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Thread: Miss a week or load up before trip

  1. #1

    Miss a week or load up before trip

    Hi I'm on a deca/Test bulking cycle. 450mg deca/750 Test/week, (admin 1 shot 450 deca/450 Test on Sundays, and 1 shot 300 test on Wed)

    I plan on doing this cycle for 14 weeks, Deca stopping at week 12. Then starting PCT

    Problem is after week 9, I will be leaving state for a week and a half. I don't want to bring gear on the plane or admin a shot while on my vacation.

    Should I load up right before I go on vacaction, skip a week, and continue as normal when I get back. Any suggestions or thoughts on this?


  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    grillin chicken
    Can the cycle wait till you return or did you start?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    No home to call my own
    Ship it to yourself if you're staying state side. Or just take a full weeks dose and be behind by 3 or 4 days when you get back. It won't kill your cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Double up the injection before you go and when you return then go back to normal, it wont kill you, just try to keep diet decent when your away, enjloy your holidai and dont worry about it

  5. #5
    It is week 9 of my cycle. I leave Tuesday, So I can take my Wed shot on Tuesday. But I will miss my Bigger shot 450 deca/450 Test that Sunday.

    Should I admin two shots on Sunday? or should I take my Normal amount Sunday shot on Tuesday. Problem is I don't want to overload on the Deca, and run into Deca issues while on vacation. If you catch my drift.

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