
Wondering if anyone can help me with 2 questions ?.

1) I began a test Enathate cycle in january, 250ml inected Mon & Thursday, 2 viles, about 10 weeks. Last shot was March 15th. Finished my PCT near the end of April. I'm wanting to do one more cycle and targeted mid - end August to start. Got great results the first time. My problem is that my friend tahat I got it frommay not be able to get me the stuff again. Any ideas where is best to go for genuine product? I do al my training from home.

2) Possibly a co-incidence, however wthin about 3 weeks of starting I got a problem with my ear. Ultimately I had severe ear problems between Jan & June, only calming down now with medication having been to an ENT specialist. The problem moved from ear to ear because it was a fungal infection. I'm also a little itchy & sweaty in teh groin area on a reglar basis (no chance of STI). Again, only since my first cycle started. Anyone ever heard of that ? Possible that its just a co-incidence

Many Thanks