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This is my first pro hormone and im running Halotest 25 by Powerlab Nutrition. Here is how i planned on running the cycle. Please tell me if there is any critiques to get a more beneficial gain.
2 weeks out
Milk Thistle (550 mg daily)
Hawthorne Berry (1000 mg daily)
Animal Flex (directed use)
Halotest 25 50/50/50/50 (only doing one bottle because of price)
CEL Cycle Assist (directed use)
Taurine (directed use)
Animal Flex (directed use)
Powerlab PCT II (directed use)
PCT cycle assist (directed use)
Taurine (directed use)
Animal Flex (directed use)
I would like to run a Nolva Nolva 20/10/10/10 but im having a hard time finding some for a reasonable price. Any suggestions on where to get it?
Also, does it matter if i continued to use Milk Thistle and Hawthorn Berry during the Cycle and PCT? I know the cycle assist does contain both ingrediants and from what i read you really cant take too much of either one.
Any suggestions or critiques please feel free and tell me