so ive been getting gyno for a while now, been using letro to combat it it flares up and down depending on when im on and off it, i always taper down off it every time and it just comes back. So i went to see a doctor they have said i am producing to many female hormones- they have now put me through to a endocrinologist to examine whats going on,
fsh 11.1 high
LH 16.5 high
free teso 854.46 high
the doctor said i may need a brain scan to see whats going on with the part of my brain that controls hormones or maybe tests, so i guess the question is has anyone experienced this before and what was the outcome, thanks joe
(previous cycle was test prop 400mg p/w. TREN ace 300mgs p/w and winny 50mgs a day for last 4 weeks of 12 week cycle- PCT nolva chlomid letro this cycle and pct were done over 6 months ago, still using letro now to reduce gyno.)