes to much for most at any dose and I'd hate for you to jump in at 400mg of tren E each week and have a hard time with sides. My advice is a Deca/Test cycle.
    Misery is correct. Tren is pretty harsh. Sweating, insomnia, and dehydration are commons issues with tren. It's also punishing on your aerobic conditioning. I've sweat a lot on test but nothing like the down pour I get from tren. I pretty much soak my clothes just making breakfast in the morning. It's ridiculous. The dryness is sometimes an issue for muscle pain and stiffness. Not unbearable but it is annoying! My cardio gets murdered on tren. I usually avoid any HIIT on tren because I feel like I'm gasping for air!

  12. #12
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    so why then is deca a good choise for s second cycle but tren is a no no till you have alot of expirience under your belt if there both as harsh as eachother ???
    because tren still has more other side effects
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  13. #13
    Metalject's Avatar
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    I personally don't buy the idea that you can't use Tren in a 2nd cycle. There's no actual logic to the argument other than lot's of people have said it in parrot fashion over the years. It's a good steroid , one of the best and if you're a poor responder to the compound you're going to have a poor response regardless of it being a 2nd, 3rd or 8th cycle.

    Next thing, yes tren can be harsh but plenty of guys use it without probelms. To many post on this board fearmonger when it comes to tren. Healthy caution is one thing but no need to go beyond IMO.

  14. #14
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I personally don't buy the idea that you can't use Tren in a 2nd cycle. There's no actual logic to the argument other than lot's of people have said it in parrot fashion over the years. It's a good steroid , one of the best and if you're a poor responder to the compound you're going to have a poor response regardless of it being a 2nd, 3rd or 8th cycle.

    Next thing, yes tren can be harsh but plenty of guys use it without probelms. To many post on this board fearmonger when it comes to tren. Healthy caution is one thing but no need to go beyond IMO.
    the logic behind it is that you know how to handle side effects better and how your body reacts to things more. It gives you more experience.
    yes there are plenty of guys that dont have issues. And there are alot that do.
    Also depending on the person someone may not need something so strong to get the results they want. Why jump to the strongest thing out there?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  15. #15
    Metalject's Avatar
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    In my opinion controlling the side effects merely revolves around understanding the side effects of the compound. For example, understand progestin based gyno and you'll understand how to prevent deca or tren progestin based gyno. Short and to the point, if you have a brain and are willing to use it you can use most any steroid successfully regardless of your level of experience.

  16. #16
    denverpride's Avatar
    denverpride is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Get hench Die Trying
    You want to use something like caber or prami to keep u from getting deca dick or fina dick
    Control estrogen first with AI. Just using something to control prolactin right off the bat is not necessary. If you control estrogen you control prolactin. Prami is harsh on the body.

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    next cycle will be 600mg test enanthate with either 400mg tren or 600mg deca which would you go for ? i have never used tren before but have used deca but only at 300mg a week. goal to add alot of mass and big increase on strength
    Hopefully you are thinking about cycling in 2 or 3 years. You're quite young to cycle this early.

  18. #18
    junkiescumbag is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    does tren also cause erectile disfunction like deca yea or is it not so bad ? also as far as being shutdown are they both as harsh as eachother in that sence ?
    tren is a potent androgen. libido will increase. the only reason it decreases libido in some people is because they do not control estrogen/progesterone/prolactin

  19. #19
    trackstar19 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    the logic behind it is that you know how to handle side effects better and how your body reacts to things more. It gives you more experience.
    yes there are plenty of guys that dont have issues. And there are alot that do.
    Also depending on the person someone may not need something so strong to get the results they want. Why jump to the strongest thing out there?
    Exactly. I feel like if you start right off the bat with the strongest compound... where is there to go from there? Crazy doses? Huge stacks? Just seems like a recipe for abuse as opposed to use IMO. Obviously there are plenty of exceptions to that, but I'm glad I started off slow and took my time growing off simple bread and butter cycles before hopping on the more serious things (tren , etc.). I feel it made me better off in the long run. And tren definitely has more sides than any other aas i've taken, so i feel if you've got quite a few cycles under your belt before trying tren you're more likely to respect it and the sides associated. Just my .02. At the end of the day everyone can do whatever they want... but they better not go do something stupid and make us all look bad with bad publicity.

  20. #20
    Kiki's Avatar
    Kiki is offline Associate Member
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    Tren > Deca hands down.

    A cycle of tren will make you look better/sexier then deca, JMHO.

    If I was going for pure mass, i'd still use tren.

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