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Thread: **** It's about that time !! ****

  1. #1

    Talking **** It's about that time !! ****

    hey boys,

    some backround info:

    24 y.o
    200 lbs.
    12% b.f

    My first and last cycle was done earlier this year(Jan-Mar)which consisted of:

    Week 1-10 test E - 500mgs a week
    Week 3-10 Var - Upping the Var 10mgs every week until about 100mg at week 10.
    Week 1-10 - liquidex 1cc every pin day so every MON and THUR
    2 weeks after last pin started PCT which was clomid 50mg ED for 4 weeks.

    Was up to about 215 strong as ever and the var and liquidex kept the water weight down a little.

    Noticed a marble size lump under my right nipple that was very sensitive for months and noticed puss type stuff if i squeezed my nipples. noticed about half way through PCT but now seems to have disappeared. Gyno prone?

    Been in the gym off AAS since then. Dieting, Vitamins, Exercise. I feel im ready to move forward and do a nice cut type cycle with proper training and diet.

    Considering doing the test Prop/Masteron stack. Also have 50x25mg winny tabs sitting around but was also considering Equipoise.

    Goals are to cut down a little body fat, develop more vascular hard looking muscle and of course gain strength!!

    With that being said i leave a few questions for some vets to leave their own 2cents on.

    A few questions:
    1. Did i screw up something during my first PCT? prone to gyno slightly?
    2. Do you recommend any different PCT in new cycle as like nolva instead? Also HCG? i didnt use last time and seemed to recover fine. couldnt hurt to try i guess? Continue to throw in Liqudex during cycle?
    3. Dosage/Length for new cycle? and curious if should dump 1 or stack all 3. test Prop/Mast/EQ? Winny tabs?

    Looking forward to hearing for you guys

    This pic was week 7 or so of my first cycle...what would you say my bf % was?
    Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	268 
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ID:	124939

  2. #2
    50+ constructive criticism ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Yep sounds like prolactin gyno,
    Do you still have it?
    When did the gyno start?

  4. #4
    started during PCT. few months later it seems to be gone now. what about the other stuff?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    So whats the cycle
    Test/ var

  6. #6
    what do you mean dude? read what i wrote i was stating a little issue with my first cycle but over all good (Test E/Var) and looking on advice and stuff for the new one. (prop/mast/eq) all 3. or 2. or 2 and winny tabs?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    prop and mast would be a good cycle
    forget the eq its a waste
    i would use the l-dex different then you did. I would start at .5mg eod not 1mg 2x a week.
    i would use nolva and clomid for pct
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    ok thanks. prop and mast 100mg EOD same syringe?

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by rcoury33 View Post
    ok thanks. prop and mast 100mg EOD same syringe?
    sounds good

    Quote Originally Posted by rcoury33 View Post
    250iu 2x a week up to pct
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by rcoury33
    hey boys,

    some backround info:

    24 y.o
    200 lbs.
    12% b.f

    My first and last cycle was done earlier this year(Jan-Mar)which consisted of:

    Week 1-10 test E - 500mgs a week
    Week 3-10 Var - Upping the Var 10mgs every week until about 100mg at week 10.
    Week 1-10 - liquidex 1cc every pin day so every MON and THUR
    2 weeks after last pin started PCT which was clomid 50mg ED for 4 weeks.

    Was up to about 215 strong as ever and the var and liquidex kept the water weight down a little.

    Noticed a marble size lump under my right nipple that was very sensitive for months and noticed puss type stuff if i squeezed my nipples. noticed about half way through PCT but now seems to have disappeared. Gyno prone?

    Been in the gym off AAS since then. Dieting, Vitamins, Exercise. I feel im ready to move forward and do a nice cut type cycle with proper training and diet.

    Considering doing the test Prop/Masteron stack. Also have 50x25mg winny tabs sitting around but was also considering Equipoise.

    Goals are to cut down a little body fat, develop more vascular hard looking muscle and of course gain strength!!

    With that being said i leave a few questions for some vets to leave their own 2cents on.

    A few questions:
    1. Did i screw up something during my first PCT? prone to gyno slightly?
    2. Do you recommend any different PCT in new cycle as like nolva instead? Also HCG? i didnt use last time and seemed to recover fine. couldnt hurt to try i guess? Continue to throw in Liqudex during cycle?
    3. Dosage/Length for new cycle? and curious if should dump 1 or stack all 3. test Prop/Mast/EQ? Winny tabs?

    Looking forward to hearing for you guys

    This pic was week 7 or so of my first cycle...what would you say my bf % was?
    <img src=""/>
    Dis i miss it or What is your starting dose of var?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Razor View Post
    Dis i miss it or What is your starting dose of var?
    it was 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. 100. = 8 weeks....any advice...for new cycle or about prolactin type symptoms that are now gone but can help for new cycle.

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Cialis, Texas
    While I don't appreciate you cutting the broad out of the picture, I agree with post # 7.

  14. #14
    i would really like a bunch of advice from a ton of board members! really appreciated!

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