After a VERY successful 2 week Clenbuterol Cycle(Thanks AR-R!) im beginning to wonder if it will be a valuable asset to a good PCT. What do you think?
Week 1-12: 500mg Test-E/wk
Week 1-14: 250ui HCG 2x Week (continues up to, and stops at PCT correct?)
Week 1-14: 12.5mg Aromasin EOD (continues up to, and stops at PCT correct?)
Week 15-18: 40/40/20/20 Nolvadex, 50/50/25/25 Clomid
Week 15-18: Clenbuterol Increasing to 120mcg/ED
Week 17-18: Keto 1mg/ED
Age: 26
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185
BF% when starting: 11%