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Thread: 100mg prop & 100mg tren vs 150mg prop & 50mg tren

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    100mg prop & 100mg tren vs 150mg prop & 50mg tren

    okay so after taking many of your advice i have decided to listen and leave my preveous cycle plan for another time which was test/deca/EQ/drol
    so now heres new cycle plan on which i hope to start a week monday

    propionate 150mg eod week 1-6
    tren acetate 50mg eod week 1-6
    oral winstrol 50mg ed week 1-6


    propionate 100mg eod week 1-6
    tren acetate 100mg eod week 1-6
    oral winstrol 50mg ed week 1-6

    goal is to add about 8-10lbs LBM and drop about 2% bodyfat and big increase on strength. which cycle would best suit my goals. i have never used tren before either.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Fist cycle should be test only, if you have cycled before then by all means add the tren at the lower dosage. Keep in mind if your Tren is good to go then its about 5 times more powerful so the even though 175 mgs does not sound like a lot keep in mind its equal to over 800 mg of prop ( way to lazy to do the ester math an post an exact number based on 1/5 split)

    Personally I am no fan or orals and particularly not in combo with tren on a first time tren run. I would just do the test/tren combo and call it a day.

    Quick PS,

    Myself I would run the prop ED as the up and down of EOD prop is not something I like (however you may not notice). One other thing with the Tren to carry you the roller coster of EOD prop will not be as great. Still if you don't mind daily injections this is the best way to go IMHO.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 08-04-2012 at 06:02 AM.

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