Thread: newbie test question
08-02-2012, 07:20 PM #1New Member
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newbie test question
hi, i am new to this forum and this is my first post, so please cut me some slack. well, ive been researching topics like diet, age to begin aas, and what steriods are good for the first cycle. ive noticed that most everyone recommends that the first cycle should be a test cycle only. why is this? why isnt it a good idea for a newb like me, to take test and, say, anavar as a first cycle? i am not ready to begin a cycle and im asking for researching purposes. thank you and any info will be greatly appreciated.
a little back ground on me: i am a 25 year old male, 5'8'' 180 lbs with a 12% bf. ive been working out since i was in 9th grade, but i have been lifting heavy for the past 5 years. i am crazy about good form and working the negative parts of my lifts. for the last year and a half, ive been working on my diet and have been adding alot of cardio into my work outs to reach my goal of getting ripped (i am sure thats everyones goal). my abs are peeping though the layer of fat. i want to get rid of that fat and also gain strength and size, which is why i am interested in starting a cycle. my diet is really good, i work out 5 days a week for 45 min and 10 min of cardio with 2 rest days. i drink tons of water and as of right now, i am on syntha 6 and no explode.
08-02-2012, 07:29 PM #2
Test only because you need to learn about your body and how it reacts to Test only. This compound will be your base for all future cycles. Once you understand how it works with your body, then you can start introducing other compounds. That way you will know what exactly is causing what sides. Throwing too much at it at once could result in adverse effects and possibly killing your cycle completely. Var should be run with Test. At least maintenance levels.
If you wanted to try several exotic foods, you should try one at a time. If you eat several, and get sick, you wont know what caused it.
Good luck and don't use anything, even Test until you fix your diet.
08-02-2012, 07:38 PM #3New Member
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geez, ur fast. thanks. that makes sense as to why a test only should be the first cycle. i didnt think about that. as far as diet goes, what does it mean to "fix" it? i mean, to me, it aint broke....but then again i dont look like you. i am assuming your diet is amazing, so id like to know what i need to do, diet wise, in order to have my body best prepared for a cycle of test only.
thank you so much for the quick response.
08-02-2012, 07:41 PM #4
By fix it, I mean verify that you have a diet that will help you reach your goals. AAS will do little to nothing if you're not eating accordingly. You cut and bulk with food, not with gear. An easy way to do this is to post your goals and your exact diet in our nutrition forum, and let the pros over there critique it. I can't emphasize how important this is for both your results and so that you dont waste money on gear. VERY few people know how to eat. And EVERYONE believes their diet is just fine.
Not saying yours isnt, I havent seen it. But it wouldnt hurt to get critique. Our guys have helped the best nutritionists with their diets. Experience is far better than anything you will read in a book.
08-02-2012, 07:51 PM #5New Member
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so if i understand correctly, i also need a diet for my specific goals while i am on my cycle? im sorry, i am a bit hard headed. so to get the best results i need plans for diet, workouts, cycle? with this one post ive learn 2 new things, which tells me i am not ready for a cycle and i need tons more research. thanks.
how do i post my diet on the nutrition section? i just post what i eat though out the week?
08-02-2012, 07:53 PM #6New Member
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sorry, another question i had was, how do i keep my results (pending they are the results i want) after i am off? i dont what to spend tons of time and money just for a few weeks or months.
08-02-2012, 07:54 PM #7
You're the smartest newbie I've seen on here in a while. Which is why your future cycles will be successful.
Post exactly what you eat. Starting with Breakfast, state what time you eat. Portions, Macros, you need to calculate your TDEE. Read the stickies in that forum and you will have a good understanding of what the guys will be asking you, so that you can post prepared.
08-02-2012, 07:55 PM #8
08-02-2012, 10:10 PM #9New Member
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thanks alot for the info. i am going to check out the nutrition forum now. maybe changing my diet a little will help me lose some body fat before my cycle. thank again!
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