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  1. #1
    Soft to steel is offline New Member
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    Question 32 yr old starting first cycle. A few questions.

    Ex-football player 6'4" 300lbs looking to shread up a bit. Don't think I'll live to 60 with all of this weight on me! My gear arrived last week Test-e, deca tabs, npp, and I'll finish with some winny. This cycle will last 10-12 weeks not including pct. I have Chlomid on hand. Am I missing anything? I have a few questions and am more than open to suggestions.

    Should I do much cardio or let the gear do it's thing? If so, how much?

    My schedule won't allow me to work out on the weekends, is that a problem?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome and congrats on the decision to get healthy.

    If you are overweight, it's not a good idea to cycle because of the increased sides that come along. It's best to try and drop your weight naturally and get to around 15% before you cycle. Cardio and Diet are your best friends right now.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    deathdodger's Avatar
    deathdodger is offline Associate Member
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    No anti estrogen? Your going to want one. What are deca tabs?

  4. #4
    Soft to steel is offline New Member
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    D-Bol tabs.....not deca tabs. Sorry, I had just read a huge PDF about Deca!

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soft to steel View Post
    D-Bol tabs.....not deca tabs. Sorry, I had just read a huge PDF about Deca!
    Whats your BF %?

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Welcome and congrats on the decision to get healthy.

    If you are overweight, it's not a good idea to cycle because of the increased sides that come along. It's best to try and drop your weight naturally and get to around 15% before you cycle. Cardio and Diet are your best friends right now.

    Good luck.
    Austinite is giving great advice. With higher bf comes elevated estrogen, greater stress on your heart and the receptor sensitivity is diminished. Save the gear for down the line. If you take it now you will likely see greater water retention, more adverse effects and the gear just won't work as well.

    First order of business is nutrition. In the absence of a good nutrition plan that you must stick to 7 days a week, you will not achieve the results you are looking for. You should plan your daily calories and macros an structure a plan to stay within those values.

    As for strength training, taking Sat & Sun off won't be an issue as long as you train at least 3 (preferably 4) days a week.

    Cardio is a must. Your heart is a muscle - possibly the most important muscle. Why would you not train it???? Would you strength train your biceps but not your triceps? Your quads but not your hamstrings?

    Gear has its place and time and for good reason. Starting it now is putting the cart before the horse.

    I'm curious about your decision to use orals? Why not injectables? Why winnie? It's pretty harsh and there are more effective alternatives IMO.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    On target advice above, as always from MI and Aust.
    MI your almost guilting me into doing cardio. (almost)

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    On target advice above, as always from MI and Aust.
    MI your almost guilting me into doing cardio. (almost)
    I'm right there with you brother! I hate cardio....even more so because I do it three days a week on an empty stomach....and I hate being hungry almost as much as I hate cardio.....almost!

  9. #9
    lstbred's Avatar
    lstbred is offline Senior Member
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    Dont want to de-rail, but what major dif do you find doing it fasted?

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lstbred
    Dont want to de-rail, but what major dif do you find doing it fasted?
    Since you're operating on a caloric deficit first thing in the morning and there typically are fewer carbohydrates available for energy, a moderate intensity cardio on an empty stomach utilizes/burns fat more efficiently. "Fasted" cardio puts you directly into oxidative phosphorylation which feeds off fat stores. When fasted from sleep your body already has used a lot of your glycogen stores so you can utilize fat instead. Cardio after eating just allows you to burn off the carbohydrates you've ingested and then your glycogen stores.

    I wouldn't recommend HIIT cardio on an empty stomach because HIIT uses more glucose for fuel and on an empty stomach you are limited in intensity output.

  11. #11
    lstbred's Avatar
    lstbred is offline Senior Member
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    So, say a 45 minute moderate intensity cardio, olipticle or tread mill, after not eating for 6-8hr (sleep time) is good, but the same after a 12hr fasting really kicks up the fat burning?

  12. #12
    court628 is offline New Member
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    I totally understand the sides can be far worse being overwieght however on the flip side it DOES work for some. I am a 41yo guy that was VERY fit for many years. I cycled on and off through my mid 30's. Well life changed and I went through a divorce which totally depleated my motivation. I was away fom the gym for almost 7 years. I started back 7 weeks ago. My first three weeks I did my own deal and started right off with 600 test e, 400 deca and Dbol for the first four weeks.

    I started with a personal trainer 3.5 weeks ago. In 3.5 weeks I have gained 1/2" on arms, 1/2" on forearms, 1.5" on chest, lost 13.5 lbs while packing on muscle, lost 12.5 total inches and lost...............16.5% body fat!!!!!! At 41 I never thought this possible. I am eating around 2500 CLEAN calories a day as well. I started at 42% body fat!

    The long and short for me is that the risk was worth the reward to this point. I am always keeping an eye on everything and will pull the plug if needed. I am not saying it is smart to do this but for some it DOES work. I am sure I will get hammered for this post but I get very tired of people saying it isn't a good idea and often people saying it is a waste of gear. For some maybe but not for all.

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