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Thread: ok blood levels are all over the place help please!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Exclamation ok blood levels are all over the place help please!!!!!

    so ive been getting gyno for a while now, been using letro to combat it it flares up and down depending on when im on and off it, i always taper down off it every time and it just comes back. So i went to see a doctor they have said i am producing to many female hormones- they have now put me through to a endocrinologist to examine whats going on,

    fsh 11.1 high
    LH 16.5 high
    free teso 854.46 high

    the doctor said i may need a brain scan to see whats going on with the part of my brain that controls hormones or maybe tests, so i guess the question is has anyone experienced this before and what was the outcome, thanks joe

    (previous cycle was test prop 400mg p/w. TREN ace 300mgs p/w and winny 50mgs a day for last 4 weeks of 12 week cycle- PCT nolva chlomid letro this cycle and pct were done over 6 months ago, still using letro now to reduce gyno.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Do you have pre-cycle blood work?

    Age, weight, height... Would help to get an idea. Those levels are way high. Gyno is from your body converting all that natty test. Have you told your doc that youve been taking that letrozole to combat gyno for 6 mths?

    A quick google search may help you understand. Letrozole will increase LH, fsh, and test to very high level in a short amount of time. And you've been on for a long time now. It seems you've caug yourself in a vicious cycle of wanting to prevent gyno so your taking the letrozole ( which is an extremely strong ai btw), yet it's the letrozole causing your spike in test and thus the test aromatizing into estrogen when you taper down.

    Maybe drop the letrozole find a weaker ai and taper. My opinion is that you need to drop the letrozole, and let your body level out. Ie: lower it's fsh and LH production, and thus test levels, and thus your obviously high estrogen levels.

    This is what I can see, maybe another will chime in and say if I'm dead wrong or right but personally that is my thoughts on this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    O and formastanzol is a great product to apply directly to your nipple area. I have witnessed several friends use it and it completely took away their gyno. Something worth looking at. Its also much lighter on the body then letrozole.

    This will help: http://www.************.com/forum/gynecomastia/

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