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Thread: Test/eq/deca/trene cycle....odd hmmm

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    No home to call my own

    Test/eq/deca/trene cycle....odd hmmm

    Here's the layout:
    Test C 350ish
    EQ 400
    Deca 300
    Tren E 200
    TNE every so often when I need the pick me up pre wo

    I've experimented a bit with odd cycles, I've run eq/deca together with good results at low doses like shown. Both EQ/Deca give me terrible acne over 600mg each. Tren makes my hair fall out and both tren and eq give me helacious night sweats at normal doses.
    I haven't run a good long ester cycle in a while. Last 3 have been short esters.
    PCT is for suckers, TRT here.

    So far I've been on all but Tren for the last 4 weeks. About to add Tren into the mix to see how it goes. As of now I haven't used any caber or adex, I'm curious to see when I will need it.
    I'm going to get blood done in a week just to see what's going on there.
    No signs of gyno or prolactin sides yet but I'm sure they'll come soon. I don't get gyno often or even ED issues unless I'm running doses higher doses of tren a 100-125ed

    Now the answer to everyones question, why mix 19nors and why the low test dose?
    I like the effects from each of these compounds. The EQ is for vascularity in the long run, Deca for joints, Tren for strength and additional fat loss would be a plus.
    EQ and Deca at low doses have great synergy, I would never run them both at a normal dose together. I'm actually a little hesitant to keep the deca at 300mg and have considered lowering it to 200.
    With test I've noticed higher MG = higher sides when used in conjunction with other compounds. Plus I don't see it as a necessity to grow or maintain 'function'
    I've sworn off tren long ago but I'm giving it one last go at super low dose, this whole cycle is a personal experiment. I doubt I would ever recommend it to anyone but I am very curious to see what the effects are physically and physiologically.

    Stats for those interested.
    Starting stats
    bf 12% (chunky for me)

    This would make cycle.....shit I dunno 7..maybe?
    I'll be adding hgh into it later but that's just to keep me young and healthy as part of my TRT routine.
    This is not a log, I'm curious on others input. I know allot of you will say "That's stupid", "Never run 19nors together", "Polly want a cracker". Not interested in parrots, I had one and it died. Interested in educated input.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i dont like eq at all. So imo its a waste of an injection
    i would add an ai from the start. Even if your not getting physical symptoms your estrogen will be high. Which has other health risk.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    No home to call my own
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i dont like eq at all. So imo its a waste of an injection
    i would add an ai from the start. Even if your not getting physical symptoms your estrogen will be high. Which has other health risk.
    This is very true. My estrogen should be pretty high right now but I just want to get everything documented so I can see on paper how things are effecting me.
    I usually don't start an AI until week 3 on long esters, I had planned on getting bloodwork done then but things came up.
    EQ is one of those compounds, either love it or hate it. I went through both sides of it. It's very mild in terms of raw gains especially for larger folks but the vascularity is still something I enjoy as is the collagen synthesis. I will be dropping a few pints of blood after I get my results in and starting arimidex.

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