Nolvadex can protect you from gyno when its directly due to aromatization, but when
progesterone becomes an issue it's not going to get the job done. No such thing as progestrone gyno. Prolactin gyno, yes but progesterone... no Obviously, Deca is a progestin and AI's will have a far more positive effect...AI's can combat progestin based gyno.
they combat progestin based gyno by controlling estrogen levels, along with the fact that estrogen enhances prolactins potency in the body so when E goes up the prolactin has an increase in its actions at the breast tissue. ( even if prolactin levels dont change at all) , So by controlling estrogen you control prolactin.
When it comes to AI's and side effects, I think a lot of guys are making too much of the "AI's hinder gains" claim. Yes, you need some estrogen but a low dose of an AI isn't going to kill all of it. Now a lot of guys use a much larger AI dose than they need to many times. The biggest concern with AI's though is cholesterol, but this is easy to control with your diet.
HCG, I've already said this on this board a couple of times but I'll keep saying it. I'm not a fan of HCG while on cycle. It's too easy for the body to become dependent on it and then your HPTA is screwed. The benefit of on cycle HCG use, there is no real benefit IMO. Sure,
your balls are fuller but that's not an actual benefit. It actually is a benefit. It keeps the intratesticular testosterone levels high which helps prevent any apoptosis by the leydig and sertoli cells. Further, although you're keeping your testicles primed with LH it's 100% fake...HCG causes an LH mimicking effect, it's not real.
HCG is best used post cycle IMO as a prime for the SERM therapy Thats a bogus claim. HCG and SERM therapy are counter productive, and will increase the amount of LH that is secreted to become biologically inactive, which is a real problem. to come. Short-term use at a decent dose and then done with it.
I completely disagree here with your statement. HCG on cycle is a must. If you wish to argue that, then you should search for some HCG threads and start the arguement there on how the body becomes " dependent" on HCG... Here and here
HCG should be used on EVERY CYCLE, due to its actions in the testes.
I've also asked this question on this board in the short time I've been here but haven't been offered an explanation yet. Why both Nolva and Clomid for your PCT? I don't think it hurts anything but I also think it's unnecessary...someone explain to me the advantage. I
MO, you could get the same PCT results with just one of these SERM's but the total dosing of the one you picked would need to be varied significantly compared to the way you have it laid out.
because they have different actions at the pituitary gland. I wrote a small bit about this in a different thread Here ( if i did that right :P ). if you have any comments, please reply there. im not gonna start that type of debate in this thread