I have finished a 5 week TBOL only cycle 2 days ago, yesterday i started off w/ MAGNUM THRUST. An IMO awesome Test booster. So today i bought a bottle of Pharmacutical NOLVADEX. I popped a 25mg pill today. My workout today was INSANE. I had more energy than i did in my whole TBOL Cycle! Is this because of the Nolva?? Or the Test booster? Why is it some say NOLVADEX is pointless for a Tbol only cycle cause NOLVA is only for Gyno and blocking estrogen and doesn't really help boost your nat test level? And also Tbol apparently doesn't really convert to estrogen, and therefor nolva could be pointless for Tbol PCT?????Can someone shed some light in this please?
Also i chose to stay away from Clomid cause my Cycle seemed to be somewhat mild.