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  1. #1
    geldelocks is offline New Member
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    first clen cycle, need advice

    hey guys
    so basically im just getting into lifting and dieting and all of that, but I'm going in committed and with a serious attitude. Im 19, 5' 8", 180 lbs with a bf% of 21.3 which is way too high in my opinion. Im trying to cut down to about 15%. My buddy recommended me trying clen , which I did. I'm 5 days into my cycle and taking about 100 mcg which I plan on continuing for 14 days. Can I expect to see any results in this time? Im going to keep working out either way, but Im hoping seeing results from clen is going to keep me motivated when I get back to school where its harder to be healthy. Ive cut down my fat intake and am taking protein shakes. I know nutrician is the biggest component of weight loss so im paying attention to it. I plan on working out 5 days a week with 20 minute cardio at least 3 times. Should I add more cardio?
    any advice you guys can give or info on what I can expect as far as results go is greatly appreciated. I'm not looking for a quick fix to my weight problems, just a jump start
    Thanks in advance!!

  2. #2
    Judah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geldelocks
    hey guys
    so basically im just getting into lifting and dieting and all of that, but I'm going in committed and with a serious attitude. Im 19, 5' 8", 180 lbs with a bf% of 21.3 which is way too high in my opinion. Im trying to cut down to about 15%. My buddy recommended me trying clen , which I did. I'm 5 days into my cycle and taking about 100 mcg which I plan on continuing for 14 days. Can I expect to see any results in this time? Im going to keep working out either way, but Im hoping seeing results from clen is going to keep me motivated when I get back to school where its harder to be healthy. Ive cut down my fat intake and am taking protein shakes. I know nutrician is the biggest component of weight loss so im paying attention to it. I plan on working out 5 days a week with 20 minute cardio at least 3 times. Should I add more cardio?
    any advice you guys can give or info on what I can expect as far as results go is greatly appreciated. I'm not looking for a quick fix to my weight problems, just a jump start
    Thanks in advance!!
    Are you concerned at all of the health risks you are taking by using steroids at such a young age?

  3. #3
    10nispro's Avatar
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    I have run clen many times. I think its better to use it when you exhaust other natural means. post your diet and lets see what you are eating for one day. Also, you need to increase to time you are doing cardio up to at least 30 minutes to start getting rid of the fat.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judah

    Are you concerned at all of the health risks you are taking by using steroids at such a young age?
    You've got this in reverse, friend. Clen (or any drug) should not be keeping you motivated. Your desire for better health and fitness should be the ONLY motivational factor. You indicated how important nutrition is. Can you post a summary of your daily nutrition plan? What causes weight gain and poor physical conditioning is NOT the absence of thermogenic drugs or steroids but (1) poor eating habits; (2) poor physical conditioning and (3) very little discipline.

    I see more than half a dozen guys on here a day telling me "my diet is good" but few actually have a nutrition plan or even know what caloric and macro targets they should be striving for to achieve a reduction in bf or gains in LBM. Diet is and always will be the single most important determinant of health. If you want to succeed, seek help first in your nutrition plan before looking for a quick path to "success" (or failure IMO) vis-a-vis, thermogenic drugs.

    Think of this analogy.....if you sprained your ankle and the doctor said, you have two choices (1) rest, ice, compression, elevation and in two months you'll be fully functional , OR (2) we can amputate the leg below the knee right now and the sprained ankle will no longer be a problem but you'll have some functional side effects (i.e. missing a foot!). Taking clen is "like" option two. You can see faster results, but long term there may be some set backs or trade offs. Getting your nutrition fixed and committing to better eating and exercise is comparable to option 1 - it takes longer to get to your goal but the risks are smaller and the long term benefits greater.

  5. #5
    Judah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    You've got this in reverse, friend. Clen (or any drug) should not be keeping you motivated. Your desire for better health and fitness should be the ONLY motivational factor. You indicated how important nutrition is. Can you post a summary of your daily nutrition plan? What causes weight gain and poor physical conditioning is NOT the absence of thermogenic drugs or steroids but (1) poor eating habits; (2) poor physical conditioning and (3) very little discipline.

    I see more than half a dozen guys on here a day telling me "my diet is good" but few actually have a nutrition plan or even know what caloric and macro targets they should be striving for to achieve a reduction in bf or gains in LBM. Diet is and always will be the single most important determinant of health. If you want to succeed, seek help first in your nutrition plan before looking for a quick path to "success" (or failure IMO) vis-a-vis, thermogenic drugs.

    Think of this analogy.....if you sprained your ankle and the doctor said, you have two choices (1) rest, ice, compression, elevation and in two months you'll be fully functional , OR (2) we can amputate the leg below the knee right now and the sprained ankle will no longer be a problem but you'll have some functional side effects (i.e. missing a foot!). Taking clen is "like" option two. You can see faster results, but long term there may be some set backs or trade offs. Getting your nutrition fixed and committing to better eating and exercise is comparable to option 1 - it takes longer to get to your goal but the risks are smaller and the long term benefits greater.
    Was that for me lol? You quoted my post.

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Lmao.....of course not. YOU know your stuff Judah. My bad bro. I grabbed the wrong post to quote....hopefully OP gets the message as intended.

    Sorry mang.

  7. #7
    Judah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk
    Lmao.....of course not. YOU know your stuff Judah. My bad bro. I grabbed the wrong post to quote....hopefully OP gets the message as intended.

    Sorry mang.
    I wasn't worried, just confused lol.

  8. #8
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    LOL, that confused me alittle bit.

    What have you researched about clen so far before starting it btw? I get the feeling you didnt, or you wouldnt be asking questions like this.

  9. #9
    geldelocks is offline New Member
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    I researched a little but i was mostly just going off the recommendation of my friend which I know is stupid. I don't have a set diet, which is something I'm hoping you guys can help me put together, but my typical diet is like this:
    7:15 eat a yogurt or something before work
    11:30 normally a sandwich (chicken or turkey and chese) with fruit
    5:00 work out
    6:45 dinner, normally meat like chicken or beef and some vegetables

    I recently bought some whey protein and I know I should be incorporating that into my diet in between meals. Can you guys tell me the best times for me to be eating and what kinds of foods I should eat for maximum results from this clen ? And how long of a cycle should I run if I want to actually see some results from it? It sounds like anytime after 3 weeks is kinda pushing it. And my biggest concern with doing intense cardio for lnog periods is this stuff is bringing my heart rate through the roof, like its supposed to, and I don't awna put myself in any kind of danger.
    thnks guys

  10. #10
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geldelocks View Post
    I researched a little but i was mostly just going off the recommendation of my friend which I know is stupid. I don't have a set diet, which is something I'm hoping you guys can help me put together, but my typical diet is like this:
    7:15 eat a yogurt or something before work
    11:30 normally a sandwich (chicken or turkey and chese) with fruit
    5:00 work out
    6:45 dinner, normally meat like chicken or beef and some vegetables

    I recently bought some whey protein and I know I should be incorporating that into my diet in between meals. Can you guys tell me the best times for me to be eating and what kinds of foods I should eat for maximum results from this clen ? And how long of a cycle should I run if I want to actually see some results from it? It sounds like anytime after 3 weeks is kinda pushing it. And my biggest concern with doing intense cardio for lnog periods is this stuff is bringing my heart rate through the roof, like its supposed to, and I don't awna put myself in any kind of danger.
    thnks guys

    Its good you have this outlook.

    For starters head to our diet section and start reading. Do not start using clen until then. Its pointless to run anything until you are serious enough to do so. Meaning having a solid diet/way of life and training. Clen is very helpful in losing weight, BUT if you arnt serious with everything you will not see a difference and/or will put the weight right back on once you start.

    Oh yeah, NEVER just listen to "A FRIEND". Research, read, and ask questions. Extra knowledge never hurts

  11. #11
    Judah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geldelocks View Post
    I researched a little but i was mostly just going off the recommendation of my friend which I know is stupid. I don't have a set diet, which is something I'm hoping you guys can help me put together, but my typical diet is like this:
    7:15 eat a yogurt or something before work
    11:30 normally a sandwich (chicken or turkey and chese) with fruit
    5:00 work out
    6:45 dinner, normally meat like chicken or beef and some vegetables

    I recently bought some whey protein and I know I should be incorporating that into my diet in between meals. Can you guys tell me the best times for me to be eating and what kinds of foods I should eat for maximum results from this clen ? And how long of a cycle should I run if I want to actually see some results from it? It sounds like anytime after 3 weeks is kinda pushing it. And my biggest concern with doing intense cardio for lnog periods is this stuff is bringing my heart rate through the roof, like its supposed to, and I don't awna put myself in any kind of danger.
    thnks guys
    Your diet is no good. There is a big difference between eating clean and eating with purpose. Get your diet fixed. Also you still didn't qnswere: Are you concerned at all of the health risks you are taking by using steroids at such a young age?
    Last edited by Judah; 08-05-2012 at 12:45 PM.

  12. #12
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by geldelocks View Post
    I researched a little but i was mostly just going off the recommendation of my friend which I know is stupid. I don't have a set diet, which is something I'm hoping you guys can help me put together, but my typical diet is like this:
    7:15 eat a yogurt or something before work
    11:30 normally a sandwich (chicken or turkey and chese) with fruit
    5:00 work out
    6:45 dinner, normally meat like chicken or beef and some vegetables

    I recently bought some whey protein and I know I should be incorporating that into my diet in between meals. Can you guys tell me the best times for me to be eating and what kinds of foods I should eat for maximum results from this clen ? And how long of a cycle should I run if I want to actually see some results from it? It sounds like anytime after 3 weeks is kinda pushing it. And my biggest concern with doing intense cardio for lnog periods is this stuff is bringing my heart rate through the roof, like its supposed to, and I don't awna put myself in any kind of danger.

    thnks guys
    I prob eat more in one meal then you do in a day by the sounds of it, even cutting I would eat 3x's that a day

    There is so much wrong with that I aint even going to try explain it all, I would be here all day, you need to have a look at the stickys in the nutrition section

  13. #13
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB

    I prob eat more in one meal then you do in a day by the sounds of it, even cutting I would eat 3x's that a day

    There is so much wrong with that I aint even going to try explain it all, I would be here all day, you need to have a look at the stickys in the nutrition section
    Exactly what I was afraid of but at least you have the decency to be honest which is more than some guys your age will admit to. have to have a far better nutrition plan. I eat 3500-4000 cals a day easily. My macros are controlled to stay in range of my LBM goals for growth or bf reduction.

    Diet is critical. There is no way around it. The guys that are successful in body building and fitness achieved their goals because their diet supports everything they do. If you aren't eating enough AND enough of the right foods, you will fail, fail, FAIL at your goals no matter what any friend tells you. You can not replace proper nutrition. There is no substitute - period.

  14. #14
    geldelocks is offline New Member
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    I know you guys are absolutely right, but I do have one question. The less calories I take in and the more I burn will result in more fat loss right? If I eat healthy foods but still restrict how much or how often I eat will I still see fat burning results or will it be pointless unless I get the 5 or 6 meals in a day like you guys are talking?

  15. #15
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geldelocks View Post
    I know you guys are absolutely right, but I do have one question. The less calories I take in and the more I burn will result in more fat loss right? If I eat healthy foods but still restrict how much or how often I eat will I still see fat burning results or will it be pointless unless I get the 5 or 6 meals in a day like you guys are talking?
    Yes but not an extreme calorie deficit. That would actually be worse. Read the Dieting 101: cutting thread/sticky in the nutri forum.

  16. #16
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geldelocks View Post
    I know you guys are absolutely right, but I do have one question. The less calories I take in and the more I burn will result in more fat loss right? If I eat healthy foods but still restrict how much or how often I eat will I still see fat burning results or will it be pointless unless I get the 5 or 6 meals in a day like you guys are talking?
    Eat smaller (400-500 cal) more frequent meals. One reason is your metabolic rate will stay slightly more elevated and your body will be more efficient at burning fat. A second reason as Austinite pointed out is that if you end up in a caloric deficit, you could start catabolizing (burning up) muscle, which will make you lighter but probably not what you want to achieve. The whole "eat less to lose weight" theory is largely flawed. It's not so much how much you eat, but what you eat that determines your weight gains or loses. It's never ever as simple as just eating less.

  17. #17
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Would we consider Clen to be steriod per se? I have heard mixed answers on it and know nothing about it myself. I know it doesnt shut down the HPTA system or anything. The reason I ask is that I have heard it is basically a medium between ephederine and amphetamines. I figured it was basically the "go to" fat burner since the restrictions put on ephederine. I hate that!

  18. #18
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Would we consider Clen to be steriod per se? I have heard mixed answers on it and know nothing about it myself. I know it doesnt shut down the HPTA system or anything. The reason I ask is that I have heard it is basically a medium between ephederine and amphetamines. I figured it was basically the "go to" fat burner since the restrictions put on ephederine. I hate that!
    no. Clen is not a steroid . A thermogenic, rather.

  19. #19
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    no. Clen is not a steroid. A thermogenic, rather.
    I thought so. So it would beasafe assumption to say this is not the"runofthemill" substance to persuade people not to use based on age? Once again, I am referring to it being much like ephederine in that it can basically be used for energy like ephederine tablets were when they werent controlled. I used EPH for years, from 16 till the ban every once in awhile when I missed my coffee or got sleepy and it did wonders for me in that department. I only used them maybe once a week or so and wish they were still available. That is one of the reasons I might consider clen just as needed for a boost. Who knows, I just miss ephederine.

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