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Thread: Test 400 sides

  1. #1

    Test 400 sides

    Hey,how's everyone doing???So again i'm new to the forum and like previously stated in a prior thread i'm starting a new cycle of test 400 was going to throw deca 300 in there,but was recommended to do just the test for the first go around which i'll do..So my question is what are the potential side effects from test 400??I know you can google and whatever else to find them,but I would rather see what everybody on here lists obviously because I will get the right answers...One more question..The test 400 I have is BIO-TS 400 how is this brand compared to others???Thanks guys for any answers I get

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    gyno, high cholesterol, water retention, high blood pressure, etc..

    some of these can be avoided/lessened if you have a "good" cycle, eg: use of an AI, HCG, good PCT, etc.. also as you increase your dosage, the risks of sides increase. dont know about your brand question, only 1 way to find out i guess.

    whats your proposed cycle? and stats?

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